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Singed Build Guide by Isleykun

Poison, Fling, Legendary!

Poison, Fling, Legendary!

Updated on September 23, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Isleykun Build Guide By Isleykun 459 60 2,165,945 Views 448 Comments
459 60 2,165,945 Views 448 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Isleykun Singed Build Guide By Isleykun Updated on September 23, 2012
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Erebus666 (2) | December 9, 2012 2:25pm
this guide is so old, doesn't anyone play singed anymore? :/
AngelNightmare | December 7, 2012 7:25am
Hey man I've been using your guide for a while now and found it to be absolutely fantastic for tanking, but now with the pre-season 3 patch update, new items, items are gone, FoN is gone which is biggest dismay, do you reckon you could re-work this guide to correspond with the new update? Thanks.
EzNachoz | December 4, 2012 7:42am
Hey man! I kept playing against singed's that were just too damn good, and I thought I'd buy and try him out for the first time. Took one peek at your guide, had a bit of a mixup on the item order, but I kicked ***! I ended up trolling a few times though, trying my luck a few times on an inhib only to get stunned, slowed, snared, and feared all at once each time! So I ended up going 9/3/16 I'm pretty sure, maybe a death less, but all-in-all, this guide is great!
Foxboxtalks | December 1, 2012 2:13pm
I'm a lackluster LoL player and I found this guide incredibly useful. Thanks!
Durmindo | November 28, 2012 4:21pm
Nice guide man, i still need practice but it's an awesome build
Saiberblode | November 26, 2012 4:29am
The guide is great, only 2 things: First one, Mejai's should be the next item you make afther you get afther making the boots and Catalyst the Protector. And the second thing, Force of anture can be replaced with Frozen hearth, you should use the Force of anture only if the enemy team has 3 or more ap dmg-dealers, just my opinion, i am playing on Singed, and i saw your guide while searching arround, very good tought. +1 for you ^^
ProjectL (18) | November 23, 2012 9:07am
i would say getting mana quintessences is better than getting health ones as you get health and mana duo to Singeds passive. that's just my opinion tough
ArchDragon97 | November 22, 2012 4:27pm
Love it, What about a dominion section? I was following the same build but I can hardly get to omen on it. Whats a recomended build for it, or should I just use the standard build that comes in dominion?

Singed potential is bonkers in dominion, its so small and its so easy to kit people around, and once you get a health boost (i use heal instead of cleanse, so heal and ghost) then you heal again, pop ulti, and turn around and pwn the low health enemies, pref with a gank. It works to stupid efficiency, i have so much fun with singed in dominion, but the build in it seems a bit lacking.
Armaniknight | November 19, 2012 10:54pm
Thanks for this guide its helped make Singed one of my favorites.
Greenplayer (1) | November 17, 2012 8:18am
"The 4th boots you can choose from are theNinja Tabi. They give +25 Armor +12% Dodge Chance UNIQUE Passive: Enhanced Movement 2. The main focus on these shoes is the dodge chance. Only get these shoes if you decide to get the dodge chance and dodge speed masteries in defense."

Think have to rework ;)
NicknameMy (155) | November 7, 2012 12:54pm
The fact that this guy can't even calculate cc-reduction right shows everything about the guide quality...

If I would do something with Mejai's Soulstealer, I would definitly get Guardian Angel first. Rod of Ages+ Guardian Angel gives you enough of everything so you can stay good even if you can't stack Mejai's Soulstealer that well.

BTW: Health counters burst, most burst is magic damage. Sustained physical damage however is a problem vs health, so Guardian Angel is more effecitve than Force of Nature in that situation.
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