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Vayne Build Guide by BetaTestThis

Vayne, Maximised Win.

Vayne, Maximised Win.

Updated on March 9, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author BetaTestThis Build Guide By BetaTestThis 20 3 145,432 Views 36 Comments
20 3 145,432 Views 36 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author BetaTestThis Vayne Build Guide By BetaTestThis Updated on March 9, 2012
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xploxt | March 9, 2012 8:12pm
anthony6577 | March 4, 2012 5:40pm
Voted +1
bad,why the quicksilver sash trinity force and guardian angel
Evolchild (2) | March 3, 2012 4:42pm
Voted +1
Great build! But quick question, Why 2 defensive Items?
Stealthdrago | March 1, 2012 2:27am
Hi man :D Nice build on Vayne she is my Main character and I play this build all the time *I have got 2penta kills in 2 games at Ranked :D Thanks :)
RealmriderX1 (91) | February 29, 2012 12:19pm
Voted +1
Oh ****, i downvoted accidentally >_<
RealmriderX1 (91) | February 29, 2012 12:18pm
Why so short? Otherwise its a good guide
Temzilla (211) | February 2, 2012 5:13pm
jhoijhoi wrote:

Pointless to get Phantom Dancer AND Trinity Force. Choose between one or the other.

Hey now, this guy has 8 item slots, he doesn't have to choose what to build.
jhoijhoi (2057) | February 2, 2012 5:10pm
Pointless to get Phantom Dancer AND Trinity Force. Choose between one or the other.
BetaTestThis (7) | January 31, 2012 1:09am
Shiikan wrote:

I like the guide very much! I'm just a bit confused on Trinity Force?

Black Cleaver doesn't give 45 armor pen, it's 15 armor pen per hit to a maximum of 45. This means that on your third consecutive hit (which also procs Silver Bolts) you are now doing damage as though they had lost 45 armor. Black Cleaver also gives a lot of Attack Speed, which means you'll also be procing Silver Bolts more often. And with Tumble, that damage adds up.

I'm not understanding part of Trinity Force because it grants pointless AP. I guess you can use it as a tumble enhancer? Otherwise, unless you're using Condemn nonstop I don't see the point in it. (Condemn is mostly used as a CC [stun/knockback] or as a harassing utility early game) Late game your basic attacks will do more damage than Condemn.

Good guide otherwise though!

Thank you for your feedback :).

I am confused about your confusion though.

- . Last item for optimum late game damage and utility when you have the money to buy a full build of whatever you choose.

-I don't understand if you are saying if is a good or bad item on Vayne. Yes it gives 45 armor shred after three hits, which you could even say synergises with everything about this item is just the best for . Armor shred is better than armor pen because it obviously helps your team-mates and you will be getting the full shred most of the time, because you will want to be getting the extra damage for silver bolts.

- I agree that with you, early game it is a trash item to get. Its gold to stat ratio for early game is trash and the AP is useless. But as a item for an optimum item, as late game you tumble every 2 seconds, procing 150% damage and if you crit lots of damage, even more move speed, some extra health and crit, what im saying is that it is better to have than say, another Phantom dancer, or any other damage item
BetaTestThis (7) | January 31, 2012 12:57am

If you would have had a Sheen in the beginning and would wait with that Phantom Dancer. That's my opinion. I like the rest of the build though. I vote this down just because of that Phantom Dancer and getting the Trinity Force very late. Not every game you get that kind of money.

Why would you get first at all, is totally agreed upon by many high elo players, because of its syndergy with vayne. buying for 1260 gold, to give the proc is such a waste of money, you have around 70 damage, sheen gives an extra 70 damage when you have a proc. you can buy much more damage for that amount. is a very bad item to get early on vayne, thus so is .
is for the late late game for the full build, if you even bothered to read the guide before troll voting, it gives good utility, more burst and is a good item to get 1/6, late game is optimal against most team compositions.
Shiikan (20) | January 30, 2012 1:24pm
Voted +1
I like the guide very much! I'm just a bit confused on Trinity Force?

Black Cleaver doesn't give 45 armor pen, it's 15 armor pen per hit to a maximum of 45. This means that on your third consecutive hit (which also procs Silver Bolts) you are now doing damage as though they had lost 45 armor. Black Cleaver also gives a lot of Attack Speed, which means you'll also be procing Silver Bolts more often. And with Tumble, that damage adds up.

I'm not understanding part of Trinity Force because it grants pointless AP. I guess you can use it as a tumble enhancer? Otherwise, unless you're using Condemn nonstop I don't see the point in it. (Condemn is mostly used as a CC [stun/knockback] or as a harassing utility early game) Late game your basic attacks will do more damage than Condemn.

Good guide otherwise though!
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Vayne, Maximised Win.

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