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MOBAFire Season 12 Guide Contest Winners!

Creator: Hades4u February 1, 2022 2:05am
Doody_tco's Forum Avatar
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Sep 30th, 2020
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 1, 2022 10:49am | Report
Jovy wrote:

You cannot get an honourable mention in two different role-related categories. When your Miss Fortune guide was chosen by the other judge, I could not choose you for my role regardless of what I wanted to do.

So you're saying if you "wanted" to put my guide in the winner's list but someone else decided to put my guide in honorobale mention, you cannot argue with them about it? Excuse me, but, what kind of logic is this? And who do you think will take this as an excuse?!

Jovy wrote:
The bottom line is that the guide IS updated according when the contest concludes. By updated I mean, if there is a huge change in the patch during the judging period, and it is relevant to the champion the guide is about, then that must be reflected in the guide.

Again, Taric's guide updated AFTER contest period, why is the guide listed there and not other guide that worked hard durinf contest period if it is really extremely fierce? What happened to: "your guide must be updated throught the contest and judging period to be eligible to win??!!!" If you think that updating a guide both during contest and judging period, then talk with your colleagues to remove it in next guide contest, please!! Otherwise, this contradiction will make many other frustrated.

Also, since you are the judge of "support guides" please do remove "add chapters dedicated about lane synergies" from contest criterion because that also conflicts with choosing undated guide winner and with "your" "quality content" criterion. Speaking of "your" ceiteria, while my guide is clearly well presented, neat, digestable and easy to follow and read (not integrating a lot of squares, rectabgles and lines doesn't mean a guide not pleasing to read), the 6 wins in-a-row guide did not put much effort in making a cohesive guide. I wonder where did your third criterion disappear when you were choosing them as a winner.

Jovy wrote:
Rather than focusing on the other guides, and tearing down other authors, I believe you should think about what your guide is missing in order to fulfill the other criteria.

The best way to understand why I wasn't in the winners list is through comparing my guide with the winning guides and see what made them winners and did not made me one, and that is the reason I'm writing long comments in here. While I fully respect the effort made by all guide writers in here, winners and other guide writers, I do believe, again, after comparison, that my guide certainly deseeves to be there and something is certainly not right in being in honorobale mention in a guide I barely updated and not a winner for a guide that exceeded 630k characters in a couple of months that adds far more updated information that is well presented!!
TheBlueImperial's Forum Avatar
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May 26th, 2018
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 1, 2022 11:11am | Report
Thank you @ Jovy for selecting my Rell guide as a winner for the Support category, also thanks to @ Hades4u and @ Fruxo for selecting me for the Mobile Friendly category. Incredibly grateful for being selected, the best league community out there .

A big congratulations to all the other winners and honourable mentions, good to see some returning guides. Thanks to all the judges and a big congratulations to the lovely @ Silverman43 for his first contest as a Judge.
xblademojo's Forum Avatar
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Dec 4th, 2020
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 1, 2022 11:18am | Report
Big surprise for me once again, thanks to @ Yeager and the whole Mobafire staff!
Big-Shoutout to @ Katasandra as well :>

Feels really nice to get appreciated for the time and work put into the guide, I will come back soon with new content 😉!
Jovy's Forum Avatar
Nov 18th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 1, 2022 11:20am | Report
@ Doody_tco, I think you are being needlessly disrespectful to the other authors, and if you wish to continue this discussion you should message me in private. However, I will address your points here one more time.


by jhoijhoi
Doody_tco's Forum Avatar
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Sep 30th, 2020
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 1, 2022 12:08pm | Report
Jovy wrote:
@ Doody_tco, I think you are being needlessly disrespectful to the other authors, and if you wish to continue this discussion you should message me in private.

I did not disrespect anyone which ua crystal clear. What I stated is something that you probably missed when you were judging and that's it. I seriously don't know why did you change the course of discussion especially saying that it is not possible to have two honorable mentions when i clearly know that and it was not my point at all. Which makes me to deduce why the argument endee thia way, obviously you do not want to change your choices, or maybe you can't, whatever it is. Pride of human being is strong, but never took humanity to places.

And no, I do not wish to discuss this with you in private, obviously this will continue in unconvincing excuses loop which I'd rather invest my time in something more useful, or at least more fun.

Regardless, thank you for dedicating your time to reply to my comments. My discussion with you ends here.
Doody_tco's Forum Avatar
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Sep 30th, 2020
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 1, 2022 12:17pm | Report
Congratulations to all winners.
As for me, enough with unfairness, although I have many game changing information to provide for two supports, this will be the last time I participate in this category... Not unless some serious changes happen.

My friend told me if I do not win this time -which we did not expect at all-, then I should spam post inappropriate images. Fortunately and unfortunately, I am not this kind of person, So good for you, everyone! xD
Vapora Dark
Vapora Dark's Forum Avatar
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Oct 16th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 1, 2022 1:03pm | Report
Respectfully @ Doody_tco, if I were supported by a Yuumi with Flash in any of my games I'd consider it griefing. If I were judging the support category and the first thing I see on a Yuumi guide is Flash, I'm immediately disregarding it without reading a single word.

You have your opinion and the judge has theirs. But they are the judge, not you. There is 0 point to trying to argue with them and trying to overturn their decision, let alone after the results have already been announced.
FatelBlade's Forum Avatar
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Jan 5th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 1, 2022 4:21pm | Report
Doody_tco wrote:

I did not disrespect anyone which ua crystal clear. What I stated is something that you probably missed when you were judging and that's it. I seriously don't know why did you change the course of discussion especially saying that it is not possible to have two honorable mentions when i clearly know that and it was not my point at all. Which makes me to deduce why the argument endee thia way, obviously you do not want to change your choices, or maybe you can't, whatever it is. Pride of human being is strong, but never took humanity to places.
And no, I do not wish to discuss this with you in private, obviously this will continue in unconvincing excuses loop which I'd rather invest my time in something more useful, or at least more fun.
Regardless, thank you for dedicating your time to reply to my comments. My discussion with you ends here.

yo kid fight me, im ****ing jacked and i'll mess you up

real talk though I find myself agreeing with vapora dork here and anyone that knows anything knows how wack that is

grow up kid

also #freemyboymooninites
Thank you Jovy for this bomb *** sig!
Asternova's Forum Avatar
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Sep 21st, 2020
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 1, 2022 4:42pm | Report
Congratulations to the winners and everyone who participated!
"Feel the waves...★"
L3gislacerator's Forum Avatar
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Nov 16th, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 1, 2022 4:47pm | Report
Congratulations to all the winners and honorable mentions! I'm incredibly grateful to receive an honorable mention this year. This ends my streak, but I'm glad to see other stellar guides rise up to the top. There are some really amazing ones here, from their design and writing to the coding. All this combined inspires me to continue updating my guide to be as comprehensive as possible as the times change and as next contest rolls around.

Much appreciation to @ Jovy for everything as well as to the rest of the judges!

| Support Taric Guide | Jungle Taric Guide | signature by jhoijhoi! |

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