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Positioning: Zoning/Punishing

All the points below will be from bot lane point of view once again.

Let's start off with a story first to make my point clearly. I've been wanting to climb ELO and I wanted to see what I didn't do properly. I took the chance and played few matches with and against few Diamond I/Challenger bot lanes. I obviously lost every single time more or less, because of positioning.

I was playing quite fair lane Draven, Thresh vs

3150 IP thats itching to turn into a champion

Since I started ranked 2 days ago I've been wondering if I should get another champion to increase my roster so that I don't end up with a pick that I rarely ever play ( like Zilean ), since I have a soft gooey spot for burst assassins all of them are on the list ... yay :D

I checked her out in a few ranked games and she can own (if you know what your doing ofcourse), the pros for me is her passive


First things first: this is gonna be a sad episode of my elo climb diary. But you will get to know.
It already started badly. Duo-queuing with my friend, playing as leona, losing lane to blitzcrank and graves, everything going down, all normal.
Next one, Maokai jungle, enemy team constantly flaming each other, got myself good ganks, easy win in the end.
Next one had a rough start: Jax said he wanted to jungle without smite, I refused heavily, took smite and tried to talk with him. He took red, ganked bot, got a kill and went top afterwards. I jungled pretty well then, got my Mid and Bot fed, so this game was another win for us.
Now comes the great disappointment: I have 99 LP, almost got into promo.
But then this Game happened...
Malphite Top, friend got Sona support, enemy Miss Fortune got feed and CS, we know she must die in every fight. But it happens: I miss her two times with my ult. The result? We lose the game. So malphite has become the same as Renekton for me: I win the lane, …

Blog Post! Been a long time.

I've been pretty inactive on Moba these days. Got some news for anyone who was reading my Blog Posts (hopefully there are some of you that read them often).

First of all, I've decided to stop writing guides. I like doing it and it's a great way to help people but I've realized that I'm way better at reviewing guides than I am at making them. So I'll be archiving my Syndra Guide. I'll leave my Kat guide cause it's pretty big and it has a lot of views. Don't wanna say goodbye to it :P. However I probably won't update it. Or I might give it a huge update and leave it until any major changes are done on Kat. We'll see.

Second, I'll try and think of new ways to be helpful to people. My Guide Reviewing Shop is great but I feel like it's not enough. I'm sure I can think of new ways to help out around here :P

Third, I'm sorry I still haven't done some reviews for people. If any of you guys waiting on reviews are reading this then I apologize for being so late. I wasn't in the mood to review…

My Road To Gold 5 - Bludes

My Road To Gold 5

Soo at the moment I am silver 3 and I am trying now to become a gold member. ^-^
I will lose a bunch of games but that won't demotivate me! My main role is support but I can also go all other lanes but top. I will try to enjoy these and I will post how it goes out after my first game!

- Bludes :D

Elo Climb #3

Hey Guys, welcome to my third entry of my Elo Climb diary. This one is a bit late, simply because after I played my Rankeds I was simply too drunk and tired to write my blog entry. But here it is finally.
So my first game I was Taric, and to keep it short and simple, it was a total loss. Nothing more to say here.
The next game, I was duo-queuing with my friend again, he was Lissandra and I was Trundle. This time, it was again a complete and total... stomp. Bot Lane was fed, Top Lane was fed, Mid Lane was fed and I got myself some good ganks and kills.
Next game, it first looked like a win too, because Mid and Bot Lane got a good lead, but unfortunately our aatrox lost against their Tryndamere who then shared his farm and kills with his Master Yi which resulted in those two stomping our team in Late Game.
Next game, I playeed Trundle again, my friend went with Lee Sin. And again, it was a total stomp because of the awesome teamplay of my friend, myself and our randoms.
The last game of …

Unorthodox Support

Hey guys!

Welcome to my second blog of the day! This time around i want to talk about an Unorthodox support that i have personally never seen played as a support. I have tried it a few times and it has actually worked really good for me.

Now for the big unveilling! Rammus the support Armordillo!

Now then why would Rammus make such a great support? He has all the abilities to make up a tanky support yet still be able to buy cheap items that will allow him to tank the damage from the ennemy ADC.

For spells i usually go for all three of my spells first three levels then max out


Man, it's been a dream of mine to be up this high... I still remember back in season 1 when I was still stuck in 1000 elo complaining about how i thought I deserved to be in gold. Never actually imagined I'd ever get this high up.

I'm so close to the top now, only three steps away!

Feels so good to have finally won over a challenge.

Gonna take a break now.. That climb from plat 4 to dia 5 was rough on my brain!

1000th POST!

Hey guys I was hoping to get to this point a few weeks ago but then life happened, and I got busy. but I just wanted to say thank you to every one here on the site. I have had a blast being here, and plan on staying and hope to give something back a guide maybe hmm maybe just maybe, don't expect to see it anytime soon I may just end up trying to beat Master for the title of worst guide haha.

Since coming here my gameplay has improved greatly, and I have got invited into two closed betas thanks to Embracing and DeadlyDave for the Smite and Dawngate Keys. A big Thankyou guys for being awesome!!! I was also able to give a few keys away as well one to Dota2 to every ones favorite Banana Meiyjhe and a copy of Pennies arcade 3 to MrCuddowls

I have also had a blast in the inhouses and thank you to everyone who has been part playing in them and hosting you guys are awesome for putting up with my noob skill level to many people to list but I had an awesome time learning with you all and look…

League of Legends Champions:

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