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Shyvana patch, your thoughts?

Creator: SaviourToALL November 1, 2011 1:44am
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Joobieo#41288's Forum Avatar
Feb 5th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 2, 2011 6:45pm | Report
I see how Olaf is OP in lane but during the mid game / end game I don't see him as much as a threat, that's just what I see though. UNLESS your 1v1 with him.
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Beeswarm17's Forum Avatar
Jun 6th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 2, 2011 6:55pm | Report

I see how Olaf is OP in lane but during the mid game / end game I don't see him as much as a threat, that's just what I see though. UNLESS your 1v1 with him.

What?? He's a late game champ to begin with. His huge amounts of spell vamp/life steal, plus being completely immune to CC. Also, his late game damage is insane. I'm... really confused by this.
BunkerBob's Forum Avatar
Aug 5th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 2, 2011 7:53pm | Report
Timed CC and a exhaust and I feel Olaf really is dead in the water. Yeah I run like hell during 1v1's though.
Icuonuez's Forum Avatar
Mar 30th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 2, 2011 10:01pm | Report
DuffTime wrote:

Why would I be in the jungle and ganking?

I'm the solo top. Olaf as a jungler... The ganks are good, his jungle is good, his damage is very good if he gets next to you... But he lacks the sheer amount of gold you need to make Olaf effective. Also, Olaf is comparable to an AP carry in the fact that he scales AMAZINGLY well wit levels! All you need on Olaf is Wriggle's and Warmogg's and it's over, you've got soooo much damage and sustain in your items and gear. You can buy the boots you want to buy, whether it be movement or Merc or Berz or Ninja. I find myself buying either Ninja or Merc, both for the effects and for the defensive stats.

Shyvana is already being called OP by Dan Dinh, by the way. When a champion is juuuust released I recommend holding off on forming an opinion. Lee Sin took over a month before people figured him out and then he blew up. Give her a chance :P

Olaf is actualy tailor made to Offtanking, if you look at his skills. Lots of good damage in your skills, that you will have no matter what gear you buy, and an ult that turns him into an unstoppable freight train. What more could you want? You've got an axe that slows down multiple targets at once. He's perfect for the job ^^

He's actually in my personal opinion far and away the best Offtank in the game right now. The way he crushes most solo lanes is just disgusting. Totally imbalanced, and sooner or later he's 100% in for some nerfs.

It's just garbage that one of the fastest junglers in the game isn't able to gank very well. Undertow is hard to land without being seen, as its range isn't amazing.

I don't really take pro's seriously, ever since Elementz started the "top tier Morgana" garbage. Just from common sense, it's easy to tell that Shyvana's traded all crowd control for more damage, which isn't always the best option. The most common roles that have cc are Offtank, Tank, and Mage. Since tanks aren't viable in the meta at this moment, that leaves offtank and mage for hard cc. Since shyvana is lacking, the team has to pick around her, grabbing carries, assassins, and supports with exceptional cc.

Adeori wrote:

Typical, never seen a good Evelynn player so you're stereotyping. :D

Evelynn is an okay assassin. Talon, Katarina, Akali, and Kassadin are better picks, respectively. I respect your decision to play champions that are fun for you, instead of what is better. However, in ranked, I would most likely dodge queue if I saw an Eve on my team.

Special thanks to Keondre for the sig!

Due to inactivity, I am no longer reviewing guides. Sorry guys :(
SBSlayer77's Forum Avatar
Nov 22nd, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 22, 2011 5:35am | Report
I was thinking of getting Talon, should i still get him even after this nerf?
If not who should i get that is somewhat like Talon.
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