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Changing the Frozen Heart with the Iceborn Gauntlet?
And what about boots enchantment, do you suggest alacrity or other enchantments?
BTW, I expect the Madred's Bloodrazor would become Blade of the Ruined King, but there are other interesting choices like Ravenous Hydra (that should give WW area damage if used with the ulti), or also something like Zephyr. Or it can be directly changed to Hextech Gunblade.
Masteries I'd say they would be almost like this, sadly the defense tree lost Initiator mastery.
Last question the most difficult (maybe), what about jungling? I didn't tried ww jungle in season 3 yet, but since the jungle became more difficult maybe ww can try jungle again, do you think it's a viable option?
+1 & THANKS !
Also stacks very nice with W, R and Q because of the on-hit effect
Edit: I find that Olaf and Darius are simple enough to beat as warwick as long as you farm passively and harass with your Q when they get close. I have also noticed Irelia is not on your champions list, I find she can be difficult depending on how good the player is because of her stun and other abilities that can beat ww however, once your about level 6, she has no chance xD.
Hope this helps ( not that you need help, this guide is solid)