Since you guys are fond of good players opinions. In my interview with saint vicious, he states that your elo eventually his a shelf, low or high, and you can't pass that point. That that is where you belong, unless you get better. Just his $.02 if you fell there maybe you belong there, if you don't belong there you will go back up. Ex. Take camera. He's a player who dodged 65 games to get to 0 elo then got himself to 1800 to stop people from complaining that they're stuck. :)
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I was just about to bring up the Camera post.
Also highly related:
You Dug Your Own Grave and Marked it ELO Hell, by Camera
ELO Hell, by Chauster
Also highly related:
You Dug Your Own Grave and Marked it ELO Hell, by Camera
ELO Hell, by Chauster
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