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Throatslasher's Solo Queue Tier List

Creator: throatslasher September 7, 2012 8:59am
Mooninites's Forum Avatar
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Jan 25th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 7, 2012 11:54am | Report

Tristana's mid game is not bad at all. She has a godly attack speed steriod, free escape, and the best knock back in the game. Tell me again how an adc with 2 forms of cc will have a bad mid game. Only put 2 points in explosive shot and max your q right after w, and enjoy melting people during 'mid game'. boots 3, dorans blade x2, zerk, IE, zeal and green pot. GG.

her mid game isn;t that great compared to other AD carries. I don't think maxing Rocket Jump is the way to go anymore. The damage is high burst, but it's also high risk and inconsistent. Plugging in an Explosive Shot every 12 seconds is much more effective in my opinion. The damage is also noticeably higher. The upside is more frequent and consistent damage, it's also much safer, the down side is your CD for rocket jump isnt lowered. I currently go E>W>E>W>E>R>Q>E>Q>E

maxing E first then Q
Thanks for the Signature MissMaw!
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PsiGuard's Forum Avatar
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Jun 26th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 7, 2012 12:13pm | Report
I found your jungle tiers very interesting.

jungle tier list:
tier 1: Dr. Mundo, lee sin, jarvan IV, amumu, Udyr, shyvana, cho'gath, skarner
tier 2: nocturne, riven xin zhao, nautilus, maokai, malphite, pantheon, diana, shaco, fiddlesticks
tier 3: rammus, alistar, darius, warwick, hecarim, trundle, volibear, sejuani, master yi
**** tier in no particular order: nasus, fiora, irelia, gangplank, tryndamere, all non junglers

My questions:
Why is Alistar rated so much lower than Maokai and Amumu?
Why isn't Hecarim at least tier 2? I've found he has a pretty ridiculous damage output and clear initiate. He doesn't seem too hard to use at a mid-elo level.
Why is Trundle rated so low?
What is it that makes Udyr and Cho'Gath tier 1 material?

I don't expect too much detail, just a quick opinion. Thanks in advance.
Thanks to Minho for the sig!
Nighthawk's Forum Avatar
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Dec 7th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 7, 2012 12:22pm | Report
If this was mine, i'd probably have Corki in T1, also you forgot Veigar as a mid.

Why are Akali and Diana so low? Having played against a good Diana, she's pretty well impossible to 1v1, can instantly assassinate 1 target, and is one of the more annoying top lanes (and mid for that matter) that i've faced.

koksei's Forum Avatar
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Oct 11th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 7, 2012 12:22pm | Report
Mooninites wrote:

her mid game isn;t that great compared to other AD carries. I don't think maxing Rocket Jump is the way to go anymore. The damage is high burst, but it's also high risk and inconsistent. Plugging in an Explosive Shot every 12 seconds is much more effective in my opinion. The damage is also noticeably higher. The upside is more frequent and consistent damage, it's also much safer, the down side is your CD for rocket jump isnt lowered. I currently go E>W>E>W>E>R>Q>E>Q>E

maxing E first then Q

nope. simple as that

regarded at throatslaher - finally some1 that seems to know tristana

~ Sig by Xiaowiriamu ~
throatslasher's Forum Avatar
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Aug 21st, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 7, 2012 12:27pm | Report
PsiGuard wrote:

I found your jungle tiers very interesting.
My questions:
Why is Alistar rated so much lower than Maokai and Amumu?
Why isn't Hecarim at least tier 2? I've found he has a pretty ridiculous damage output and clear initiate. He doesn't seem too hard to use at a mid-elo level.
Why is Trundle rated so low?
What is it that makes Udyr and Cho'Gath tier 1 material?

I don't expect too much detail, just a quick opinion. Thanks in advance.

Alistar is low because he has less impact for his team mid-late game compared to amumu ult and maokai ult. Maokai also lends much more damage and cc in his ganks unless you let alistar walk up behind you. Alistar has a much lower carry potential then most other junglers. Other junglers lend cc as well as heavy damage to their ganks. Alistar's clear is also mediocre, and i've seen really dumb people die with him in the jungle. Amumu and mao can do sick damage with abyssal rush (after gp10)

I'm baised towards hecarim. I'm just not a fan of hecarim. Pretty good ult, but I'd rather lock their team down than make them scatter.

Udyr and cho are very safe junglers, and it's impossible to have low health in the jungle, making them super safe against counterjunglers. Their ganks are quite easy as well. I've seen low elo chogaths gank for low elo tops and mids, and even though cho missed rupture 75+% of the time, silence+feast make for a sick gank. All udyr has to do is auto attack while in a stance to cc. Pretty hard to fail with those champs, and they can carry with nothing but tank items and a wits end.

Trundle is rated fairly low because he's very high skillcap. A lot of people would disagree with me, saying that he has simple abilities, making him a simple champion, but sometimes the simpler a champion is, the harder it is to be effective with them. He has 'ok' cleartime. He's just all around safe and mediocre without the damage of udyr or cho'gath. Also, this tier list is written for low elo, and for low elo players. I think lower elo players will find it much easier to be effective with mundo, skarner and udyr, compared to hecarim, darius, and trundle, even though they are very decent junglers.

This tier list has a second function. If someone wants to raise their elo, they can look at my tier list, pick 3 champs from each tier 1, and practice them. If they run exclusively those champions, they will have a much better chance of winning than, say, heimer mid or fiora jungle or twitch adc.

tl;dr learn ahri, mundo, j4 jungle, and tristana and win more games.
throatslasher's Forum Avatar
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Aug 21st, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 7, 2012 12:32pm | Report
Nighthawk wrote:

If this was mine, i'd probably have Corki in T1, also you forgot Veigar as a mid.

Why are Akali and Diana so low? Having played against a good Diana, she's pretty well impossible to 1v1, can instantly assassinate 1 target, and is one of the more annoying top lanes (and mid for that matter) that i've faced.

Mooninites: You want to max rocket jump, because in a teamfight, you have to potential to rocket jump multiple times. I've had mid game teamfights where I hit rocket jump on 2-4 opponents 3 times. The higher your rocket jump, the better your mid game. Don't be afraid to ks with it, because you can then jump out of the fight, or jump again on multiple people to slow and damage if you're crushing the teamfight. Maxing e also pushes the wave way harder than I'd like if i'm trying to extend the laning phase.

@nighthawk: Akali and diana fall down face first in the laning phase. They also get dunked by some extremely popular mids atm (gragas, morgana, ahri)
Akali and diana have such a dismal laning phase because they are melee, and extremely vulnerable to jungle ganks as they have 0 escapes. Akali, meet jungle lee sin.
I also hate akali in all roles because I think any champion that is hardcountered by a 125 gold ward isn't very good.
<Retired Admin>
PsiGuard's Forum Avatar
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Jun 26th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 7, 2012 12:42pm | Report
I can't say I agree with you about Hecarim (he's tier 2 in my mind), but everything else makes sense. Thanks for the response.
Thanks to Hoppermh for the sig!
H4xDefender's Forum Avatar
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Nov 20th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 7, 2012 1:38pm | Report
mundo shouldn't be tier 1, he doesnt bring enough damage or cc to carry idiots

post nerf urgot doesnt really feel tier 1, they hurt him pretty bad

reconsider twitch, honestly hes better then ad kennen. his early expunge burst is good since people dont expect it
Machineae's Forum Avatar
May 26th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 7, 2012 2:26pm | Report
Honestly if you wanna carry low elo, stick to ADC IMO. Tristana is just way too good to be forgotten about (although by all means forget about her so I can promptly pick up level 2 double kills)

You've got an absurd amount of damage early on, provided you get a few amount of kills and farm up you'll last easily to level 18. Pretty much every game should look like this in solo queque as her:
This is me requesting an AP Tristana guide (I myself might not need it too much but I'm sure you'll be able to get her more exposure)

Also I think Mordekaiser should be a bit higher in the Mid AP list. Maybe not tier 1, but definitely close to tier 1.

Provided you're not an idiot, its completely a breeze to pick up multiple kills in teamfights. You can bring most enemy laners to death just by making sure they're at around 75% (one or two previous E's should be fine), Just go in, E>R>Ignite>E if neccasary. If you're in close enough range to get off a Q then throw that in. It's crazy how strong he is in solo q because people don't realize how bad their positioning is so I'll have full shield instantly, while ulting and instantgibbing their AD carry in a teamfight. Instant gibbed AD Carry afflicted with my ult just means its an easy four or five kills.

Not only is he strong, he's just very easy to use as well. With his shield and spell vamp he's able to stay in a fight for a while unless he gets immediately cc'd/burst down.
Inferiae's Forum Avatar
Jul 18th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 8, 2012 2:10am | Report
One of the best tier lists I've seen :) being primarily a jungler myself I have a few things I'd like your opinion on.

You list strong counter junglers like Dr. Mundo and Shyvana as tier 1 on a solo queue tier list, I have real problems carrying games in solo queue with counter junglers, it's not uncommon for me to get FB on their jungler and deny him his own jungle, only to still find I'm unable to influence the lanes sufficiently if they're losing due to the weak nature of their ganks

Compare this to say an Amumu who grants me the ability to put kills on a plate for my team mates and I'm interested as to your viewpoint

Also I have a bit of a soft spot for jungle Riven and I'm interested in your viewpoint of her at your level of play, from my perspective she doesn't get the love she deserves, great clear times, mobility, superb ganks from level 3 and strong all game with the potential to snowball, what in your eyes holds her back from being seen in competitive play?

Thanks in advance for your response :)
Thanks Xiaowiriamu for the awesome signature!

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