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Teemo Build Guide by noiree

AP Carry Teemo - AP Yordle of DOOM

AP Carry Teemo - AP Yordle of DOOM

Updated on November 29, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author noiree Build Guide By noiree 1191 115 11,406,418 Views 267 Comments
1191 115 11,406,418 Views 267 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author noiree Teemo Build Guide By noiree Updated on November 29, 2013
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Lisq (1) | February 22, 2020 8:44am
I remember this being the best Teemo build!
mattdamonlives | November 28, 2014 5:08pm
Thank you so much for the guide! First game with Teemo ever using this guide i got a pentakill!!! :D
Ksoud (1) | November 1, 2014 3:54pm
Please Update Guide!
Steepen | April 15, 2014 3:17am
HAhaa this build got me a Penta so yea

ahha ITS Great!!
Everwind (1) | March 7, 2014 6:41am
After playing Teemo a lot more, I love the AP build of Teemo. Many times I have faced a AD Teemo on the other team, and invariably AP Teemo outperforms AD Teemo. Thanks for the feedback. Good discussion on Nashor's Tooth vs Wit's End. I guess I still favor Nashor's but I think early game you are correct, it may be more efficient to go with Wit's.

I now almost exclusively buy Sorcerer's Shoes and very early. It is the only counter Teemo really has against long range attackers. I almost always start out with Doran's Ring and some heal pots.

Teemo does seem to take a long time to build up speed and power, but once he has some items he can be deadly. I seen the value of building Liandry's Torment early and it is now the 3rd item I start building. That item is likely why Teemo's shrooms were nerfed.

I also believe that Banshee's Veil is essential.
wimbledofy (1) | March 1, 2014 10:25pm
is this build still viable? people ingame were telling me my build sucked when i was using this build.
wimbledofy (1) | March 1, 2014 3:47pm
the masteries are not up to date
courage123 | February 22, 2014 8:58am
courage123 | February 22, 2014 8:52am
what this is the wort teemo ever... so put up mine
deepsorrow (4) | January 31, 2014 7:49am
Everwind wrote:

I disagree, I tried playing a few games based upon your recommendation and it was not as effective. Wit's End is better at Champions late game, but the early game Nashor's Tooth owns the field in that you can kill more minions, more quickly! My experience that means more money and faster upgrades to items. The snowball is much more significant and reduction in mana resist is inconsequential against the minions early game IMHO.

It's actually the other way around Nashor's Tooth get better in late game as you get more AP and you changes Wit's End with it later on. Let me tell you this lets do the math - with only one item dmg on one hit:
Nashor's Tooth - from 60 Ap it goes like this - 24 from item on hit itself, 28 from his E total - 52 dmg
Wit's End - 42 from item, 10 from E - 52 dmg total, not to forget that with every basic attack dmg rises by 5.

The 8% difference in AS is not that notable imo and cdr or magic pen is basically just your pick, yet the 520 gold difference in price is what makes you think it over. If you need less gold you finish your item earlier you start farming better, not to forget that with every wave Nashor's looses the damage output.

Everwind wrote:


Your guide has made all the difference. I have just began playing LoL and Teemo is the first toon I have had success with, largely due to your guide. I have a couple of observations and questions. As a new player I am only level 10. I am sure all the characters play a bit differently without the full augmentation of the runes/masteries. That being said, in my selection of items I find Teemo has several issues to overcome and primarily that is HP health, health regen and to a lesser degree mana regen in general, especially early game. With my first Quint I chose HP regen for Teemo. Later on, I will likely change to your suggestions, but to me I feel the runes and mastery choices should help with minimizing your weaknesses, e.g. armor, HP, regens, penetration.

For this reason, I have had most of my success with selecting Doran's Blade and choosing spells Barrier and Heal. I do a lot of running away early game and often the difference is Barrier and Heal so that I can make it to a turret safely. I don't like spending lots of coin on heal pots as early money is so difficult to come buy.

Secondly, because I am squishy and run away, while "lanning" I like to use my shrooms in a non-traditional way rather than warding. I like to place them at the edge of the turrets I am defending and as I push I like to place them in a horizontal line in the lane. Invariably I get hurt and need to run, and the melee folks just love to chase me, as they are already annoyed with me pinging them. I run right over/next to them and as they chase me "boom" they are slowed and I get away, if they follow me into the turret zone, this really hurts them as they can't get out quickly and take even more damage. What is great is after 4 or 5 times of this they finally learn and refuse to chase me. This allows me to escape when needed and the extra HP is needed for those jumpers or slow dealers. Obviously this isn't as effective with ranged folks, but it can still give them problems, especially if you can run fast enough out of their range that they have to follow. So early speed does help. This also helps if I have a partner in lane as it helps them to survive and run away as well. You can tell the opponents get so frustrated with this tactic.

Speaking of speed, I usually take the Berserker's Greaves boots 1) because they are cheap, and 2) early attack speed helps with the auto attacks. Which I think is early key to the game. Later on you can always change out to the mana pen or cc boots Mercury's Treads if needed.

Early game I often struggle, and even though I have wonderful stealth I can't use it to full advantage without HP regen. So say I am wounded and I escape the return fire and need to rest up in relative safely. I would rather not recall if I don't have to, so I sometimes buy the Ancient Coin. It is relatively inexpensive and helps with the most important aspect of the game and what makes this build so successful. With a fast attack speed, and killing minions quickly, you can generate coins quickly. Being able to buy things quickly, farm at a faster pace then your opponents pushes the balance of power into your favor. This will allow you to kill more opponents, which in turn gets you more coins. This is why I try to build as you suggest the Runaan's Hurricane. This changes the Teemo game immensely. Not only does it help you gain coin, but it helps your team immensely by allowing your minions to push further and become a threat. Once I can farm with the Hurricane I sell the Ancient Coin and Doran's for the hat or some of the other items you have suggested. Late game, I feel I need the Spirit Visage or some kind of armor like Banshee's Veil. I haven't tried Zhonya's Hourglass, but if money is no object it may be worth getting.

Now my questions. The only time I had difficulty was going up against Ashe and Fiddlesticks. These guys just owned me and I could do very little. Nasus also can be troublesome. How do you handle these range guys where your blind has little effect? My counter for jumpers is HP, and barrier, with a heal once I can run away.

Great guide, and thanks for writing it.

For Ancient Coin to be worth it you have to be near more than 180 minions killed by someone else that means you loose 180 CS and that means lost gold the buy sell model is only viable if item pays off if not - you just loose gold.

Sorcerer's Shoes > Berserker's Greaves couse as you mentioned buying Runaan's Hurricane. And as for counter on jumpers - that's your shroom's ( map visibility ) and Liandry's Torment and passive. you poke and poke and poke and only than you go in for a fight if you want to just stand and fight you should think about picking Onhit build with some LS items. Teemo can have hard time up until 6 after that you are on, put some shrooms in grass make sure nobody can jump or gank you farm and poke use passive wisely go for a kill only when your enemy is lower on hp keep the distance - enemy near you means death in most cases.
smackmonkey | January 27, 2014 5:09am
Im definitely trying out this build tonight
M3dion | January 26, 2014 5:29am
Please ADD Masteries Page! Also, why is E - Toxic shot not working ? It cannot be used.
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