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A funnel for all the blogs on MOBAFire. Clicking an article will take you to the members personal blog page to read the entire blog post.

How to balance some champions 6/10/13

Ahri - fine
Akali - buff gunblade
Alistar - fine
Amumu - fine
Anivia - fine
Annie - increase range of spell across the board by 10%
Ashe - New 'e' spell, please. Give passive flat increase to crit chance
Blitzcrank - fine
Brand - reduce mana costs by 10%, increase range of e back to launch levels, make R prioritize champions always
Caitlyn - fine
Cassiopeia - make 'w' come out bigger and in a cone, not a circle, maybe not expand as well
Cho'Gath - fine, would like to see his early sustain lowered a touch and his late sustain increased
Corki - reduce mana costs by 25%, make rockets reload much faster, reduce maximum capacity to 4
Darius - fine
Diana - reduce tankiness/resists to account for resistance stack meta (abyssal zhonyas)
Dr. Mundo - increase base armor, reduce health costs, rework passive to give more sustain early and less sustain late
Draven - reduce his level 1 axe damage significantly, have it scale to the same dmg at 5
Elise - fine, reduce the 'hang time' on rappel

Huramak's Disguise

I feel it is a bit of a shame that Haunting Guise has only one possible upgrade, so I'm making another suggestion for one. I will also try to make a constant flux of blog posts from now on.

Huramak's Disguise
Recipe: Stats:
  • +275 HP
  • +70 AP
  • Unique Passive: +15% Magic Penetration
  • Unique Active: Summon a clone of your champion on a location within 2000 units. It grants you vision and can be contolled as a pet. If it takes damage it is destroyed or lasts 15 seconds maximum. (300 second CD)

I wanted to keep the AP-HP theme of

Rehabilitation is painful for everyone

First off, this isn't drug related. Every so often, someone feels like taking a break from the fight and their skills dwindle a little. Short breaks are fine, it gives time for skills to cement and for muscles, reflexes, nerves, eyes, and mind to rest and sharpen. But like with working out, if you stop for too long, atrophy sets in.

Obvious stuff, I know. I tend to call this "gettin' back in the groove" phase "rehab" or rehabilitation, since you might as well have been crippled for how rusty you've gotten (no offense to actual injuries, but they apply), especially if you intend to jump right back where you left off. For league, unless you have a backup account, this is mostly unavoidable.

I type all this more to send the message that it's okay to suck at first. You were a badass once, you'll be a badass again. Its not like you forgot how to play, so don't feel bad when you miss a skillshot or make a poor judgement after a long vacation. Its har. Someone will notice that wayward Ashe …

today on LoL

Hello fellow LoL players today I bring to you a rather funny story, I was on summoners rift playing garen toplane and had a friend of mine playing the dreaded teemo mid-lane. The game had been going for about thirty minutes now and the enemy team was MiA now where could they be but baron! Luckily teemo threw in some teemo bombs earlier so he was watching waiting, flashed into barons cage and stole baron with an auto attack needless to say he was dead shortly after, but still he won us the game with that steal we aced the enemy team and cho cho to their nexus!

and thats my LoL story of the day what's some of yalls?

- tecknologic5555

A Government Run By Me...

Hi MobaFire! <3
A long time ago (2009, in fact), I wrote a list of some of the conditions of living that I'd require of my citizens if I was a dictator. Looking back now, I can see some of the ideas were not very well fleshed out, and that some of my priorities have changed.

Here is my improved list of societal rules, with the negatives and positives listed for each proposal. Some are "big" in scope, and some are just small alterations to current ideas that I believe would make my imaginary society better. As I am studying to be a teacher, a lot of my ideas are related to children, students and schooling.

Please don't take offense to any of my suggestions. I'm happy to defend my "decrees", and if you have a better idea, I'll be more than glad to hear it. But don't assume I'm targeting you, or ignoring minorities, or whatever. That's not the point of this exercise. It's simply a reflection of what I believe would be a step towards a better society.

The "policies" are listed in order…

hello league of legend players!

Hello, fellow LoL players this is tecknologic5555 here from the NA server normally I'll play champions based on what our team doesn't have. My most common picks are Amumu or shaco for jungling depending on if we need a tanky type or not, garen is my top laner, fiddlesticks is my mid laner, my adc is trydamere, while my support I have yet to find one I enjoy I will normally use one of the free characters that week if we need a support. I'm only level 24 in game I haven't gotten into the ranked matches yet but hoping to soon.

thanks for reading
- tecknologic

Art Post #7: SO CUTE

Hey again guys! Hope you enjoy my 7th post for the art part of my blog :)


Welcome back! I decided to go super-happy for this post's mood :D
I had lots of fun finding these wonderful art pieces for our champions!
So in this post we get to see the cute Sona, Pantheon,

Warding, a rant by CloudCarry

Disclaimer: I originally made this rant in response to a reddit thread, but thought it would be useful here, as well. While this blog may contain useful information for play below silver, this rant is directed at gold level play and up.

Every time someone dies at bottom lane, I look at the mini map. Yup, no vision except one lonely ward (which is not nearly enough for bottom lane) and the support ALWAYS has two wards in their inventory, but doesn't ever place them.

I see a lack of vision in a lot of my games and yet the support doesn't seem to know what they're doing. Surely some of that is their lack of appreciation for the role, but I realized the other part of it must be because of misinformation and what is generally accepted as "good enough."

Now, there is a way to properly ward and in fact, it's pretty simple: you just take the season 2 support mentality to the next level and use sightstone, if that's your thing. The thing people don't understand about support is that items…

League of Legends Champions:

Teamfight Tactics Guide