Alot of my friends say thing are really OP (over powered) and this term is overused. I honestly disagree wih 90% of them. So I thought to myself, what do I honestly think is OP about this game? This was my shortlist:


Riven: If you want to carry hard, pick her, because she is so broken. Idk too much about her, but all I know is with 2 Doran's Blade's, she goes into to beast mode until you buy some armor. In lane, her kit is fine but her damage output is another story. If you're bad enough to get hit by all of her spells at once, fine, but if you're under your turret and she dives you with her ult and you die because you've been stunned for 1.5 seconds while she's doing front flips in the air and shielding herself for 1 turret shot, then I feel bad for you.

Wither: Nasus is such a cool champion, and he's really fun to play. I just think that this slow is too much. If your even slightly out of position, I believe you should be punished, of course, but this slow is WTF. In a chase, good luck, and if Nasus can Wither a carry, his positioning is forever gone. This spell is basically a 4 second stun (I think it's a 4 second CC?) and the slow is too much. NERF THISSSS.

Darius' CONE GRAB: This is a no skill death sealing grab. A cone grab? seriously? A player of 0 skill can pull someone comepletely out of position even under their turret. On top of that, the 30% armor pen. (I think it's 30%) is, well, it speaks for itself. Darius is a cool champ, just a cone grab is quite, quite ridiculous.

Parrrley: 400% CRITS, that is what getting hit by this can feel like. Combined with Infinity Edge this spell is awesome, but too awesome. Damage of the spell needs to go down or it should have its on hit crit proc removed or nerfed.

Kennen: It's pretty much impossible 90% of the time to outlane a good Kennen player. On top of that, his ultimate can win games even if you are 5k down in gold at like 20 mins into the game. So annoying, not so much OP, just soooooo annoying.

Other things that are debatable (under construction):

Poppy's passive: I don't remember what this is called and I'm too lazy to look it up, but I understand that this is an anti-burst passive, but late game this pretty much makes her invincible. Ratios need to go down.

Draven: Not too much to say, I just feel they should lower some of his ratios. He does a bit too much damage and it's sorta ridiculous how blown up you can be against this guy. On top of that, his passive does INSANE damage at every stage of the game. Not the worst thing I hate, but he's a little too powerful for my liking.

On the contrary, here is my list of UP (under powered) things in league:


Evelynn: Anyone worth their salt knows what I mean without needing an explanation, however, AP eve is actually OK, not at all competitive, but OK in blind.

Master Yi: It just sucks, because up until level 15, I mained this guy just because he was so fun, till I developped a sense for this game and realized how useless he can be. In order to improve him, they need to add some kind of CC to his kit. I know champs like Katarina don't have a CC (heal block isn't a CC I don't think?) but the difference is Katarina's kit is very good. I think Riot should swap out Wuju Style for a Nunu & Willump style slow. Just an idea, and I'm no expert so, well, ya.

Hecarim: It's weird because I play hec alot now and I'm pretty good at him, just idk it seems like there's no team role for him. He's too weak to tank, not enough damage to be pure damage dealer and not enough good spells to be AP. His hybrid build is OK ( Wit's End Trinity Force etc.) but late game he really isn't THAT great and fed hec doesn't seem to do anything.


Fiddlesticks' EARLY game: I know what you're probably thinking, "This guy is ******ed, Fiddlesticks UP, real?" But honestly, early game, I'm more afraid of Vladimir (< very bad early game). He's simply really, really squishy. He can't win any 1v1's early and if you outdamage Bountiful Harvest you win, plain and simple. Idk how I would compensate for buffing his early defensive stats, but I understand weak early games, but this guy's early game SUCKS.
Feel free to disagree on this one, alot of people do.

I know there's spelling and gramar mistakes littered in this blog, so if you find any just mention them in the comments so I can fix them later :).