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Yasuo Build Guide by Cryptmaster21

Assassin ~Yasuo~ The ultimate hyper carry!

Assassin ~Yasuo~ The ultimate hyper carry!

Updated on April 1, 2014
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Cryptmaster21 Build Guide By Cryptmaster21 1 6 8,294 Views 21 Comments
1 6 8,294 Views 21 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Cryptmaster21 Yasuo Build Guide By Cryptmaster21 Updated on April 1, 2014
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Cryptmaster21 (1) | March 29, 2014 6:53pm
Nicely put, but I have already realized this a week or so ago. I forgot to update my discussion for it, but I did change it in my guide and I start building it first now. Thank you for putting the stat breakdown here tho, I would like people to see it for if they are wondering.
Knightro (54) | March 28, 2014 10:16pm

Ok, so the things I've found that people wanted to discuss: Blade of the Ruined King, Avarice Blade, Mercury's Treads, Maw of Malmortius, Randuin's Omen, Last Whisper, Mercurial Scimitar, Youmuu's Ghostblade Guardian Angel, my runes choices, tehasian's quote "Except crit is useless if you don't have AD or penetration to back it up. No point in getting even 100% crit if you have under 100 AD.", and flu0stift's quote "(first build) Items look okay, but i think u got too much defensive items in there, as Yasuo is a champion that usually has only Guardian Angel or sometimes nothing, so u might consider removing one from ur final build?".

So I will explain each with a more open mind and the changes to the guide are coming soon.

Blade of the Ruined King
Is a good item. In my initial response I was thinking purely of a normal team comp with basic lanes/scenarios, which lead to me saying that it isn't as good as other options. This is wrong. It is very good if your enemies have a team comp that needs: Kiting, tank shredding, an answer to split-pushing in the form of catching people out, and heavy target focusing (a certain person is fed and needs to be nuked fast). So Sirell, you were the first to mention this and I thank you, I was too closed minded and was wrong.

Avarice Blade
For this I suppose it depends on your play style, if you are a person that likes to immediately go for kills and think you will never be outplayed, then Zeal is a better option. But if you are like me and want to play safe until you become a force that has a much lower chance of losing a duel/being outplayed, then you will want to rush avarice blade and farm till Statikk Shiv, at which point you then go for dominating your lane (the time from buying avarice blade to buying Statikk Shiv is not long at all. Avarice Blade passive makes it a very fast process.

Mercury's Treads
These become a great choice if you decide to build [blade of the ruined king]] since they offer an amazing ability of tenacity and then some MR. (same thing for Ninja Tabi, they are also good options for if you build botrk

Mercurial Scimitar and Maw of Malmortius
These are amazing items and I've always thought so, I meant to add them in the first place but forgot. Sorry for the confusion.

Randuin's Omen
This item is an amazing item for sure, I only thing that I don't like about it on Yasuo is is that the active is a bit redundant for a champion that is already insanely "sticky". A good item choice for certain situations tho, definitely.

Youmuu's Ghostblade
Not a good item for Yasuo in my opinion. I feel there are much stronger picks than this, no matter the situation.

Guardian Angel
This is an amazing item for Yasuo, I am unaware of how it could be debated. The only thing that is debatable about it is the "should I always build it?" question, and the answer to this is: no. You shouldn't always build it, but the mass majority of the time you will.

Last Whisper
This is an amazing item for Yasuo certain situations. I highly disagree with building it very often. It is a like.. 30-40% of the time buy for me. The times I buy this item are for when I am being the complete focus of the enemy team's item builds. If they are stacking insane armor then, yes, build this item obviously. Sorry for the close-mindedness about this originally. I also build this anytime I see a rammus. **** him.

Tehasian's Quote
This is a statement that is correct, but irrelevant. By the time you have 100% crit (or 80% like originally stated), you naturally from leveling up, have well over 100AD and this huge crit chance does insane amounts of damage and poke.

Flu0stift's Quote
I explained this good the first time I believe, but I will summarize again. Glass-cannon is a bad idea. Always have a decent amount of defense for the unexpected.

I hope this has cleared things up, I am sorry about earlier, I was coming into this with the wrong attitude and was very close-minded. I am going to adjust the guide accordingly asap, thanks every1 for the input. Comment if you have more things you want to discuss/need more info on.

If you bought Zeal and used it to snag an early kill, that would net you 300g (assuming the enemy laner has no kills). If you bought Avarice Blade and sat in lane farming without getting a kill, in order to match that 300 gold, you would need to either get:
  • 150 CS @ 2 bonus gold per CS to equal the same amount of gold as the kill (150 CS x 2 gold = 300 gold)
  • Sit in lane for (3 gold per 10 sec x 6 = 18 gold per minute | 300 gold divided by 18 gold/minute = 16.67 minutes) So you would have to sit in lane doing nothing for almost 16 minutes to make the same gold as Zeal that you used to earn 300 gold in a matter of seconds to get a kill.

Despite the fact that Avarice Blade earns you extra gold, it is immediately 300g inefficient. Meaning once you earn that 300g back, you still need to hang onto it longer to make a profit. Whereas if you just went Zeal first you wouldn't have to earn your money back on it first.

You can see the stats for avarice blade here.
Cryptmaster21 (1) | March 10, 2014 5:28pm
Ok, so the things I've found that people wanted to discuss: Blade of the Ruined King, Avarice Blade, Mercury's Treads, Maw of Malmortius, Randuin's Omen, Last Whisper, Mercurial Scimitar, Youmuu's Ghostblade Guardian Angel, my runes choices, tehasian's quote "Except crit is useless if you don't have AD or penetration to back it up. No point in getting even 100% crit if you have under 100 AD.", and flu0stift's quote "(first build) Items look okay, but i think u got too much defensive items in there, as Yasuo is a champion that usually has only Guardian Angel or sometimes nothing, so u might consider removing one from ur final build?".

So I will explain each with a more open mind and the changes to the guide are coming soon.

Blade of the Ruined King
Is a good item. In my initial response I was thinking purely of a normal team comp with basic lanes/scenarios, which lead to me saying that it isn't as good as other options. This is wrong. It is very good if your enemies have a team comp that needs: Kiting, tank shredding, an answer to split-pushing in the form of catching people out, and heavy target focusing (a certain person is fed and needs to be nuked fast). So Sirell, you were the first to mention this and I thank you, I was too closed minded and was wrong.

Avarice Blade
For this I suppose it depends on your play style, if you are a person that likes to immediately go for kills and think you will never be outplayed, then Zeal is a better option. But if you are like me and want to play safe until you become a force that has a much lower chance of losing a duel/being outplayed, then you will want to rush avarice blade and farm till Statikk Shiv, at which point you then go for dominating your lane (the time from buying avarice blade to buying Statikk Shiv is not long at all. Avarice Blade passive makes it a very fast process.

Mercury's Treads
These become a great choice if you decide to build [blade of the ruined king]] since they offer an amazing ability of tenacity and then some MR. (same thing for Ninja Tabi, they are also good options for if you build botrk

Mercurial Scimitar and Maw of Malmortius
These are amazing items and I've always thought so, I meant to add them in the first place but forgot. Sorry for the confusion.

Randuin's Omen
This item is an amazing item for sure, I only thing that I don't like about it on Yasuo is is that the active is a bit redundant for a champion that is already insanely "sticky". A good item choice for certain situations tho, definitely.

Youmuu's Ghostblade
Not a good item for Yasuo in my opinion. I feel there are much stronger picks than this, no matter the situation.

Guardian Angel
This is an amazing item for Yasuo, I am unaware of how it could be debated. The only thing that is debatable about it is the "should I always build it?" question, and the answer to this is: no. You shouldn't always build it, but the mass majority of the time you will.

Last Whisper
This is an amazing item for Yasuo certain situations. I highly disagree with building it very often. It is a like.. 30-40% of the time buy for me. The times I buy this item are for when I am being the complete focus of the enemy team's item builds. If they are stacking insane armor then, yes, build this item obviously. Sorry for the close-mindedness about this originally. I also build this anytime I see a rammus. **** him.

Tehasian's Quote
This is a statement that is correct, but irrelevant. By the time you have 100% crit (or 80% like originally stated), you naturally from leveling up, have well over 100AD and this huge crit chance does insane amounts of damage and poke.

Flu0stift's Quote
I explained this good the first time I believe, but I will summarize again. Glass-cannon is a bad idea. Always have a decent amount of defense for the unexpected.

I hope this has cleared things up, I am sorry about earlier, I was coming into this with the wrong attitude and was very close-minded. I am going to adjust the guide accordingly asap, thanks every1 for the input. Comment if you have more things you want to discuss/need more info on.
Satella (177) | March 10, 2014 5:55am
Avarice Blade gold generation is irrelevant because raw stats can get you a kill. Also if I had 800 gold I'd buy vamp scepter (or two crit gloves if I felt like it), not avarice blade.

5% crit runes are fine, you take it because 10% crit in lane can let you snowball off a lucky Q.

Rest of the guide, not so much. TehAsian knows what he's talking about and you don't. The reason that your guide is downvoted is because your theorycraft sucks AND you lack high elo gameplay experience to back up anything you said. If a Diamond I 99 LP player told me to play heal max Sona or BotRK Graves then I'll at least give him the benefit of the doubt because he has proven through solo queue experience that he's not terrible at this game. (Both turned out to not be bad in practice)

Learn to listen to criticism please. It's not a discussion if you just disregard anything posted.
sirell (400) | March 10, 2014 3:16am

Also, tehasian: You are plat 3, not diamond by any means. Also you are assuming I don't know simple tricks? Lmao. You are just as bad as sirell.

He was Diamond II last season. As he's a casual player, it's evident he's still climbing. Also, Plat II is also 1000x better than Silver IV, sorry to break it to you. He's one of those players that will only decide to grind ranked in the last few months and get that Diamond - he's not the only one on MOBAFire to do this.

Put it this way, he could Yasuo better than both of us at the moment.

But hell, if you want to keep thinking that Avarice Blade > Zeal, go ahead and stay silver.
Cryptmaster21 (1) | March 9, 2014 6:30am
Ravenholm, what are you talking about? Read my comment again? You notice that is it directed at 2 people? One part for tehasian and one for you.

Also, tehasian: You are plat 3, not diamond by any means. Also you are assuming I don't know simple tricks? Lmao. You are just as bad as sirell.
sirell (400) | March 8, 2014 3:22pm
******** facts? I'm sorry, WHAT?

What I Said

These are what the pros and high tiers build. These are the win ratios and popularity with those items. These are not ******** facts, LOL.
tehAsian (247) | March 8, 2014 3:15pm

Tehasian: I decided not to respond to your comments because you said you were down-voting anyhow, so your input is irrelevant to me. Also, you have 8 games total for Yasuo in season 3 and 4 combined.

I downvoted because your build is wrong and I pointed out what was wrong. It's possible for me to change my vote if you convince me otherwise, but you decided that my input was irrelevant and ignored it.

The comment section is for discussing the guide and the votes pertaining to it. By ignoring my comment you defeat the purpose of a comment section.

Furthermore, votes can be changed. If you could convince me otherwise, I probably would have changed my vote.

Plus, you're pulling number of ranked games played into this? Unlike you, I'm a casual player, I don't grind ranked and fail at it by getting stuck in silver while learning nothing about a champion whom I've played for 170 games. I play normals and master the **** out of a champion I'm interested in, THEN bring him into ranked for testing. Plus, you think any amount of games in silver will be worth more than a single game at diamond? ***** please, if anything, having a ****ty w/l at low elo means you suck **** at a champion which you shouldn't be writing a guide on in the first place.

Tell me, how many tricks about Yasuo do you know? Do you know about animation cancelling? Hydra? Cheese strats? No, you don't, because you didn't learn jack **** from 170 games in silver, because it's ****ing silver elo and you are unwilling to learn as is apparent from your response to comments.
Ravenholm (46) | March 8, 2014 2:55pm

Tehasian: I decided not to respond to your comments because you said you were down-voting anyhow, so your input is irrelevant to me. Also, you have 8 games total for Yasuo in season 3 and 4 combined.

Ravenholm: I responded to everything you said appropriately. The only person I'm showing malice towards is sirell (a gold 5, support main) for following me around throwing these ******** "facts" about a champion I know fully and have tried every semi-viable item on.

i never said i was downvoting your guide. do not put words in my mouth. I don't know what facts you saw him using but the one i saw was about avarice blade versus zeal. this is NOT a ******** fact. the item has neither good offensive nor defensive stats. if the jungler comes to gank YOU WILL DIE. you need stats to be a threat. maybe you don't see it because players in silver dont understand the concept of punishing mistakes and making metagame trades (ie flash, turrets, jungle buffs) but i PROMISE you if i bought avarice blade i would be camped mid because theres nothing i could do to contend with it. no cs and no levels. our jungler comes... he just dies with me. you need to buy the right items in the right order. sirell knows what he's talking about in this regard.

maybe he is being an *** but I'm not by any means. I'm trying to help you be a better player... why would you reject my information with such haste and extreme prejudice?
Cryptmaster21 (1) | March 8, 2014 2:15pm
Tehasian: I decided not to respond to your comments because you said you were down-voting anyhow, so your input is irrelevant to me. Also, you have 8 games total for Yasuo in season 3 and 4 combined.

Ravenholm: I responded to everything you said appropriately. The only person I'm showing malice towards is sirell (a gold 5, support main) for following me around throwing these ******** "facts" about a champion I know fully and have tried every semi-viable item on.
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