Jebus McAzn wrote:
Where's Searz when you need him?
Sleeping :)
"Basically, unless they have 0 armor or 300 armor, armor pen will add more damage than crit damage regardless of your crit chance. The reasoning behind it is that the 1.66 armor pen improves your 100% base damage, the 100% damage added by the normal crit damage AND adds in additional crit damage (such as IE). The 2.23% more crit chance only really adds 2.33% more damage and that is only if you have 100% crit chance.
*edit* Also, early game, before you get a high crit chance and before they get a lot of armor, armor pen will absolutely rape. You'll do 100% damage with an occasional crit instead of 70% damage with an occasionally slightly stronger crit. And a Tryn with a good early game will absolutely devour mid/late game."
*edit* Also, early game, before you get a high crit chance and before they get a lot of armor, armor pen will absolutely rape. You'll do 100% damage with an occasional crit instead of 70% damage with an occasionally slightly stronger crit. And a Tryn with a good early game will absolutely devour mid/late game."
Wrong. It's more like from how much ArP (runes+masteries+items) you have to about 100-200 armor depending on the ArP item you buy. (LW will reduce the effectiveness of ArP runes, while TBC will increase it)
- CrD WILL be useless until you have over 20% crit.
- CrD requires OVER ~60% crit chance to be more effective than crit chance runes.
- CrD quints will be less effective than AD quints until you're over ~50% crit chance.
On Tryndamere I'd go with a bit of an odd rune setup. AD quints+CrC marks. Because he has great use of CrC for his sustain. AD quints because they're just totally awesome on crit champions.
Crit Damage Runes are for scrubs.
Exactly :3
"Moral justification is a powerful disengagement mechanism. Destructive conduct is made personally and socially acceptable by portraying it in the service of moral ends." - Albert Bandura
"Ultimately, if people lose their willingness to recognize that there are times in our history when legality becomes distinct from morality, we aren't just ceding control of our rights to government, but our futures." - Edward Snowden
"Ultimately, if people lose their willingness to recognize that there are times in our history when legality becomes distinct from morality, we aren't just ceding control of our rights to government, but our futures." - Edward Snowden
Yes. Crit or no crit.
AD is best earlygame and good in midgame. It falls off in lategame if you don't build crit, but that's obviously not a problem on Tryndamere.
Also keep in mind that the AD quints are stronger than the marks, so AD marks are only good if you really want to maximize your early damage.
I recommend these runes on Tryndamere (like I said):
"AD quints+CrC marks. Because he has great use of CrC for his sustain. AD quints because they're just totally awesome on crit champions."
AD is best earlygame and good in midgame. It falls off in lategame if you don't build crit, but that's obviously not a problem on Tryndamere.
Also keep in mind that the AD quints are stronger than the marks, so AD marks are only good if you really want to maximize your early damage.
I recommend these runes on Tryndamere (like I said):
"AD quints+CrC marks. Because he has great use of CrC for his sustain. AD quints because they're just totally awesome on crit champions."
"Moral justification is a powerful disengagement mechanism. Destructive conduct is made personally and socially acceptable by portraying it in the service of moral ends." - Albert Bandura
"Ultimately, if people lose their willingness to recognize that there are times in our history when legality becomes distinct from morality, we aren't just ceding control of our rights to government, but our futures." - Edward Snowden
"Ultimately, if people lose their willingness to recognize that there are times in our history when legality becomes distinct from morality, we aren't just ceding control of our rights to government, but our futures." - Edward Snowden
Searz wrote:
AD quints+CrC marks. Because he has great use of CrC for his sustain. AD quints because they're just totally awesome on crit champions.
Then how do you compensate for your early lack of armor pen since Tryndamere usually never rushes Brutalizer? o.o
Jebus McAzn wrote:
Then how do you compensate for your early lack of armor pen since Tryndamere usually never rushes Brutalizer? o.o
(my build he does second item....But no one seems to notice my Tryn build, because it's for the jungle...And there are a lot better junglers...:P I gotta revamp my revamped guide D:)
ArP is never needed. It's just usually the best way of increasing your damage. CrC marks are not far behind and with the extra sustain and scaling with the AD quints, I can say that CrC marks certainly seem like the best choice.
BUT if you're planning on buying Ghostblade and/or Black Cleaver (not LW) you might wanna consider ArP marks since ArP gains more effectiveness when combined with ArP items. LW makes flat ArP less effective.
I can't say which items are best for sure :/
BUT if you're planning on buying Ghostblade and/or Black Cleaver (not LW) you might wanna consider ArP marks since ArP gains more effectiveness when combined with ArP items. LW makes flat ArP less effective.
I can't say which items are best for sure :/
"He cooked cake." - MrCuddowls
"Oh forget it, I have nothing to hid, I admit it, 12 hours of every single day of my life ever since I was eleven years old have been anal sex with canoes" - MrCuddowls
"Oh forget it, I have nothing to hid, I admit it, 12 hours of every single day of my life ever since I was eleven years old have been anal sex with canoes" - MrCuddowls
The most I ever accomplished Pre Patch was 1200-1400 currently I've only topped out at 800ish....And you don't get boots? @_@ Jeez there are more things screwed up than thinking CrD is good......Let's see BT tops out at what when fully stacked? 100dmg? soo 100x3=300 IE adds 80, 380, LW adds 40....Hypothetically with all three BTs stacked you get 420x2.5=1050 on crits. And that's if you hit for true damage.
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EDIT: While waiting for his response I found a good forum post:
"Basically, unless they have 0 armor or 300 armor, armor pen will add more damage than crit damage regardless of your crit chance. The reasoning behind it is that the 1.66 armor pen improves your 100% base damage, the 100% damage added by the normal crit damage AND adds in additional crit damage (such as IE). The 2.23% more crit chance only really adds 2.33% more damage and that is only if you have 100% crit chance.
Say they have 100 armor, IE and you have 100% crit chance. Full crit damage marks and quints will add 33.5% more damage, causing you to do 283.5% crit damage or 141.7% of your base damage after their armor. 25 armor pen from marks and quints will cause your 250% crits to do 143% damage.
That's 2% less damage from crit damage IF your crit chance is maxed, IF they have at least 100 armor and IF your crit damage is a flat 250%.
Got a lot of crit damage already? Do they have less than 100 armor? Do you get more armor pen from 21/0/9 or brutalizer? Do you have less than full crit chance?
Basically, if any of those apply, armor pen > crit damage. The only time that this typically doesn't hold true is if they have a ton of armor. Or if you already pierce all of their armor (because armor pen won't reduce below zero). But in that case, it is probably gg anyway.
*edit* Also, early game, before you get a high crit chance and before they get a lot of armor, armor pen will absolutely rape. You'll do 100% damage with an occasional crit instead of 70% damage with an occasionally slightly stronger crit. And a Tryn with a good early game will absolutely devour mid/late game."
Hope that clears things up a bit.