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"I have added some cool new banners that I made in PS"
Be creative, and please do not use my banners.
-advanced tactics
-advance skills combos
^ this is important because jayce has many moves (8!!) and many combos
-more alternate items
I think this guide comes very close second!!
p.s. (sorry for my bad english, not my language! :P)
- Mercury Treads
- Maw of Malmortius
- Frozen Mallet
- Infinity Edge
- Guardian Angel
- Thornmail
Built Thornmail because they had 4 AD's and one caster. Went 28/8/23. Offtank is the way to go
Wanna have sex cause your guide gave me ******s as I played ;)
Umm, his skill set is NOT based around his hammer mate, that's just like saying Nidalee's skill set is based around cougar. Jayce's skill set is based around swapping between each stance, start with your hammer, jump in, slow, run behind and knock back, switch to gun, gate, blast and if they're still running, swap back to hammer and jump back in.
i must admit that his skills are Also more focused on his hammer... and not it's not like with nidalee since her skills from couger doesnt transfer all that well into the human form.
With jayce in cannon stance > lower their armor with normal >E+Q combo and use the gate to gain in on ur opponet>when close activate ur W and go into hammer stance>and normal attack them once pretty fast(2.5 att speed) > moves through him since u got ur unit collision off and bash him back with the 20% hp attack(E), and continue on how u want to finish him... alotta hp do the combo again(CD reduction needed for that) or simply finish him off by going to cannon and shoot a bit or slap him with ur big *** hammer... (meaning this will let him get into his opponet and hit em hard... but the main utility with slows n such are on the hammer)
so i must admit going pure AD glass cannon u almost never will have the ability to utilize all of ur abilities to the max, and might even end up having lower dmg, then actually going pure AD cannon
(early game ur Q will do far enough dmg for harashment but lategame the dmg wears off alot...)