Hey guys!

Welcome to my second blog of the day! This time around i want to talk about an Unorthodox support that i have personally never seen played as a support. I have tried it a few times and it has actually worked really good for me.

Now for the big unveilling! Rammus the support Armordillo!

Now then why would Rammus make such a great support? He has all the abilities to make up a tanky support yet still be able to buy cheap items that will allow him to tank the damage from the ennemy ADC.

For spells i usually go for all three of my spells first three levels then max out Defensive Ball Curl first as this gives me the early game armor to be able to handle the stress of tanking. Then going for Puncturing Taunt as this will give more chance to my ADC to go in for the kill as they are forced to attack me. Thirdly i go for Powerball, this is the least important one as it does not give you as much utility as the other two spells. Although i am not saying its not important. It is going to give you additional kills/assists by knocking up any escaping opponent if they are low health after the major beating they got from your first combo. Lastly you put points into Soaring Slam anytime possible at 6,11 and 16. This last spell will allow you to do additional damage to opponents but also to towers when pushing for the towers. Lastly Summoners' spells i went for Heal and Flash as [[Rammus as a lack of heals and flash as a good escape if needed.

For masteries i drop most points into the defensive tree as this will give you the early tankyness you'll need. Stick your points into Durability , Perseverance, Hardiness , Unyielding , Block , Veteran's Scars ,2 points in[Juggernaut]], Legendary Armor , Reinforced Armor and Honor Guard . The rest of your points will be most usefull in the utility tree putting points into Wanderer , Improved Recall , Mastermind , Summoner's Insight and then the last point into Greed for that extra gold generation or you could go for the Cookie from Biscuiteer if you want to.

For a rune setup i used Gold quints and yellows and flat armor reds and blues. This setup will give you the gold needed to buy your armor items such as Thornmailand your Ruby Sightstone but also give you some more early armor to deal with harrass.

Itemwise i went for a Doran's Shield when the game started for that extra tankyness but also the health regen so i could stay in lane longer. Then worked my way up to a Ruby Sightstone, Thornmail, and any gp10 items can help you to get quite tanky faster will also help after that working for any other armor items you might need to counter the opponents team damage and take as much of it as possible so your carry and other team members in teamfights don't take too much of it.

That's how i played this Unorthodox aggressive Support and it actually worked decently well. Enough peel for you ADC yet tanky enough to take the Harrass.What do you guys think of Rammus as a support? Would it be viable in ranked or would it be more for the laughs in a normals?

That's it for this second blog for Nera's corner! Any comments,suggestions,opinions can be left in the comments below! Have a great day!
