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New player with some questions....

Creator: Buttermilk August 22, 2013 2:48pm
Buttermilk's Forum Avatar
Aug 22nd, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 22, 2013 2:48pm | Report
Hi everyone. I started playing a few days ago and love the game. I was playing a couple other MOBA type games, mainly on my kindle/iphone and decided I wanted to try out a real MOBA on the computer. Glad I did, just wish I would have found this a year ago!

Anyway, on to my questions...

My main question, I understand will probably have variable answers and no one will be able to say, hey this is exactly what you do...however, here it is: How do I know when to leave my lane and assist/tank/off tank whatever in the late game? I guess, I am just not sure when to do what.... I am pretty good at controlling my lane and building up whatever character I am playing I just get a little lost once people start getting to the other teams base area.

Is there a good write up on this type of thing?

My next question is a little more basic and probably has an answer that I couldn't find...What is the difference between the lanes? I see people calling lanes, or saying that character should be in top/bot etc. Do certain lanes get more action?

Next question, how often should I be returning to the merchant area? I don't like going back, but when I am not losing fights and able to hold my lane, I find that others are already geared up and I have to go back to do so....then sometimes I am going back to much and losing time. Is there a good ratio for recall per lvl/game time?

I have read a lot of the guides and they have a good amount of info just, not this type of info. If you can point me in the right direction I would be happy!


Thatdudeinthecotton's Forum Avatar
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Oct 11th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 22, 2013 4:00pm | Report
Yo, its good to see new players getting into the game :)

If your asking when mid-game starts (people start switching lanes up etc) then it generally occurs sometime between 12 mins (which is pretty early) to 20 mins (if early game drags on because no towers have gone down).
What you do in team fights is largely down to who your playing as and the items your building.

-tanks: either start the teamfights by stunning the enemy team ( Malphite, Zac) or use their body/abilities to prevent their damage dealing friends from getting hurt. (, Leona, Alistar). In reality most tanks can do both of these, just some are better at one job than the other is.

-support: Hang around your team provide them with buffs and wards. When the fights start, stick near the damage dealers to max their dps. If you have a stun or other cc, follow it up after the initiator if possible (though emergency use is cool aswell). Generally supports stop people dying. good supports to learn: Sona, Lulu, Thresh, Taric

-ranged ad Carry: hang back a little in team fights, and NEVER initiate them alone. If your the one dealing damage, do your best to die LAST on your team. You need to constantly be attacking the enemy from your max auto attack range, almost always going for whichever enemy is closest to you (unless possibly your in range to end someone in 1 blow).
Pretty much any adc is good (except Sivir, that's not personal, she just sucks).

Assassin: aways go for the low armor targets (like a mage or adc). jump them with a 2 second combo then get away. You initiate after the tanks preferably. assassins are: Zed, Akali, Talon, Diana.

+These are just broad strokes really, but they may help.

SO lanes, they gennerally work like this: top has a bruiser/tanky champ, mid has a mageish champ, bottom has an adc and support, with the fifth guy jungling (that being killing neutral monster camps between lanes)
This is known as the "META" (Most Efficient Technique Available) since everyone gets what they need to teamfight. eg: tops-alone so they get lotsof gold/exp to get tanky, mages need exp so having a shorter lane gives it to them faster, the adc needs protection so they get paired with a sup. And if any of the lanes fail the jungler can come along to said lane and help, since he can go wherever he wants.
-Chances are though you may not see this done too often until near level 30, though after that its followed religiously. There are other techniques available, but you'd probly need a team if you want to avoid getting **** for thinking outside the box.

Finally: Going back. Its circumstantial, so its kindof like a points system. Can you afford your first major item?(like Sheen or vampiric sceptre in terms of cost) thats +1 point.
is the enemy dead? +1
are you low on health? +1 or +3 if too low to fight.
if enemies alive and in lane -1
if the wave pushed to your tower -1
If your tower is about to die -1

sorry if this was abit long winded, didn't realize how long this'd be ":)
Buttermilk's Forum Avatar
Aug 22nd, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 23, 2013 8:34am | Report
Thanks, great reply. I play Garen mostly right now. He fits my play style the best.
nanoobit's Forum Avatar
Aug 8th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 31, 2013 6:20am | Report
The best tip is to just keep playing. A lot of the information you get from people here will be biased on their own time playing this game. Learning league is a wonderful experience that shouldn't be tarnished by outside influence or help IMO. There comes a time where you'll want to know more things in depth but the best way to get a handle on this game, the meta, mechanics and different champions is to just play the game.

GL and hope you stick with this game.
Alcasea's Forum Avatar
Apr 13th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 13, 2013 8:19am | Report
that dude had said everything about the roles and the lanes so i will give tips on when to go back.

1. if you are solo top or mid, after killing your enemy, clean up the current minion wave and recall. this would get you geared up and ready to fight your lane mate, which most likely had already bought an item or two again. only difference is you have the advantage.

2. if you are critically wounded and would be prone to a tower dive recall quickly. no questions asked.

3. if your enemy had recalled, try clearing the current wave and fall back. you now have 1 creep wave advantage.

4. after pushing the first tower, go back. 150 gold can buy you a thing or two plus enemy lane mate won't be able to push the wave fast without the tower early in the game.

5. for garen, i usually go back when i can afford a belt. i start out with boots and pots. i did a game where i came back to the shop to buy a complete warmogs. so yeah garen does not really need much item early, until your enemy starts to deal damage.

well hope this gave you a rough outline on when to go back
+rep if i helped or if you just happen to like repping ^^

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