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Consider HP quints as an alt to AP quints if you want to take a few more hits.
Instead of scout and inspiration, you could invest some into fleet of foot.
Your final build includes athene's unholy grail and mikhael's crucible. Meaning that mana font is basically useless on one of the items. I understand mana regen is important on Syndra and athene's passive is nice, but instead, swap it out with morellonomicon (even though it is in situational items) as it gives you more AP, more or less same CDR and mana regen, and a passive useful against sustain teams.
As you barely have 200 AP, void staff doesn't help much since your damage will tickle. Consider a tankier choice such as zhonyas/randuins/rylais as 90 armour isn't an awful lot(and there will always be this slight chance you get caught), or simply just get DFG, making you able to take out an adc yourself if you catch him.
Consider mobility boots as another alternative as you barely have ms. Syndra doesn't need to be an awful close to land skill shots but it help a lot with warding and getting to lanes and fights faster, and the faster you get there, the faster you can help out.
Heal got buffed quite well, so if your ADC is not taking heal, it is another option.
Maxing W after Q can be a better option compared to E, because while it does cost more mana, it deals more damage (more or less), but the slow scales and that can also lead to a kill. While E's CD does reduce as well, you shouldn't have to spam it every time its off CD anyway, especially against aggressive supports like Leona that can punish you easily if you miss it.
I think you should explain more about support Syndra gameplay, such as, how to position, when to use E/W, not to overextend/stay. How you should zone the enemy team and how you can abuse your long range, yet to be careful of your long CDs as well.
Overall, please read through my comments, I really liked your guide, despite quite some grammatical/spelling errors. (I don't blame you though, I used to live in Singapore for 12 years and my English sucked xD)
Nice guide! I tried support Syndra for the first time in a ranked team game with my friend playing Vayne. We won lane extremely hard with the harass and burst we had! Rylai's made my kiting and CC op. P.S. - Exhaust range is now larger than Ignite, although your guide states you won't be in range to use Exhaust. Just a heads up on some recent updates.
It's good to see that you find it useful for you ^^
About Exhaust...well its range has increase so seems like I need to change the description then, thanks :3
Here's my review
Again - don't worry about your grade. It's a tool for you to improve your guide further. If you have any questions, are unsure about anything, or would like to respond to this review, please PM me. It's very difficult for me to continually check up on guides and look for responses - and do so in a timely manner.
Thanks for your time,