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Kirluu's Bjuutifool Diomand Ring'geh

Creator: Kirluu February 9, 2014 1:15pm
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Nera's Forum Avatar
Mar 22nd, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 24, 2014 2:26am | Report
your almost there bud! keep up the good work! we all get tilts. my general tip is when i start losing 2-3 in a row i take a break from ranked. either from playing other games on my xbox or other games on my computer, reading, or even still leagues but ill go play some normals and play unorthodox things like soraka jungle,ashe support just to have some laughs and not give a damn if i win or lose.

1 more till promo! prove to me you are worth of the beautiful diamond!

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Jan 15th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 1, 2014 2:14am | Report
I'm back with some post-game shots!

@Nera: Thanks for the encouraging words.. :s

Since my last post, I've played 5 additional games. I have to apoligize for not up with individual game-reflections, but this is how it'll have to be.
The short summarization is as follows:
I finally reached promotion for Diamond!!! WOOOOOO.
Aaaand I'm one game on the bad side, meaning I'm 0/1 thus far. NOT SO WOOOOOO. :C

Anyhow, here are the screenshots of the past 4 games it took me to get to the promo, and my first promo game.

This game in particular was a little bit sad, since it was another of my chances to jump into promotion, which failed. In this case, I was even playing very well, or at least things were going super good in the early game, where I managed to fetch myself and my teammates a good amount of kills. The enemy Pantheon even acknowledged this, in a sort of tone as if he felt sorry for me. Ohwelph.
Since I played well in this game, I wasn't too beat down about it, despite losing my promo-shot.

Now would you believe that? Vi wasn't banned, and I went right ahead and grabbed her, for a pretty straight-forward victory. Nothing much else to add, aside from it being a fairly clean stomp.

Now would you believe this..?! I actually managed to get to pick Vi for a second time in a row. The downside was that we had some sorta mishappening in champion select, and ended up with two ADC's in bot lane. To be fair to them, they actually did alright, but suffered when they got ganked, pretty hard.
This game was full of skirmishes that shouldn't have happened, and several times, I was called out by our Akali for being too scared to make moves, with associating nicknames herefor. She particularly stated that she'd have gotten a triple kill instead of dying if I hadn't been such a... let's say "chicken". When she said this, I pretty much had no clue what she was talking about, and because of this - and her keeping on saying it every single time she died, even if I wasn't around or able to help - it bugged me, and overall the game was pretty horrible throughout mid-->late game, despite our mid-game-ish score was pretty even.

Aaaand INTO PROMO I WAS!! c:
Another fairly quiet game with Jax for me. My teammates pretty much did most of the work, while Lee Sin had set me up with two kills in top lane, so that I wouldn't fall to possibly getting outmatched skill-wisedly. I scaled up pretty well and was able to join my team for some team-catches etc. later on, but I definitely can't take any credit for this victory, aside from not feeding my lane opponent horribly, lol.
Renekton's score was unfair, when comparing to his laning performance, and he mostly died outside of lane, with my whole team (with or without me) demolishing him due to the huge advantages gained elsewhere.

My first game in the promotion series. I waited a day before playing this game, after getting promoted, and hell if I didn't FP Jarvan IV because of not feeling that there was any other choice, since other lanes were called, and Vi of course banned. Lately I prefer to go top lane as Jax since that magically tends to work out, or Graves as ADC, since that's basically where my best win ratio lies at the moment. In hind-sight, I would have liked it if I had dared to pick the infamous Amumu, but that's not how it happened.
Basically, my teammates' picks were just severely outmatched by the enemy picks, and in particular out Ezreal was not able to do a single thing in this game, because... Welp, Ezreal needs very specific and certain circumstances in order to be even remotely strong, and those weren't achieved in this game.
The enemy Wukong ruled the show of this game in great style, and I was basically outscaled right then and there. He started off the game taking his own red buff, and then going straight to mine. I met him in my red brush and he engaged on me (This was after I had just EQ'd the red buff itself), and I was forced to run back down towards my Wraith camp.
This scenario made me realize how important it can be to start with the Stealth Ward rather than the Sweeping Lens, since I wasn't able to grant vision around my red buff, and he was just sitting around it, and as I came back after a bit (5 seconds, to check if he had backed off), to check on the red buff, he managed to engage on me, which meant I got to about 20 % health, and had to back. Meanwhile he took my red buff uncontested.
I don't think my midlaner could've done much to help, to be fair. It was just poor by me, and perhaps in a larger degree; great by Wukong.
After this, I continued playing, being a bit underleveled at a certain stage of the game, and in the meanwhile, Wukong was wrecking lane after lane with his ganks, and was playing very well indeed, in general.
But yeah, looking at the team compositions, I don't think there was ever that great of a chance to win it, aside of maybe if we had gotten an early lead (of which my red buff Wukong encounter did not suggest).. :s

Check out my comprehensive guide for Jax !!
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Kirluu's Forum Avatar
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Jan 15th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 1, 2014 11:32am | Report

After having played Lee Sin for a few normal games and Vi getting banned just prior to my blue side firstpick, I decided to try and see what would happen if I did indeed opt for the blind monk.
Game overall, as you can tell, was pretty much a stomp. I didn't have to do much for my mid and bot lane to get them rolling all by themselves, and Jax dealt with Nasus single-handedly without my help, and fought him dry, as you can also tell.

Both of my deaths in this game came from silly decisions later on, as I was pretty much just having fun, not playing with my mind very much.
At one time, specifically, I almost died from trying to Insec Nasus (whom I was 2 levels above at the time, 11 to 9) from under his second tier turret in top lane. I ended up taking way more turret hits than I intended, and he almost got the kill on me, as I had to Flash away. Jax then showed up and killed him straight-up. Lol.

Welp, I'm happy to be 1/1 and I am feeling pretty good about my chances all of a sudden. Now that I have written this, everything shall surely fall apart, but yeah.. :S

Check out my comprehensive guide for Jax !!
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Kirluu's Forum Avatar
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Jan 15th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 2, 2014 6:28am | Report

Forced to support, I do find that I managed to do myself justice in this game. I hardly put a foot wrong all game, aside from later on, when the enemy was just too much for any of us to handle. Whatever few assists I did manage to scramble together came from my engages and locking down enemies, for my teammates to try and kill, of which they were rarely succesful.

On another note, I've never met as ragey and flamey people before, as for what I can recall at least. It didn't take them very long to begin flaming, as soon as a few 5v4's clearly went in the enemy team's favour, as our Tryndamere stayed top for what seemed like forever, just farming up.
We did have one good phase where we won a fight with 4 kills for 2 deaths, where Trynda got a double kill.
Everything after that small good glimpse completely faultered though, so we had to recgonize defeat as they finally pushed our base down, albeit we kept them off by fighting at our middle inhib for quite a while (They won these fights, but not with being 'alive enough' to end the game against the last of us alive).

I don't feel sad about that loss, because I felt that I had a good game myself, and wasn't really distraught by the raging/flaming going on in between my teammates. One thing that made me speak up though, was that they were responding to the opposing team's comments over and over, standing still for 5-10 seconds at a time, due to the chat being more interesting than the game. Freaking numb-skulls, I say. >_>

I managed to get firstpick yet again, and blue side yet again. I don't know about this whole "random" system, cause it seems to favour me above the others quite frequently. o_o
On that note, I was lastpick, purple side in the Thresh game above.. Welp.. o.o

Luckily for me, Vi was not banned in this game, and thus, despite the anxiety of losing promotion, I was happy/excited heading into the game.
Our Pantheon absolutely stomped his lane, albeit after dying once to Xin Zhao at first, where he stated that the enemy Flash was invisible. I don't know what that means, but the fact that he picked himself up after that is always nice.

I proceeded to just help mid and bot, as I typically tend to do, and it worked out pretty a-ok. I had a decent game, Pantheon had a great game, and altogether, it was a good game.

For the note, Darius went afk after a while, and having died 7 times. This is what I reported him for, and not the "Darius is trolling please report" requests, as of which were also plenty.

Next game decides it all. o.o

Check out my comprehensive guide for Jax !!
Make sure to hit that +Rep button if I helped you out, and you feel I deserve it! :)
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Jan 15th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 2, 2014 8:38am | Report

Diamooooondd!! ♥

I'm sorry about the screenshot - I forgot to get the one without the huge Diamond-Promotion-Success badge blocking the view of the scores.
I went 2/0/12 in this game, and boy was I a nobody in this game. o_o

I was playing defensive-ish against the enemy Jax because I could instantly tell that he knew what he was doing, whilst I myself am not overly experienced in the matchup (except from the Jax's side, and I didn't want to give away free kills for an eventual lategame beast to unfold from top lane. So instead, Lee Sin secured kills in bot and mid lanes, and then I pinged for support, and he instantly pinged that he was on the way, and following that... Well, we killed Jax. o.o

I got a bit of stick from my teammates for not banning Kassadin, but luckily Brand + Lee Sin were able to pretty much render him useless. I also stunned him in the later stages when he tried to go in, and get back out - I essentially made sure he didn't get back out.

An annoying bit about this game was my inability to farm at a satisfying level. I presume the Doran's Shield start and 9/21/0 masteries are the causes of this - at least the farm I missed by basic attacks, but yeah... I wasn't feeling safe going up against an instalocking Jax at Diamond level. I could tell that he had much more control over Jax than I've ever had, despite me maining him for a period of time in the past. He had very slick movements and looked in control all throughout. Aside from getting baited by me, every time Lee Sin came to gank, he was playing pretty decently, in lane.
Later though... Boy, were those some questionable moves... o_o
I'm pretty sure he got close to killing people quite oftenly, including myself, but he just always ended up dying and not getting any profit from his engage. I think he was a tad frustrated at that point.

Reflection over Journey:
After 72 games in Season 4, overall, I'm super stoked and happy to finally be part of the Diamond setup of League of Legends, and to be honest, I don't know whether I'll be playing as oftenly anymore.
Diamond was my goal, my goal is reached, I do have studies that ought to keep me busy. In fact, I should sit down and read for Tuesday's lecture right now, but I think I'll play some celebratory Football Manager, while I sit around in a Skype call without talking, aside from cheering my imaginary football players on, when they score goals in the game.
So much for reflection, rather than immediate plans for postponing reading chores. Lol.

But yeah, thank you to everyone who've read just parts of this thread, for the sake of hearing what I have to say, and if you couldn't care less: that's okay too! This thread was mostly meant for my own reflection over my own games, albeit my W/L dramatically fell after starting this thread... o_o
I think I may, in the future of S4, climb up a few divisions, just for the sake of it looking better than D5. D2 would be a cool spot to sit at.
Damn, now I have a new goal. Ssshhh, don't tell tomorrow-me! D:

Anyhow: again, thank you to all of you who supported me throughout and any eventual silent readers on the sidelines! I couldn't have done it without you! (Inspirational ending of lies, yay!)

Check out my comprehensive guide for Jax !!
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<Retired Admin>
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Aug 3rd, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 2, 2014 8:56am | Report
Picking Renekton vs Jax is a good move, playing defensively is not. Renek has a heavy early advantage while Jax outscales him (you of all players should know that if you've mained the guy :P), so you want to be as aggressive as possible. Start Doran's Blade in that matchup next time. Oh, also I've been told to use 21/9/0 over 9/21/0 on him (in general), but I haven't tried that yet. Just figured I'd share.

Oh well, grats anyway :P

Thanks to MissMaw for the signature!
Kirluu's Forum Avatar
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Jan 15th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 2, 2014 9:55am | Report
Yeah, I suppose so. I did do okay against him pre-6, but I ended up pushing against my own will, and he got the cs lead, with me backing after roughly 10 minions ending up at his turret. I got a Giant's Belt and he backed after pushing back to my tower as I was coming back to lane, and he got the Bilgewater Cutlass, meaning that he essentially outsustained my already now, being able to poke me with ult charges, while I didn't feel safe with standing near him, already.
I probably had too much respect to how I felt he was playing, in regards to skill-level. I felt out-matched skillwise.
But yeah, I know that my pick should have been aimed at winning lane early on. Hell, I didn't get ganked at any point, so going offensive would probably have worked out fine.
Thanks for the tips anyhow :o

And thank you. :)
Check out my comprehensive guide for Jax !!
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Kirluu's Forum Avatar
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Jan 15th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 24, 2014 2:15pm | Report
Just played a game to avoid getting dropped down. I haven't actually set the hunt for higher Diamond ratings completely in, but this game at least provides a decent platform to do so.

In this game I definitely seemed to have control over the situation. I managed to pretty much predict every single one of their Lee Sin's moves, and managed to turn an ugly situation into either an even trade or a won trade for us, mostly the latter being the case.
I had a 9/1 score at one point, and was literally just getting kills everywhere I went.
At this point though, we then started to have some really doubtful plays, where we were towerdiving impatiently, Tryndamere fighting without the rest of us, us going in, getting CC'd under turret over and over.
Suddenly the teamscores were something like 35/28, and I had to tell my team that we really had to get our act together, and following that, I lead the initiative and went in towards the enemy team's open inhibitor. With the enemy team's renewed confidence after actually acing us a couple of times under their bottom inhib turret, they were not scared to hold a line against us, but they did not seem to realize that the turret was their main carry in the previous fights, and thus we managed to win the fight, with Kassadin (With Lich Bane, thank God) and Leona surviving and barely managing to finish off their Nexus as Orianna came back up.

A good game overall, where I feel I managed to show early jungling dominance, cleared up my bottom lane and middle lane to get on the course to victory, whereas I ended up leaving Tryndamere alone a bit with Trundle, even though he wasn't having the best of times in top lane. Getting Kassadin rolling was a key factor of my idea of how we could snowball the game efficiently. Good stuff all around, and I am happy with my team's effort in the end. No negative comments from anywhere, albeit it seems there was quite a bit of such in the enemy team chat. o.o

Check out my comprehensive guide for Jax !!
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Kirluu's Forum Avatar
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Jan 15th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 10, 2014 10:47am | Report

Well, this game had a pretty rough start, our team fairly early going 0/4. I managed to drag us back, snatching kills as I ganked around, getting myself a 5/1/0 score, but that 1, that 1 death was my bad-luck moment. After that the enemies started grouping, aka laning phase was over, and it was never easy to play teamfights with this team of mine. We rarely had any proper teamfights, in other words.
Our Zed made quite a few errors in the mid- to late-game, and it practically lost us the game. The other team won too many fights on Zed's behalf, for us to be able to do much near the end with Ryze and Irelia both posing major threats, which someone like Lucian also needs to be focused. Pretty difficult to handle overall, and Zed really did not make anything easy for us.
We ended up losing the last fight 0/5 followed by their finishing the game. At that point though, it would have taken especial circumstances for us to be able to win a straight-up 5v5 fight. We sought it, and we paid the price for doing so, as we should not have done so.

This wasn't a great game for me either, I had many moments of doubt during fights, and generally wasn't looking as lively as I usually do. I think the break from League was definitely showing in this match. Too bad, not much to do about it. I'm still in positive points, and that's fine for me, for now.

Check out my comprehensive guide for Jax !!
Make sure to hit that +Rep button if I helped you out, and you feel I deserve it! :)
Kirluu's Forum Avatar
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Jan 15th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 13, 2014 4:14am | Report

Oh boy, here we go. Down to 0 points.
In this game, I decided to try to make a commentary out of it, inspired by my sick voice. I'm not going to blame doing the commentary, but I definitely feel that I could have done better, and been more focused on my teammates, as to assuring everyone being focused around the correct objectives, etc.
Overall, the break from ranked League has definitely had an effect on my map awareness, buff control, timer-feel(For I, the diamond jungler, do not type down timers, because super smart) as well as brain-wave-length to have Smite up ahead of going for an objective, instead of realizing halfway through the drake/baron that I don't have Smite.

Yeah, so about the game: It was a pretty even affair, but probably one we could have walked away with a victory from. We had quite a few good fights with good engages (or counter-engages at least), and we won most of the teamfights transitioning from midgame to lategame.
In the end though, the last fight went terribly wrong, despite my ult knocking up 4 people. The enemy team had just stopped taking damage from our efforts, it appeared, while our team was squishy enough to get pretty much melted in said fight. They thus cleaned us up 5-0 and ended the game.
Quite a bit of rage and blame went down in this game, and I have to agree that our Kayle was doubtable at best, in regards to map awareness and her feel for when she could attack a single target. It's like she never expected the enemy in front of her to have teammates sneaking up behind her.

Ah well.. Let's hope I can scrape together some points in my next game. :)

Check out my comprehensive guide for Jax !!
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