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VexRoth - All That Is Ranked

Creator: VexRoth January 26, 2015 10:41pm
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 23, 2017 11:22pm | Report

Enemy team apparently raged itself to death. Morgana was autofilled and tried to do some cheeky blue steal, which meant I didn't get as good of a leash as I would have liked then she got chased down by Vayne and Malzahar really jacking up my jungle route. Viktor didn't notice and Morgana was so low that she was just running so I couldn't really keep them off of her. But Lucian was a beast and Darius was doing pretty well Top. Viktor struggled verses the Malzahar and Vi combo.

Darius yelled at me to stop wandering around and go take dragon, which was a good idea so I bought a Recurve Bow and a Control Ward and went over there to do just that, but right about that time my Bot lane got TPd on and died and Viktor got solo'd in Mid, so there went that Dragon.

But we punched down a couple of turrets after they backed and picked up Rift Herald to boot.

After that we simply played in a more coordinated manner than them, which lead to us taking Baron and several more turrets and inhibitors. Viktor, my duo partner, picked up a sweet quadra kill to close out the game.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 25, 2017 12:25am | Report

This game a was a little nuts. I'm pretty sure Veigar was on a smurf that was Gold last season. Ekko was Plat last season. Mid to late game Veigar ran around deleting everyone and getting out of some stuff that I didn't think he had a chance of getting out of.

Kayle came on line and started mauling us in team fights. Fortunately Veigar and Talon could one shot her, which basically meant that if we got her before she ulted then life was peachy if not we had to run away until it wore off.

I think one of their problems was Maokai went too hard and got pulled away from the rest of the team, which meant his ult wasn't reducing the damage they were taking.

I found out that Twisted Advance can apparently stop a Vi ult. That was irritating. I also ran into Kayle finishing off our Mid tower. I did enough damage to her to drop her to almost no health and then backed off while she ulted, then used my ult on her and it did not damage to her despite me at least having Enchantment: Warrior at the time. Not sure what that was about.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 26, 2017 9:10pm | Report

Katarina asked if it was cool to go Kat Top, the team was cool with it. Twisted Fate lost the all-in verses Orianna. I cleaned her up with a Flash Q from the Mid river brush.

Bot lane was crushing it and Kat in Top was doing pretty well against Fiora. Twisted Fate set up some plays with his ult to help the other lanes out.

All-in all, one of the more coordinated teams I've played with in a while.

Should remember to use an ability besides my ult on Fiora when ganking her unless I know for sure Riposte is down. I did get her Flash in that exchange so cooldown wise it wasn't a bad trade and it let Kat kill her again a bit later.

2nd game with the Katarina. We crushed the one before. They have a good sense of being aggressive without being overly ham about it most of the time.

Early jungle skirmish with some damage done on both sides but no deaths. Katarina and Akali picked up early kills. I helped Bot get Kled. Then Bot lane being unfamiliar with Kled started struggling a bit against him with some help from Rengar. Rengar picked up a couple of kills in succession, but the team didn't overly panic. Akali killed Olaf while Kat also had her lane pushed so I was in their jungle doing some poking around. When Olaf went down I rotated to Top tower and helped Akali take it for the first tower of the game. That freed up Akali to start roaming and Katarina was big enough to start chasing people down. Took one fight in Top lane that I don't think we should have taken. I was near but stayed out of it once their team had superior numbers as I didn't think I would add enough to make the difference in the fight and because it was in the tribrush choke point which made it even more questionable in my mind. With our too big AP carrys rolling, I just mostly stood on Top of Varus while Alistar used his combo to engage on them.

Need to remember that you can't CC Kled when he uses his ult.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 26, 2017 9:55pm | Report

Duoed with the Katarina again, however this game their ping was through the rough and they DCd leaving me to hold Mid lane against and Ahri that had a Morellonomicon by that point. Downside of a melee champion like Vi is that it is hard to clear waves against ranged poke.

Ah well, we'll get em next time coach. Bedtime for bonzo.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 27, 2017 9:23pm | Report

Okay, back in Silver 3. Really annoying fall, but the climb back up went pretty smoothly. Feel like I had a streak where none of my lanes were capable of winning on their own. 1 or 2 losing lanes might be dealt with, three is hard, even if I am doing well.

With tankyish Vi I just sit on my carries and try to keep them alive and dishing out damage for as long as I can. The build still has enough damage to maul most squishies or at least lock them down long enough that my team can finish them.

Working on my invading when my lanes are pushed. My tower dives are getting much better. Before I couldn't really see how to make them work. The best ticket is to have strong laners and then wait for a minion wave.

Still need to work on tracking of the enemy jungler so I have an idea of where they ought to be so I can warn my laners or setup counterganks and invades. Part of that is knowing which match-ups I should be able to win with my laner, so that is another area to work toward.

Really like hanging onto my Stealth Ward, especially if we are winning until later in the game, where choking vision in their jungle makes the game seem even harder for the other team. Big map with bad guys in every bush maybe.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 27, 2017 10:26pm | Report

I've had some decent Luxs on my teams of late. Both dealing well with assassins as lane opponents.

Screwed up on one play while trying to save Wukong from getting tag teamed by Warwick and Jax. Warwick was pretty damn high level at the time but hadn't backed for any items yet, so I should have focused him down. So note to self, try to figure out who is lower level or hasn't bought yet in order to focus them if you run into that situation again.

Wasn't that long into the game that we got a bunch of catches in succession and were able to push them into their base and siege down their turrets with poke provided by Varus and Lux.

Wukong absorbed a lot of jungle pressure and didn't complain too much about it. The rest of my team generally took advantage of the situation.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 28, 2017 1:07am | Report

Cracked their base open, then I figured they would all be respawning soon so I suggested we go Top and take the inner lane tower there. Got that just fine. Had good dragon control, but it seem like come late game I couldn't keep all their divers off of Jinx. Needed Vladimir to not get grabbed. Also I ganked his lane twice early game and he didn't respond, so Brand managed to get away both times.

Took one ult to far. Anivia walled and I locked onto Lucian. Which ended up putting me on the other side of the wall from my team.

Also watched WW oddly phase through an Anivia wall that might have let us corral him long enough to kill him. Really weird to watch him just sort of ooze through between the end of the wall and the terrain it was butted up against.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 28, 2017 1:15am | Report

Another frustating one. Felt like I managed to give each lane some help, but no one really took advantage of that. Having Darius losing to Riven was frustrating, because a couple of times I was on my way to help him and he ended up dying, which ended up wasting a chunk of my time and prevented me from focusing on other lanes as much as I would have liked.

Nautilus went for more of a Top lane bruiser build and late game really needed him to sit on Draven to keep Shyvana off of him, but more often then not, I found myself having to peel back after engaging in order to try and deal with the Shyvana would was munching on my backline.

Lost an Infernal Drake because my team did not stay on it, chasing kills instead. Shyvana ran around the back side of the fight and finished what we had started. I got there in time, but apparently didn't time my Smite right or she maybe she was higher level than me or just synced her abilities better than I did.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 28, 2017 2:55pm | Report

Autofilled as support. Overall the game went pretty well. Jinx was a little touched. She tried to 2v1 Varus and Morgana who both have snares. She died, but I was able to murderize them a couple of times.
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Jan 9th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 28, 2017 2:58pm | Report

Katarina popped off. Other lanes were doing decently. Went pretty smoothly.

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