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MOBAFire Blog Feed

A funnel for all the blogs on MOBAFire. Clicking an article will take you to the members personal blog page to read the entire blog post.

Give me some ideas

So, I now have unfettered access to a couple of low silver accounts. One I have cart blanche control over, and the other I have mostly unlimited access, but it has EVERY CHAMP and practically every rune. I'm looking to mix things up and have some fun, so I was considering doing an elo climb on one of these accounts with some very specific constrictions. Would you like to see...

Only playing 1 champion? I can play champs like poppy as top, mid, jungle or support, as well as fiddle top, mid, jungle, support, etc. If you want this option, pick a low tier character that can fulfill multiple roles. (udyr support/mid? olaf mid/support? could work)

Only playing 1 role? If I were to do this, it would almost certainly be support. I'd be guaranteed to get my role and it could be entertaining.

Yordles only? ADCs in unconventional positions? I'm not feeling very creative today, so if you like any of these suggestions or if you have any other suggestions, please let me know in the comments. I wi…

My opinion on Singed the Mad Chemist!

Hey Guys!

Today i will talking about one of my favorite characters that i love to play!
Singed can definately be a monster in the right hands. A combination of movement speed,ap and health can give you the tankiness,damage and speed to overcome enemies.

I have to admit i probably don't play him as tanky as most of the builds on Mobafire but this is my play style and items.

1. Seraph's Embrace
2. Boots of Swiftness
3. Rylai's Crystal Scepter
4.Liandry's Torment
5.Rabadhon's Deathcap
6.Void Staff/Frozen Heart

This kind of build allows me to be tanky yet still be able to do massive damage while outrunning and outplaying whoever decides to chase me. With a 800-900 Fling and high Poison Trail damage per second anything but tanks melt down within seconds.

For runes at the moment i am using:
Mark of magic penetration
Seals of Flat armor(as you will usually play singed top lane)
Glyph of scaling magic resist
Quint of Flat Ap (would love to upgrade these to movement speed at some po…

First post EVER, could really use some tips ;)

So ummm hello, my name is Arenor and im kind of new to mobafire. Ive just finished writing my first guide ever on Sejuani. I dont know who reads tbis but feel free to check it out and comment, i could really use some tips ;)

Also i started working in a general guide about supporting which is really underappreciated yet important.

Hope to hear from you :)

Boot Camp

A slight change from my past posts, this one is a more personal, self centered blog entry. If you came here looking for insight into the nature of Solo Queue, this isn't really the place.

When I get home from this League Hiatus, I'm gonna be going into Boot Camp mode for a week or so. It'll probably start Sunday morning, after I cast the Mobafire Inhouse on Saturday night. I'm going to be playing with a focus on improving, meaning I'll be writing notes on my screw ups, grinding out games, and above all else seeking to be critical of myself rather than my teammates (which is what it takes to improve). I'll be streaming this Boot Camp to my Twitch channel with music, and I encourage people to come and watch, partially because it helps motivate me and partially because I hope that there will be a decent amount of insight and not awful play.

A list of champions I'll be specifically drilling:


sport injuries?

As some of you may know, I do armored combat. I fight in heavy armor with a rattan sword. For the most part it's quite fun, but this wasn't so much.

Yesterday we did some "sword drills". Or more accurately, stood around as human punching bags while the person we were paired with practiced sword shots on us (and vice-versa) for more than an hour. Which, there's a big difference between standing around while getting hit and actually fighting someone. Having fought this particular person before, I'm fast enough that he usually can't get a full hit on me.

I don't personally have thigh protection at the moment (which is my bad, but it's not required and it isn't cheap), so when I couldn't get the shield (which I'm not used to using) in front of my off-side thigh I took some hard shots.

I figured I'd share some pictures. I would like to note that these are VERY washed out.

bruise #1!

New ADC for team DUMP

Today I found out that MOBAfire is holding the tournament. I've been doing really well as adc lately and i'm glad that this opportunity as arose. I don't consider myself Doublelift's understudy or anything, but i mean, i've been playing adc for as long as i can remember and i main vayne. sooooooooo. I just hope i can get off of work for this tourny. I really want to prove myself to my friends and impress them. And OF COURSE, i'll try my best to win

Item Idea: Boots of Lightning

Item name: Boots of Lighting
Recipe: Boots + Long Sword
Cost: 325g + 400 g + 800g = 1625g
- 20 attack damage
- 35% movement speed
Unique active: Caster is surronded by lightnings and thrown forward (500 range) and gets increased 10% movement speed for 3 seconds. (200 seconds cooldown)

A item for those squishy AD Carries that has no escape except

ADC Maths P.2: Vayne, LW and IE

Welcome to the second edition of ADC maths, brought to you by yours truly. This post proves to be an altogether shorter affair than the previous one. For a look into the mathematical process behind this, please visit ADC Maths P.1.

Table of Contents

Closing Words


Carrying on from the previous post, I compare the numerical value of building Last Whisper or an alternative item 3rd. In this case, that item is Infinity Edge. Prior items are:

Lvl 30's Rant

Hey guys!

Nera here with my first blog post. This will be about just getting to lvl 30's. From my own personal experience it hasn't been too too bad except for those games where even though you are playing with friends and in a skype call and you ward and everything yet you still get demolished. This happened to us yesterday where there was litteraly nothing we could do. The skill cap between the two teams were just so different. if i remember correctly within the first 10-15 minutes we had already died what feels like 15-20 times. I have to admit we aren't all experts my friends and i but we still have some know how like counter building and such yet still lost in such a way.

This game is fun but when it comes to those games where you know you can't win because the other team has so much more experience than you i personally don't know what i personally can do to try to turn it around. My friends aren't quitters which means that even though the 20 minute mark was passed they still w…

League of Legends Champions:

Teamfight Tactics Guide