So yeah, Udyr was down the entire game, pretty much. I noticed he was running hamsters during loading lol.

Getting the ward coverage I'm used to is difficult, though the wards I had sufficed in this case. I wish we DID have a ward slot...the issue late game is that you'd have to dedicate an item slot that could be used for something else if you want someone else to have wards. In terms of vision, it probably didn't help that the enemy was missing three trinkets.

I decided to get Twin Shadows as my last item to give me a kiting boost; their team was very mobile with Master Yi, Fiora, Sivir, and Ahri. I was able to kite all of them XD

The one death was from when I was kiting Fiora and saw my allied Pantheon nearby, so I blasted her with a pink chord, died, and then let Pantheon finish her.

We didn't take many jungle objectives. Two Dragons and I grabbed the enemy's blue buff when I was nearby.

I had a looooot of gold by the end...I wasn't sure if I could actually replace any of my items, since they all provided good utility. Unfortunate that you can no longer use Mikael's Blessing on yourself...

For the familiarity, I was only unfamiliar with Fiora, the rest I knew the ranges for skillshots and actives for. So that was an advantage. I swear Ahri was cursing under her breath every time I dodged her Charm. And when I didn't dodge it, it was on purpose XD (Allied Fiora was coming towards me, and I let Ahri charm me near the bottom tribush, right when Fiora popped out).