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There is a little issue with the Situational Item "Sword of the divine". You wrote:
That is wrong! Riot confirmed in a patch, that renektons Ruthless predator can only crit with the first hit. That means the other 2 hits don't apply crits :)
And besides Renekton will not have much use of this item anyway as most of his damage output comes from Skills and not from Autohits.
Greetz Goldschuss
@Viola: Ehhh I don't like Hydra on him. Bloodthirster is already somewhat situational. Renekton is mostly a tanky champ and focuses on tankiness. Hydra costs way too much and is composed of many useless small items that dont help lane phase. BT is often bought when snowballing your lane.
If I may ask, how do you feel about Ravenous Hydra on him? I'm not sure if you have answered it already, but I think it's a better item on him instead of Bloodthirster for damage since he's often diving into the middle of the fight.
And no, for those wondering. Hexdrinker is not a must, its good if youre laning vs an ap lane. Its basically good overall since it builds into Maw of malmortius, a great item for any bruiser. But its replaceable by hp and spirit visage if you want that instead.
Its a bit outdated, but most of the information is still very viable.
Im wondering if you use The black cleaver as a core item? In general i leave the brutalizer alone and upgrade it pretty late in the game. Since you max your shred early i would think that would negate the need for a early cleaver?
Im also kind of missing a Frozen mallet, why do you not like it even as a situational item?
Missing some information about teamfight tasks for croco. Would be interested to see what you think his role is late game.
Should he dive the ad carry/ap carry, peel for your carry, initiate or be a general disruptive force?
Going to +1 this.
Currently working on my own Renekton guide, its getting kind of long and isn't finished yet. Would be great if you can give me some feedback on what you think since you clearly have played him alot. Especially nice if you could **** up something on the differnt opponetns you can face in lane. Im currently working on that as it takes some time!
@Snufferpuff: Thanks for the feedback and typo-catching! This guide is actually really outdated in terms of information and I don't have much time to edit the details. At the current moment I'm trying to keep the cheatsheet updated :P
Found this for ya.
Another great item that provides a MASSIVE amount of armor while also providing an active slow that will really improve your chasing capabilities. Another reason to buy this is because it builds off of Heart of Gold, which is a great early game item to buy."
Heart of gold no longer builds into Randuins Omen.
Just trying to help update. <3
What do you recommend building Kindlegem into later on?