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I played Teemo a lot and this Item build sint really that good. Start with Boots and 3 Pots or [AMplifying Tome]] and 1 Pot you should rush build then Berseker's Greaves and rush for Nshor's Tooth or Malady. Then you should buil either Liandry's Torment or Blade of the Ruined King . Teemo really profits from AS so Runaan's Hurricane isnt that wrong. But you should consider a bit survivability like Frozen Mallet or Rylai's Cristal Scepter. There is no point in dealing massive damage when you get shut down easily
CSing is done by last hitting, runaans is bad for csing and bad in general. especially as first item.
If you think right clicking 1 creep then standing there makes you last hit well you are not lvl 30, or if you are you belong in wood 5.
nothing else to say that hasn't already been said.
We will sacrifice early game damage, but its worth it in mid/late game when you can complete a full build much faster than anyone else due to having the most CK (Creep Kills)
it is cs(creep score) not ck. and finish your guide before publishing it.
My first guide on moba was nothing special but it wasn't this bad...
-1 for now. Will consider coming back and changing my vote if you fix the guide. But PM me if you do cause I'll forget.
Like i said its the way i build?