Nighthawk wrote:
In any case you should always level up E first whether laning or not! If you are jungling though you should take Q and W for the first two levels!
Why would you say that to someone new...?
YOU COULD HAVE JUST SCREWED UP WHO KNOWS HOW MANY OF HIS GAMES! You should NEVER be starting with your E skill unless you know what lane opponent you have and know you can easily use it for lane domination! WTF IS THIS!?
I mained Olaf for awhile there, still play him a decent bit, and I basically ALWAYS start with Undertow. It's safe, it's your only ranged harass, and if you find your opponent in lane keeps a distance and doesn't like coming in range for your Reckless Swing, you can simply max your Q first and E second for more damage and harass.
Pfffft, starting with your E first, you MUST have been joking, right?
Oh, and on a side note... WHY DID THIS APP GIVE ME KASSAFAIL AND PANTHEDORK?! I hate both of those characters! The first is too hard and weak early game, the second is to easy and lame LATE game. I've never liked either of those characters...
That +rep button could use some love!
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