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NA Inhouses - What's the problem?

Creator: Khazem July 6, 2014 9:54am
FalseoGod's Forum Avatar
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Mar 21st, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 8, 2014 2:03am | Report
Ironically, I feel like on EUW inhouses the tendency is to camp the higher elo players and make sure they don't roflstomp, specially if they play champs they are known to do well with. Like we had some silver ADC with Lucian, and I ( Evelynn) tried my best to get him going well against Luther/Wayne, which I succeeded with. Just like when I had to go Morgana versus GMD's Draven mid, both me and Khazem (Eve) made sure he wouldn't get it going. I've also been camped as Swain by Vyne once or twice.

I've been in the "Low elo vs high elo" thing and I loved it. Back then, I was unranked and GMD was Gold and I had a blast going against him mid, doing my best to cs without dying and staying relevant for the team. There was also advice given by my own team mates and at the end there were even brief discussions brought up. I know "high elo vs low elo" can be pretty intimidating but it is, in my view, the high elo player's job to teach the lower elo player without raping him/her and rushing snowballing items. It's even worse if people camp the lower elo player's lane just to get fed, no one is learning anything and the "Victory" at the end will award you nothing. It's toxic, unproductive behavior.

I'd go as far as say that - even tho this hits cooperative play with your team - if a lower tier player desires to go against a higher tier one to learn, they should be given the chance to go to a private room during lane phase/until the rest of the game so the higher tier player can tell the other guy in real time what he/she is doing wrong and right. I also thing shoutcasting helps, although unfortunately my internet can't handle OBS at the momemt ._.
<Guide Critic>
Vynertje's Forum Avatar
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Jan 10th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 8, 2014 4:15am | Report
Lol false that was nearly a year ago :D

Anyway I hope there would be a poll for both EU and NA to decide the best time/day to host these inhouses, if it were anything but friday I'd probably be able to join at least one/two times per month. If NA would be a bit earlier I could join these as well if I can get a level 30 account.

Also, regarding Bryun's idea, I'd love to cast some of the games if they happen to be at a good time for me. I can also stream well without dropping too much frames (720p).
FalseoGod's Forum Avatar
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Mar 21st, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 8, 2014 4:16am | Report
My heart is scarred :c

<Inhouse Regular>
Nebrasketball's Forum Avatar
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May 27th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 8, 2014 7:08am | Report
I feel like stomps have gotten much better, so we are talking about a moot point. If you disagree, feel free to find a recent example and I'll discuss my logic behind balancing that way.

If you are uncomfortable playing a role or versus a certain elo, you need to let your team know. If you dont, the faults on you. If you do and they won't swap, then the faults on them.

And as far as low elo getting camped, if you have a diamond v bronze toplane, you have other lanes not doing anything.
Mazuran's Forum Avatar
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Aug 13th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 8, 2014 10:28am | Report
Kazega wrote:

once in an Inhouse I was saying "I need to work on my top lane right now" so I went top and much to my dismay, I had matched myself against TehAsian. I got stomped. strike that, I got Roflstomped. I didn't play as I normally would have played. I wasn't sure if I was making the right moves, let alone CSing because I knew that the Diamond player would be all over my *** and I wouldn't know what to do about it. He free farmed as Jax, or maybe I was jax.. it was a while ago shut up... Either way, all I could do was stand there and try to soak up spare XP while Asian froze the lane and last hit his way to an obscene gold lead.

I learned nothing that game, because I didn't do anything except be a scared ***** because of the massive mismatch I put myself in. And what's worse, because of my complex,I felt like I was a huge drag on the team and I was internally tearing myself apart because of it.

This is one of the reasons why I ragequit inhouses a while ago. The team balancing wasn't the problem - it was evenly matching the lanes which seemed to be an issue (Being bronze-ish and learning ADC and being matched up against a diamond ADC main? Psychologically, the lane was already lost).

If you are uncomfortable playing a role or versus a certain elo, you need to let your team know. If you dont, the faults on you. If you do and they won't swap, then the faults on them.

I remember there was a preferred role(s) box on the signup sheet - but people didn't really stick to it, which made "balancing" the teams difficult to do on the fly.

Unfortunately, properly balanced teams requires signups to be definite, and well ahead of time so that the referee can prep for it. That's an awfully big ask of people (especially the referee), so it's unlikely to happen I imagine.
throatslasher's Forum Avatar
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Aug 21st, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 8, 2014 10:46am | Report
Balancing is the reason I quit inhouses.

-I'm diamond 1, can I play?
-Sure throat, but the other team is silver through plat and you get to have the two level 15's on your team because you're d1.

The only time I had fun in an inhouse is when I convinced the host that I'd play something troll to handicap myself. I played poppy jungle and it was a close and fun game.

I don't play inhouses because I will **** on my lane, and my top laner who's silver 5 who's against a d3 will get **** on, and everything is a mess at that point. Inhouses don't work because of the skill disparity.
<King of the Hill>
Khazem's Forum Avatar
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Jul 31st, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 8, 2014 11:04am | Report

Balancing is the reason I quit inhouses.

-I'm diamond 1, can I play?
-Sure throat, but the other team is silver through plat and you get to have the two level 15's on your team because you're d1.

The only time I had fun in an inhouse is when I convinced the host that I'd play something troll to handicap myself. I played poppy jungle and it was a close and fun game.

I don't play inhouses because I will **** on my lane, and my top laner who's silver 5 who's against a d3 will get **** on, and everything is a mess at that point. Inhouses don't work because of the skill disparity.

The skill disparity isn't usually -that- big and in case it is, I will always try and get the higher ranked players to lane against eachother. People need to remember that this isn't a competition or a tournament. These games were originally made so the community could have some fun games together and give eachother constructive critisism afterwards.
Now I don't expect diamond players to handicap themselves by trolling when they have to lane against lower ranked players, but I do expect them to at least try to respect the spirit of these games and perhaps give the lower ranked players some advice, or hell maybe even go a little easy on them... at least not buy a mejai's and *****tomp them because that is indeed not fun for anyone.

We work around this on EUW and I'm sure we can do the same on NA. It just requires a little cooperation and understanding from higher rated players.
<Inhouse Regular>
Nebrasketball's Forum Avatar
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May 27th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 8, 2014 11:05am | Report
Yeah, the only way around that is to dictate what lanes certain players can go in order to get even matchups. Which would suck. Otherwise you could split the inhouses into gold and below and Plat and up but there are not enough people to do that.
OTGBionicArm's Forum Avatar
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Jan 8th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 8, 2014 11:09am | Report
Yea, let's just wait 2 years to scrape together 10 players for each div. :p
<Ancient Member>
The_Nameless_Bard's Forum Avatar
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Jan 17th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 8, 2014 11:16am | Report
I stopped playing them in season 1 because of balancing issues. Somewhat worse than they are now tbh, because at that time there were a lot of games being set up such that one of the teams would have no chance of winning a complete lack of any rules really being followed.

I don't play now because they're generally at a time when I can't play in them.

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