Champion Overview:

Poopy, err I mean Poppy is a melle Dps, Ap DPS tanky burst assassin. She is one of the funnest champions to play in the league as well as having probably THE STRONGEST late game presence of any champion in the league. She can hold her own against most top lane champions, and can beat many popular "Win top Lane" champions like Garen. Her laning phase is her biggest "weakness" (if you want to try and debate shes weak there), and once she gets a couple of items and makes it to late game she can rip enemy teams apart. She is 1000000% capable of taking a game on her shoulders and completely carrying it, however be warned she has a pretty decent skillcap and will take time to get used to.

I got addicted to poppy for awhile I loved being able to hard carry :D

Skills Overview:

Passive: Valiant Fighter-Any damage dealt to Poppy that exceeds 10% of her current health is reduced by 50%. This does not reduce damage from structures.

OP PASSIVE. Really hard to kill, and atlow health is deceptively durable. With this passive people will fail dives and rage so hard will make you <3. Whenever this happens always remember to say Poopy OP :D.

Note: Lets clear up a common misconception of this passive right now, this does not 1/2 the 10% of the hp damage you take, it halves any amount after the 10%. (IE: Annie tibbers you, it would do 40% of your HP BUT with your passive 40%-10%= 30%/2 it reduces 15% of the damage meaning you will still take 25%. In essence, subtract out 10% before making the reduction calculation because the first 10% will always hit and wont be reduced.)

Q: Devastating Blow-Poppy crushes her opponent, dealing attack damage (+60% of ability power) plus 20 / 40 / 60 / 80 / 100 and 8% of her target's maximum health in bonus damage. The bonus damage dealt cannot exceed 75 / 150 / 225 / 300 / 375. cooldown 8 / 7 / 6 / 5 / 4seconds. Cost 55mana. Range 600

Whew this skill is an on hit yes, but its a lot more complicated( and better IMO) than a lot of other on-hits in the game. You deal % damage (making HP stacking champions wet their beds in fear at night), + All your AD (W gives you bonus damage here), AND a .6 Ap ratio. The best part, it works with Sheen HUEHUEHUE. When you Ult end game just this will 1/2 hp the enemy its pretty hysterical and with its low CD endgame you'll wreck face in fights :D.

-This Does reset auto timer always auto then Q if possible for maximum efficiency.
- All damage done by this skill is magic even the sheen procs.

W: Paragon of Demacia- Passive: Upon being hit or attacking an enemy, Poppy's armor and damage are increased by 1.5 / 2 / 2.5 / 3 / 3.5 for 5 seconds. This effect can stack 10 times. Active: Poppy gains max stacks of Paragon of Demacia and her movement speed is increased by 17 / 19 / 21 / 23 / 25% for 5 seconds. Cooldown 12seconds. Cost 70 / 75 / 80 / 85 / 90 mana. Range 600

This skill is very good to get one point in early on (Like level one), Unless im invading I will always take this lvl 1 15 AD and 15 armor is just to much to pass up, you can bully any AD in the game lvl 1 with that ( even something strong lvl 1 like a Riven). The active is a free ghost which will make ganking you hard. Your utility skill get a point early maybe 2 and max out last.

E: Heroic Charge- Poppy charges at an enemy and carries them for a short distance. The initial impact deals 50 / 75 / 100 / 125 / 150 (+40% of ability power) magic damage. If they collide with terrain, her target takes 75 / 125 / 175 / 225 / 275 (+40% of ability power) magic damage and will be stunned for 1.5 / 1.5 / 1.5 / 1.5 / 1.5 seconds.Cooldown 12 / 11 / 10 / 9 / 8seconds. Cost 60 / 65 / 70 / 75 / 80 mana. Range 525

This skill gives poppy a skillcap and makes flash a good choice(positioning uses, although I typically take ghost.). You always need to be watching your enemies position in top lane and if they ever stand to close to a wall let them have it! In team fights hitting an AD carry or an AP carry with a wall stun is almost guaranteed kill if you had ult on.

R: Diplomatic Immunity- For 6 seconds, Poppy is immune to any damage and abilities from enemies other than her target. In addition, Poppy's attacks deal 20 / 30 / 40% increased damage to the marked target. Cooldown 140 / 120 / 100seconds. Cost 100 mana. Range 900

Godmode Poppy, This skill amplifies your absurd damage, makes you invincible to everyone but your target ( The choice here is do you ult the Carry for instagib or do you ult the support for safety while invincible.) With this skill you can nuke, towerdive, and lift a team on your back, no matter how fed someone is if their doing no damage to an assassin they are probably gonna die.

Note:When you kill the target you ulted the (invulnerable) ult effect will end.
Also note that the bonus damage from your ultimate effects all sources of damage from you, red buff, ignite, and items like gunblade or DFG.


E-auto-Q-(E to chase for more Qs)

R before you combo if you want to go in for a kill.


Gangplank (You have to much armor ignore him and farm, kill if jungler ganks or if he does something stupid.), Tryndamere (You can bully him around, your ult is longer than his and you scale scarier), Renekton (No damage against your armor, his ult just makes your Q do more damage), Garen (You can literally sit there autoing him and do more DPS to him then he does to you with his whole combo), Fiora (Cant block your Q, you trade much better with your W passive), and Jax (Get hybrid defense his W and R do magic damage, you out DPS him and scale harder, you can survive the lane and win).


Olaf (True damage>your passive, he will win trades everytime with him E unless your jungler gets you VERY far ahead), Kennen (Long range poke all day long, Lightning rush when you dash at him), Teemo (same logic as kennen but a little easier, But everyone hates teemo sooo -.-), Irelia (She destroys you when her E is on, or if you let her get ahead), Shyvanna(Does alot more Damage that you can take and 1/2 of it is magic, she gets both armor/mr from her ult, you scale better into late game if you get through the lane), Yorick (General yorick always poke and sustain never die, just try and live and farm), and Warwick (He can sustain any harass, and can poke hard try and farm it off.)

Playing As/Vs

-Do not play aggressive if you do not have your ultimate, unless you are ridiculously far ahead.
-Always be looking for good Es and who to place your ult on.
-Try and trade off level one vs close ranged ADs.
- If your lane is getting ahead ask your jungler if he can hold and you can roam and gank, Poppy ganks hard as hell.

-Never stand near walls
- Wait to use your blink until after poppy uses her E, otherwise it may pull you with poppy even though u blinked away
-Try and avoid poppy while her ult is up.
-Deny poppy late game or your team will have it VERY hard.

Big Item Choices:

Philosopher's stone- Mana and Hp regen in lane + Gold bonus

Heart of Gold- Nice if you are behind for the health and gold.

Trinity Force- core item you use every stat, makes you a carrying monster.

Hextech Gunblade- Sustain and slow.

Frozen Heart- Cdr and mana get this if they have alot of ADs.

Maw of Malmortius- This plus passive makes a low hp poppy a dangerous poppy, you can get low then ult on their support (Who wont do much damage) and wreck face. get this vs teams with a decent amount of AP.

Solo Q:

Poppy is really strong in soloQ as most people dont fight her often, and wont gank top as much. She can snowball in peace and carry the game. If you are going to pick poppy either ban out olaf or pick her later in the selection.
Poppy is perfectly capable of carrying to high elo as seen with zekent/spamhappys sucess.

Ranked 5s:
Poppy is a really strong force with a coordinated team as you jungler knows you better and will help you get past the early game. You can tell your support to CV top if you know they are in the bush and get a free wall slam :D. As with soloQ pick her later in or ban olaf. Once you get to late game reap the rewards of being poppy and own face with your frends xD.


This is My Top Facts Poopy...err Poppy, I hope this helped you to learn one of, if not the scariest late game champions in the league. Poppy is a very capable top laner that can easily win her team games. Have a good day and see you all on the fields of justice.
"Agreed"- Poppy

I plan on releasing these every day/other day until I get all of the top lane picks in the league if there are any requests leave in the comments below and ill work on them. I want to make this series for others to better understand the champions of top lane. Once I am done (Or once I have a few top facts out) I will release some Facts about top lane mechanics, eventually I will probably put everything into one generic top lane guide, however until I do that I will continue to watch and update my blogs as needed. Tips and tricks I missed under my Top Facts would be helpful if you put anything I don't have in the comments I will be sure to add it. Thank you and have a nice day:P