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MOBAFire Blog Feed

A funnel for all the blogs on MOBAFire. Clicking an article will take you to the members personal blog page to read the entire blog post.

Lee Sin Jungle 1st time!

So yeah i bought lee sin the other day and played him jungle for the first time today! It went great and i carried the team! I'm surprised over how fast i learned his abilities and i have to thank the lee sin guide "god of the jungle" here on mobafire! It guided me through the whole game to victory!//Ephíx

LoL Pro Guide - app on Android for summoners

Hello, Rocket Crocket is a group dedicated to creating applications for smartphones. Our first project is a calculator builds to play League of Legends. Advances in action you can watch on our facebook: / rocketcrocket Initially the application will have a rigid base builds in subsequent updates are going to make extensive build calculator. It will also be able to recognize the champions card as a loading screen images. We hope that our application will appeal to LOL gamers. It will be available in two versions - free and premium. Premium version will have the ability to save builds that best suit the players during the game. We are counting on interest from the players also in the phase of its development, we look forward to the comments that you would like to see in our application. Please also liking our facebook page. Please comment. Greetings

What happened to earning a penta-kill?

So I was playing a game of league earlier and the enemy adc picked up a quadra kill in a teamfight. During this particular teamfight I was still coming for base and as a result, I showed up late to the fight. But as I arrived, the enemy adc picked up the quadra and turned to me (I had full health as I had just come from base), and I killed him with one auto attack.

Immediately after, pretty much everyone in the game (both teams) started yelling at me and calling me rude and a b*tch because I didn't give him the penta.

I thought the definition of a penta was when "A player manages to kill all five members of the other team in one team fight" and not "A player kills four enemies on the enemy team and then gets a free (full health) kill from the fifth player.)

What happened to actually earning a penta kill?


*****Please read the entire blog post before you comment or rage -.-*****

The game is simple you and your teammates (hopefully friends) and try to KS one another in order to score KS points, the one at the end of the match with the most points win xD

The rules are simple, you get a point when you killed an enemy but you did the least amount of damage to him while your friend did the most, this results in you KSing and getting the point. This must be played with atleast 3-10 teamates otherwise everybody will think you 2 have gone nuts. You cannot play this in ranked, take ranked seriosly. You cannot under any circumstances let an ally die while you try to KS, thats just mean ... dont be a p***y -.-

Why play the KS wars ?? because it is simply fun :D, it changes the game alittle in a good way. It gives your friends agood laugh and changes the meta alittle sothat it isn't the same thing over and over again ... also if you are playing support you can…

My Blog ((Read for potential Giveaway))

Greetings, Mobafire.

This is actually my second account here (previous was Steppenwolf91). Reason being that I forgot my passwords. Anyhow, I didn't participate that much here and I wanted to change my nickname, so it's all good.

I would like to share with you the link of a blog I made this summer. I was planning on updating it frequently, but since I barely have any viewers, I had little incentive for writing articles.

This is the link. I need to update some things this afternoon (like champion pool, very outdated. Also, my current ELO - I raised two divisions since then).

Please check it if you have some time and comment a bit. If you like the readings and/or would like to see some particular kind of articles written, I'd appreciate any potential feedback.

Giveaway: I am considering to make a giveaway if this post gets enough atention. The details of such would be revealed soon, but it would consist basically of a skin-gifting (Legendary tier).



And Yeah in just a few days i will finally climb to the gold divisions, here in the dark rooms of EUNE :D

I came here from bronze while maining mostly LEONA , DIANA and VAYNE my top 3 favourite champions along with ZED


Wish you luck!

and Feel Free to Add Me on Nordic East: RazeGR

Less Planning, More... Winning?

Once upon a time, I would start the game with a lane plan. This was what I was going to do. I would cast this spell, and the enemy would do this, and then I would do this and everything would be rainbows and ponies... For me. They get blood and pain. But this had its problems. What if they did not respond as I expected, what if I couldn't get off the harass/initiation/whatever. Then I was just lost.

It was crutch for when I was unfamiliar with champions, but now I think I've progressed beyond it. I don't need to create convoluted plans to force my opponents into a situation I can kill them in; when they make the mistake, I pounce! And I can do that now because I am familiar enough with the champions to combo on the go rather than follow some sort of formula. That's not to say everything is all reactionary, there's plenty of scope for mind games. I have some on Cassiopeia, for example. But they key thing is I am no longer reliant on them.

That... Or it's just because I've been spammi…

But the Music Goes On: Background

Hello, my name is YeaISupport, and I am going to start writing fictional autobiography called "But the Music Goes On". It is going to be the story about Sona. It is not going to be based completely around the lore of Sona, but it will have some references.

I can't tell you too much about the plot yet, but it's going to be based around

League of Legends Champions:

Teamfight Tactics Guide