Kai'Sa popped off. Riven is a weird match-up. Some of them spam ablities all the time and others hold onto them. As Kled you have to play around her cool downs and your cool downs. Bascially you mostly wait for her to either use all her Qs when she is close enough for you to retaliate or you wait until she uses her stun egregiously and then you can go in on her for a trade. But otherwise she has too many interrupts and can just kind of screw you if you go on her. Her ult is also and exectue so you have to be really carefully after you are dismounted.
Team worked together all right. Sion engaged and I followed up. Then our damage got to its thing and we had more of it than them.
I kept getting popped by Kha'Zix before I could remount. That bug does a lot of damage.
Tried the Electrocute build since their team was rather squishy. It was better for trades with Riven, but our fights ended up being more drawn out when I could get on top of her so I would rather have had Press the Attack.
Top is certainly agreeing with me more than jungle has been this season. I guess it is all the SoloRenektonOnly and FoggedFTW videos I've been watching. XD
Trundle knuckle dragged himself to a sweet triple kill in Bot lane. Mid and I were doing okay.
Wukong did a cheeky level 2 gank on me that caused me to blow my Flash.
I was playing the lane pretty timidly before that so I continued to do so. Then I started hitting some pulls on Darius so I go a little cocky. Wukong came back after my flash was up, but even still between their pulls and knock-up I didn't have control of my character for what felt like forever.
I als underestimated Darius's damage at one point so he was able to kill me through my ult. Sad day.
Helped make some plays in the Mid game. Team played well. GG.
I was doing pretty well against Urgot until my team came up to help me with him. XD Nidalee fed him a kill and Yasuo fed him a kill. Then he finished Black Cleaver and he hurt a lot more.
Anyway, made up the difference through roams. I built to burn through the minion waves and then went Mid and helped Yasuo kill the Veigar a couple of times.
Veigar is pretty irriating when he gets to the point where he can make it a 4v5 almost instantaneously.
Fortunately our team was ahead enough and we had a decent enough wombo combo that we could win fights even if someone got deleted.
This one was a jumpy Riven. Made it hard to hit skill shots. I got a Teleport roam off in Bot that netted us a double kill.
We kept our side lanes under control and we had a Caitlyn that went beast mode, even picking up a Pentakill, so that kept us in the game despite giving up two Barons and an Elder Drake.
Reptorted their Graves and Kai'Sa for their names. Not cool.
Need to remember that if Riven catches me out without Zhonya's Hourglass or if it is on cool down, I am probably in for it, especially if I don't have passive stacks.
Vi got stuff done in the early game. Graves did not. That made the Mid game heavily in their favor. Never found a way to recover beyond the odd pick here and there which didn't amount to enough.
Sion is kind of annoying. Does a lot of magic damage in the early game. A Null-Magic Mantle helped with that, but delayed my build somewhat so I didn't have the mana I needed when Graves came by to gank.
Banner of Command minions also feel like **** to deal with if you happen to been a magic user. Swain's waveclear isn't the best in the first place. Was actually contemplating buying a Bilgewater Cutlass to deal with the stupid things. But I needed Zhonya's Hourglass since they had a fed Vi.
A version of the Minion Dematerializer should be available in the store for purchase. Have to itemize for it ahead of time feels really bad.
Yeah, Jinx got to be a big girl. My team couldn't really deal with that.
Underestimated Darius's damage again in the early game. Well that combined with a Phase Rush proc for the movement speed. Did manage to solo kill the Darius after I got my Rod of Ages, but it was a near thing.
I would have tried to play a lane counter into Darius since I picked after him, but since my team had no real magic damage that limited my options.
The yeung Swain popping off. Still there was point in the game where he and Vi tried to throw our lead.
Had to tell them to calm it down. I drew Darius and Kha'Zix to me in Bot lane. I told my team to go for Baron and the Teleported in to help them pick up a couple of kills after they secured Baron since we could see their team moving that way.
Vi helped me get first blood on Darius by repeat ganking him. Yay!
Got down further in farm than I would have liked to have vs the Darius. Kled is very finicky about last hitting at times. You think you have the damage but you don't by just a hair. Picked some extra CS up by splitting, but doing it in a way that didn't put our lead in danger.
Missed some skill shots and some other mechanical mistakes this game. Fortunately we won in spite of that.
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Had a nice roam from Twisted Fate that helped us get a kill on Nasus. Early game Nasus walked down to Mid and then chased Twisted Fate to Bot lane were my team managed to kill him. All good for me. I got to farm and Nasus wasn't farming.
My ults were more on point this game. Vel'Koz is a good target for them since he doesn't have any dashes, so maybe that is key. Look for targets with low mobility. I managed to force a Flash out of him at one point.
Our jungler and Mid laner definitely overplayed their own hands in a couple of situations, but Miss Fortune and I were doing well enough that all Twisted Fate had to do was be a stun Bot and gg.