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Should I start playing Ranked?

Creator: CrimsonSkyz November 2, 2012 8:27pm
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CrimsonSkyz's Forum Avatar
Aug 23rd, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 2, 2012 8:27pm | Report
Hello again! CrimsonSkyz here with another thread about my problems/questions. The topic is basically the title^. Okay time for some background info! I consider myself a relatively new player to the League. I started about August of this year 2012. I always wondered what ranked games were and I learned that you would have to be level 30 to participate in them. Eventually I got to level 30 and a month after the Rengar patch I tried out ranked solo queue.

The first ranked game I played was as jungle Udyr. All other roles were taken and I was the last person to choose so I had to be the jungler. I had very little experience jungling and my only champ that could jungle was Udyr. In fact, the ranked game was actually my first time ever jungling! I had to look up a Udyr jungle guide while the game was loading. I didn't have much experience on Udyr either. I only played 3 games with him ever up til then(as solo top). When the game finally started I learned a ton of stuff I didn't know before. I learned to last hit, get gp10s, get oracle's, etc! Yep I had no idea what last hitting was until that first ranked game! My ganks failed hard and I only got 1 successful gank the entire game. In my head I thought, "OMG THIS SO FRKIN HARD I'M NOT READY FOR THIS ;-;". I was also being counter jungled by an Amumu! Yep I was being counter jungled hard as Udyr by an Amumu! Eventually I was too afraid to go in the jungle anymore after giving the Amumu 3 kills. Everyone was commenting on me losing to Amumu in the jungle.

The only reason my team won that game was because our Orianna got really fed along with our ADC( I forgot which champ the ADC was). They carried the team to victory. The enemy Amumu was an excellent ganker who got super fed but sadly could not carry his team. At the end of the game I found out that he was a 2k+ elo smurf... I didn't try to play anymore ranked games after that one for a while, because I knew I wasn't ready. Then after getting more experience I decided try ranked games once again. I did pretty good in those matches but I felt like I still needed more experience.

Now Season 2 is about to end just when I feel kind of ready to start playing ranked again. Should I start doing ranked games regardless of Season 2 ending in a few days? Or should I wait til Season 3 to start playing them.? After I started getting used to all the new things and all. If I start again now, I plan on mostly playing top, mid, or jungle. I'm a horrible ADC and support so I don't think I'll play those roles unless I really have to. I do decently on Miss Fortune and Varus but that's about it or ADCs. I can get some kills but for farming I suck. I get about 100 cs at 20min.

In my games as a support I always end up getting kills and my ADC always rages at me. They always die and I live while the enemy champs still have a little hp left so I finish them off. Then voila double kill on support Taric! The ADC also rages at me because I didn't heal him when I did a few seconds ago so my Q is on cd! The ADC dies and rages while the support lives and picks up the kills. So this brings up another question. Should I improve as an ADC and support before starting ranked games?

P.S. If I do start playing ranked games I plan on playing ranked solo queue 5v5. The champs I plan on using are Kha'Zix top, Hecarim top or jungle, Xerath mid, Ziggs mid, Zyra mid and Amumu jungle or support(if he's not banned ofc). I've already played a rank game on Kha'Zix before and I feel like he would be a good champ for my ranked journey. I haven't played a ranked game on Hecarim, Xerath, or Ziggs though. I will; however, be trying out more than just these few champs because I might get matched against a counter, need to make the team comp work, etc.

Edit: I have started my 3 day ranked journey which can be found here!
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Luther3000's Forum Avatar
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Jun 24th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 2, 2012 8:41pm | Report
Play it when you feel like you're ready. I've been playing since February 2011 and I only started playing ranked this September.

I suggest you make sure you have 2-3 champions you feel confident on in each role first. It's really not that different from playing normals; in fact you'll probably find that the players you get matched with in ranked are much worse at first if you're a good player. The main difference is that people rage and threaten to go afk a lot more. Just ignore them.

If you really want to get Elo, pick one champion, practice it a whole lot and pick it in every game you possibly can. Or duo queue.
CrimsonSkyz's Forum Avatar
Aug 23rd, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 2, 2012 9:09pm | Report
Luther3000 wrote:

Play it when you feel like you're ready. I've been playing since February 2011 and I only started playing ranked this September.

I suggest you make sure you have 2-3 champions you feel confident on in each role first. It's really not that different from playing normals; in fact you'll probably find that the players you get matched with in ranked are much worse at first if you're a good player. The main difference is that people rage and threaten to go afk a lot more. Just ignore them.

If you really want to get Elo, pick one champion, practice it a whole lot and pick it in every game you possibly can. Or duo queue.

Well I kind of feel ready but is it worth it? Apparently everyone's Elo will get reset at the start of season 3 so all my hard work will go away and I will have to earn it back. It will be easier to get back the Elo though since they said something about the system recognizing players from the past with high Elo's allowing them to get back to where they were/deserve. Then you have to take into account that Season 3 might change the whole game I will have to start getting used to the new meta. Then I won't be ready for several months!

I am pretty confident in playing Kha'Zix, Xerath, and Hecarim. My confidence in Kha'Zix is pretty high due results of the first ranked game I played on him, but that was just one game so it can't really determine whether or not I am good on him. I feel like Kha'Zix is strong but I don't know about OP though. If Kha'Zix actually is considered OP, then I only got that kind of score because the champ I played was OP and didn't need much skill to play him. Then I would feel bad for using an OP champ to get a high Elo( if that ever happens) xD. I want to get Elo but not by playing an OP champ.

Anyone consider Kha'Zix OP in general?
Unleash the Beast
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Jun 24th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 2, 2012 9:15pm | Report
The Elo reset is in 3 days so you should probably wait until then at least. The meta hasn't changed much in well over a year and I don't expect it to seriously change anytime soon.

I have no idea about Kha'Zix really, but judging from how little I've seen him I'm guessing he's considered to be weak-average.
Shuru's Forum Avatar
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Sep 21st, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 2, 2012 9:19pm | Report
I remember my first ranked game.

Vayne/Sona bot. I got so pushed by the graves/soraka that I couldn't farm, I'd die under the turret. In normals I was getting 20/0/ scores. I figure ranked is something you should do when you feel extremely confident in yourself as a player of several roles. if you think ranked would be fun, play ranked. If you think you'll just get pubstomped because you're no good (NEVER THINK THIS) then you'll get pubstomped, not because you're no good but because you have that mentality.

Confidence is the key to playing Ranked. the players are no different than ones in normal Que untill you get into higher ELO.
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Dec 12th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 2, 2012 10:02pm | Report
Luther3000 wrote:

The Elo reset is in 3 days so you should probably wait until then at least.

I disagree. With the soft Elo reset in 3 days, now is a great time to hop into experimental ranked games. If you find out that you're not doing as well as you hoped, it's better to know that now, when losses will not result in as much Elo loss. Plus the soft reset should bring your Elo up if you end up under 1200.

I highly suggest learning a more traditional support, though. Amumu support is not that great. If nothing else, get Soraka as a cheap support; she's easy to play and every ADC uses mana.
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CrimsonSkyz's Forum Avatar
Aug 23rd, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 2, 2012 10:37pm | Report
lifebaka wrote:

I disagree. With the soft Elo reset in 3 days, now is a great time to hop into experimental ranked games. If you find out that you're not doing as well as you hoped, it's better to know that now, when losses will not result in as much Elo loss. Plus the soft reset should bring your Elo up if you end up under 1200.

I highly suggest learning a more traditional support, though. Amumu support is not that great. If nothing else, get Soraka as a cheap support; she's easy to play and every ADC uses mana.

Well atm with my current Elo I gain about around 50+ Elo if I win a game and lose about 30+ Elo if I lose one. I guess it wouldn't hurt to find out my true Elo :O. Yea Amumu isn't a very good support. I guess I could go buy Soraka and use her as my main support for ranked. Especially since I always unintentionally take all the kills when I play Taric. Although it might be intentional since I have to do the clean up o.o but it's still not good for the support to get fed and not the ADC. Time to start ranked! Well maybe I'll start tomorrow. For now I'm just gonna go to bed xD.
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Acid Reigns
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Jun 30th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 2, 2012 10:50pm | Report
Taric is a MUCH better support for solo queue than Sora is imo.
On raka, you can't really make any plays, you have to rely on your team to do everything, and you just assist, whereas on Taric, you can make plays, and secure kills for your carry.

Anyway, about the original topic, how many games have you played? If you wanna play the next few days just to try out since elo is resetting, that's fine, but I wouldn't seriously get into ranked until you have AT LEAST 500 games won. o:
A Chubby Baby
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Feb 14th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 2, 2012 11:25pm | Report
yes. before season 2 ends! at least get the silver badge :D.
CrimsonSkyz's Forum Avatar
Aug 23rd, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 3, 2012 7:53am | Report

Taric is a MUCH better support for solo queue than Sora is imo.
On raka, you can't really make any plays, you have to rely on your team to do everything, and you just assist, whereas on Taric, you can make plays, and secure kills for your carry.

Anyway, about the original topic, how many games have you played? If you wanna play the next few days just to try out since elo is resetting, that's fine, but I wouldn't seriously get into ranked until you have AT LEAST 500 games won. o:

Yea I agree Taric is a better support with his stun, heal, and aura. I always try to secure kills for my ADC but he is a lot squishier than me and gets targeted first so he dies first. Then I always have to pick up the kills. Anyway to solve that problem? >.<

Well I've won 272 games so I guess I won't be too into ranked games. I guess I'll still need more experience. 228 or more victories worth of experience lol.

yes. before season 2 ends! at least get the silver badge :D.

I'll try my best to get it :D
Unleash the Beast
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