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Yo decimate means to destroy 10% of something, so decimating the weak is actually really ****ty, change the name.
Decimate means things like destroy, remove, tax etc, as well.
You don't create anything.
Chill. You are just another player (maybe good), but not a god who creates things.
Nor does a guide have to be non-innovating to be good.
In addition, I don't really see how the tips are lacking when there are practically at least 5 chapters of tips.
In addition, if it's non-innovating, then how is it wasting the power of the champion, if it's built the same way that everyone finds effective? A lot of people now build Rabadon's Deathcap, Rylai's Crystal Scepter and Liandry's Torment as core items now. Mathematically speaking, they max out the damage he can do because of the Malefic Visions tick for Liandry's Torment, which is then amplified by Rylai's Crystal Scepter, which is supported by the best AP item in the game.
Sorry, but kindly shut up. You don't know what you're talking about.
Your only innovation is this stupid early Chalice.
I downvote cause your way waste so much power of this champion.
Also, I've read your advises on how to play...There is no useful tips on how and when do your moves.
Just generic information.
This guide is not depth enough and/or lack of beginner tips.
As I said earlier, Malefic Visions has to actually jump and at low levels (i.e. early game), that's difficult to do because a single cast of Malefic Visions won't actually kill a minion. So unless you are content to push push push to their tower from levels 1-6 and make yourself gankable, you are not going to get enough mana refunds to have it stop you from going oom.
You are the Malzahar boss.
E spell can Refund all his manacost if you clear 5 or 6 minions (6 for lvl1, 5 for further) with it. And in fact, it's really not hard to do. An ignorant like me is able to do it....
EDIT: To be accurate, the last hit on the minions infected by Malefic vision do not have to be done by the DoT in order to refund mana.
I just prevent beginners that your way is not the best way to play Malzahar as a nuker.
I think 880 gold spent for a defensive/sustain item is a waste.
You want more sustain ? Go for Doran, you will not loss such power.
Indeed, you can also play your Malzahar as a tank :s
Down voted !
Malzahar is mana angry... With this single sentence you discredite the entire guide.
The first thing is that Malzahar replenish is manapool with is Malefic Visions.
If you have mana issues, it's just cause you have to train to use this E spell wisely.
You cannot advise people to get an early Chalice, doing that is a real power brake to snowballing with Malzahar.
Also, the DFG is uselees cause you up your Null Zone second.
This ignorant comment made me chuckle. The chalice is not purely for mana anyways. It also gives you early MR to withstand lane opponent nukes. You also have to get malefic visions to jump so mana times to refund your full mana so no he is still a mana annihilator. You obviously need to slow down and read things. I said this is my personal play style. It is meant for surviving not killing so much early game though i generally do average 14/4/17 with this build. You also should re-read your own comments before you post them. This comment has so many spelling and grammatical errors it makes me sad. Learn to play before you troll guides here thanks.
Down voted !
Malzahar is mana angry... With this single sentence you discredite the entire guide.
The first thing is that Malzahar replenish is manapool with is Malefic Visions.
If you have mana issues, it's just cause you have to train to use this E spell wisely.
You cannot advise people to get an early Chalice, doing that is a real power brake to snowballing with Malzahar.
Also, the DFG is uselees cause you up your Null Zone second.
WTF is with this misinformation? Malefic Visions would require up to 5-6 minion kills in order just to pay off the usage of this single skill in the first place. It's pretty much impossible to do this early game, regardless of how 'wise' you are with the spell, therefore he has mana problems early unless you choose not to use his ability at all.
An early Chalice does not cause a power break, since you upgrade it anyway.
DFG is more useful on nuking champs anyway, it's not suited for Malzahar either way.
Malzahar is mana hungry... With this single sentence you discredite the entire guide.
The first thing is that Malzahar replenishes is manapool with his Malefic Visions.
If you have mana issues, it's just cause you have to train to use this E spell wisely.
You cannot advise people to get an early Chalice, doing that is a real power brake to snowballing with Malzahar.
Also, the DFG is uselees cause you up your Null Zone second.