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Please don't take this the harshly this is meant to be helpful otherwise I wouldn't bother saying anything.
Im sorry SilverSeer but I have seen this build in action, and you are terribly mistaken when you say flame breath does a lot of damage. This is the best build for Shyvanna i have seen as of yet
I don't even...
better in every way except magic resist and cooldown reduction
its funny that every single up vote you have are from accounts that YOU created this week, so it seems that you are really sad because you need to create multiple accounts to get your guide to the top (troll alert), but worry no more, i already talked to Matt and he said for me to report you and i've done that so good luck nerd...later weirdo
It's also funny how you've crawled your way back into my guide even though I ignored you completely, and that you noticed what I wrote about one of your budd's account (or it may even have been your alternate account). Either way, your just mad i'm getting more views and more up votes, it's only natural to hate cause that's what trolls are here for, to hate and give hell to people's lives. But I don't blame ya, keep doing what your doing, and believe me, i'll keep doing what i'm doing to keep my guide alive. Trust me, I don't NEED to cheat the system to get higher rating's on my guide. It's not like i'll get some prize if i'm number one any ways, so, you can be mad all you want brah but that sh*t don't phase me. Just do me a favor tho, I really DO hope you delete your account like you said you would and leave mobafire because i'll be grateful of not having to worry about you spamming my guides. Have a nice day punk. xD
not the best guide on shyvana as i«ve seen better ones, try adding more sections and then i will take out my -1
Thanks for the advice, I definitely will make new sections and extend the sections I currently have to be longer and more in-depth. Even though that's not the reason why you downvoted my guide because honestly, you created this account just today. (troll alert)
Guess I just gotta live with trolls and make better guides for others to up vote. The up votes WILL out vote the negatives, so don't worry "Vellinson", i'm going to surpass this phase you got going on, down voting peoples guides, and i'll get to where I'm going without help from others and without multiple accounts.