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A funnel for all the blogs on MOBAFire. Clicking an article will take you to the members personal blog page to read the entire blog post.

Twisted Treeline Part 2

Hey guys and Welcome to Nera's Corner with the Twisted Treeline part 2!

Today we are going to tackle what i find is the most important things in this gamemode and also team comps and Lane Matchups.

This is a list in order of what i think is most important to the less important:
1) Vilemaw
2) Farm
3) Altars
4) Kills/ganks

Now then why did i put them in this order?
1) Vilemaw can easily change the pace of the game with the global gold and his Buff. If you are loosing its going to give that push back into the game. If you are winning it's going to give you that extra edge when in teamfights to make sure you don't lose.

2) I find the farm is really important in this map. Iv'e played alot of normals where players would just try to go for kills and end up underlvled and underfarmed because they went for the kills too much. The farm enables you to lvl up faster but also with the last hitting allows you to even have the gold to be able to outitemize the other team. I tell you enough how fa…

Boot Camp: First Impressions

So I've played Five games in my Solo Queue Bootcamp so far, doing my best to keep notes. I've won 3 out of the five games and learned a substantial amount about Solo Queue as well as specific matchups.

During my first game, I laned against Fizz against a Kayle and dominated the lane. Originally, Kayle had lane swapped with TF in order to counter my advantage against TF. But due to jungle assistance, TF picked up two kills on our top laner before switching back. I assumed I was stronger than him and died in a tower dive due to a critical misplay. As I went back into lane, I all inned again and died due to my Playful / Trickster being on CD. We ended up losing, with the enemy Jarvan ending 6/0/4 because of successful ganks. Simple takeaway: before all ins make sure your skills are up, and avoid tanking towers at low levels.

Second game I played Sona with a Caitlyn. Due to our Top and Mid having easy matchups, our Jungle just camped bot, allowing us to gain a huge lead over the enemy D…

Throatslasher's S3 *DIAMOND* SOLO QUEUE Tier List...

Tier 1: Lee Sin(^^), Zac(^^), Nunu(^)
Tier 2: Hecarim(v), Nautilus(v), Jarvan IV, Sejuani, Evelynn
Tier 3: Udyr, Nocturne, Amumu, Cho'gath, Trundle, Nasus, Elise, Xin Zhao(v), Volibear(v)
Tier 4: Kha'Zix, Shen, Fiddlesticks, Dr. Mundo, Shaco, Kayle, Pantheon, Olaf, Skarner, Warwick, Jax, Maokai, Zed, Vi, Rammus
Tier 5: Rengar, Master Yi, Shyvanna, Malphite
(Removed: Taric) (fast clear junglers OP
Kennen Tier: Kennen
Tier 1: Rumble, Nidalee(AD), Shen, Elise, Jayce, Renekton
Tier 2: Lee Sin, Jax, Teemo, Singed, Vladimir, Zed, Cho'gath, Vlad, Zac, Riven
Tier 3: Malphite, Darius, Kha'zix, Wukong, Fizz, Tryndamere(AP), Olaf, Yorick, Trundle, Nasus, Tryndamere(AD)(^), Garen(^), Kayle(v), Irelia(v)
Tier 4: Volibear, Jarvan IV, Akali, Rengar, Nidalee(AP), Xin Zhao, Katarina
Fiora Tier: Fiora, Poppy, Gangplank, Vi, Pantheon

Tier 1: Anivia, Ryze, Twisted Fate, Diana, Fizz, Kha'Zix, Lissandra(^^)
Tier 2: Ahri, Cassiopeia, Gragas, Katarina, Orianna, Nidalee, Jayce, Zed, Swain, S…

Twisted Treeline Part 1

Hey guys!
Welcome to another installement of Nera's Corner!
Today i will be talking about 3 vs 3 Twisted Treeline.

First off il will be talking about champions that should be banned. I feel like the most important ones for this map are:
1) Singed
2) Darius
3) Malphite
4) Mundo
I feel like these should almost always be banned.

1) Singed is pretty self explanatory... small map, high farm potential and the advantage of being able to start with a tear right from the start and getting usually around 100 mana more from the strt by staying at his fountain. Within the first 10-12 minutes the tear being full and already having seraph's and boots fully upgraded. This makes this champ very scary in a 3 vs 3 situation.

2) Darius.. what can i say about this naturally tanky/damage dealing madman that can easily pull you into oblivion? With his damage over time from his passive and his crazy ultimate he makes up for a really good player to have in a 3 vs 3.

3) Malphite gets to be soooo tanky late…

Skins you'd never expect

So my friend and I were talking about the new ultimate skin. A lot of people generally conceed that the new Ultimate skin will be for Udyr, as the hint given was that he was related to spirits. I think it might be Mordekaiser.

So I told him it's totally gonna be

Get off my AD Carry! (Support 101: part 3)


Today's blog will cover warding - this is an essential part in the play-making aspect of a support. I will start covering lane wards, but I will give some warding tips for late game as well.

First of all, I should answer where wards are there for.

The answer to this question seems obvious, but the answer is not simply 'to prevent ganks'. You ward because you want to dictate the pace of the game:
  • With good ward coverage you can catch people off-guard
  • With wards you deny/gain zoning advantages through bush control
  • Wards will allow you to play aggressively without getting punished by the jungler
  • (Counter-)warding will allow you to take map objectives like turrets, dragon and baron, or prevent the enemy to make their move.

If you read this carefully, you will notice that all the things wards do for you, can be used to open up plays all over the map. This is why having sufficient knowledge of wards is mandatory for anyone wanting to move up in the ladder.

Warding in lane pha

Environmental Misconceptions

Greetings ladies and gentlemen,

I have to create a blog for my study, and I thought, why not doing it about something actual interesting :P. Instead of all the hippie:
"Omg humanity so evil, its all your stupid fault big companies!"

I will discuss deceiving environmental topics. If you are interested, feel free to look here:
I will post more stuff the coming days ;P

If you are not interested, then thank you for reading blog instead :D

Great website to assist when playing League

This Website is great for assisting you with counter picking your opponents especially in ranked

Just wanted to let the community know, (if you don't already know) about this awesome website, all props and credit goes to Solo-Mid for creating it:

Directions and how it works:
You type in a champions name and it conjures magically all the counter picks that are voted by a large portion of the League community (including professional gamers)

Just wanted to help the site out since it has returned the favour for me and helped me counter pick and dominate numerous of my opponents.

new free champions this week

hey guys anyone tried out the new champions this week blitzcrank, warwick, caitlyn, gangplank, jarvan IV, jax, quinn, taric, vladimir, xerath.
I've played about half of these before they were free and warwick is a fun jungle, jax I'm not the biggest fan of, always wanted to try out a jarvan jungle, and tonight I've been playing blitzcrank support which is a blast I keep my adc fed with that grip and knock up suprising how many players don't see that coming and dodge it or for that matter ward the bush I always grip them from, most freak out and try to get away but end up dead before they can get back to the turret. I've considered playing vladimir but in my spectating ranked matches I've yet to see any good vlads he seems fun but idk if anyones got guides to a jarvan jungle or a vladimir mid lane please post the link in the comments and I'll take a look and try it if I like it as always gonna give it a thumbs up.

thanks in advance

and thanks for reading


"Elo Hell"

Hey what's up guys and welcome to the 4th installment of Nera's Corner!
I hope you are all doing well on this wonderful day!
Let's get started.

So today i will talking about what we like to call... "Elo Hell"

Elo Hell is termed this way for when someone is stuck in the lower tiers of the League of Legends Elo and they can't seem to get out of the rut. Then most of the time we would usually blame
A) Leavers/AFKer's
B)Other players.

Most of the time though it is underestimated how much this "Negative Attitude" can affect TeamPlays. This is a Teamgame. The other Team are in the same boat as you are,Dumped into a team of random people that might be flaming at each other also. It is your responsibility with your leadership skills to
A) calm the flaming person on your team so that the negative attittude doesn't affect the other players on your team.
B) If one of your teammates is having trouble in their lane there are multiple things you can do to help him out instead of flame.
1) Gank th…

League of Legends Champions:

Teamfight Tactics Guide