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On Nidalee.

I've been playing Nidalee almost exclusively lately, mid and top. I honestly cannot see why I didn't try her before. The things you can do are so funny at times and hitting those spears at max range never gets old. Never.

But what I wanted to talk about was the fact that it seems like she's one champ that people refuse to see as powerful. Even after seeing her multiple times in the championship (including the final game in which she beat a yorick in lane) she still isn't FOTM. She sees constant play in higher levels of play, I mean it seems like every featured game has a nid in it, but she is rare to see in lower levels of play. I can't understand why that could be though. Orianna took off and they have the same premise: damage+utility.

I just can't see why she isn't seeing more play in the lower levels that openly embrace all things that pros call good usually. I'm not complaining though. No one that I play against has the slightest clue what Nid is capable of, referenced by the fa…

S3: Wanting to Learn!

Hi all!

I wanted to start up a blog of my ranked games to receive input to help myself improve and hopefully help others along the way. Please don't hesitate to post criticism or feedback!

A little about myself:
-I am 20 year old college student
-I started playing LoL 2.5 months ago
-I like to think I am well suited to progress in this game XD
-I am a National Master of Chess (~2200 Elo) (Please PM if you are interested in chess!)
-Former Online Poker Player (.25/.5 and .5/1 FR on PS, slightly profitable :P)
-I watch and love TheOddOne's Stream

Roster, Elo and Goals:
My main role is far and away Jungling. However, I feel comfortable supporting but would of course like to learn this role better. The other roles I feel I can pass as but am nothing special.

Roster (In order of frequency/mastery of champion):
Jungle: Amumu, Maokai,

Beauty Obsessions

Fall is here,so I've embraced some warm rich colors. I'm a girly geek or geeky chic.So I'm excited to do this.
I wanted to share my beauty obsessions. I like soft looks or natural looks. The images are big so I'll just link them. Note I do buy high end products on Amazo nbc I can get them for half the price. I don't actually pay 50 dollars for a foundation.

Anyways,I have sensitive skin so Lancome,Maybelline,and CoverGirl seems to be the best brands that doesn't break me out. I'm going to start off with foundation.

I love Lancome Oscillation Powerfoundation. It's the first vibrating foundation. What makes this foundation so unique is that it has a power button. When you turn it on the sponge at the end oscillates. I recommend this foundation because it's really easy to use. Just apply like it like you would any other mineral foundation. It buffs the foundation for you,so all you have to do is make sure you have even coverage.

Next is eyeshadow. My favorite thing ^.^ Okay,so si

Ranked S3.G9-12


So I had a bit of a bad streak. I got kind of annoyed and did something I shouldn't have.

One bit of advice NEVER lose a game then hit "play again" right away. It is just a horrible idea.

That being said, after three losses I played my lovely Sona and despite having a troll ADC Eze, we still won the game.
So far my ELO is sitting at 1097. So close to getting 1100. I think my goal right now to be reasonable should be 1200. After that maybe I'll make another goal.

It is odd, despite having a 6/6 win/loss ratio, I'm 5/1 with Sona. I guess she is my most played now.

I'll have to practice with other champions outside of ranked play a little more.

Just a rant.

I just want to state this right off the bat.I'm not the best in LoL. I play just for fun,would I like to be really good? Of course! But I hate playing with others because they get all upset because we're losing. At time,I am the one causing the sinking ship,but I do have my off days.

My point is,instead of being a brat for losing why don't you ask your teammate,"Hey ____,I see you're struggling would you like some help?" I would NEVER be mean to anyone over a game. There are more important thing in life than a game. I understand it can be frustrating to lose,but you have no right to go off on somebody.

I'm not saying anybody did anything to me,but I've had people tell me how they've cried because people can be so mean. That shouldn't be happening. If you can't play nice don't play at all. It's just not okay.

Anyways,I hope you all had a great day. I'll get back to making stuff tomorrow.


How to play Support - League of Legends

Video contains instructions on how to play Support role in League Of legends ranked 5vs5 brackets.

*******Summoner spells and starting items;
*******Laning phase;
*******Middle phase;
*******Late game;

Feel free to share the video.
Watch in HD!

Fun Day

Had a fun day in League today :3

Went AD Yi mid and got a penta~

Found Fruyti and BBQ in premade 5s normals, and got rolled :D

Played ranked and lost both times :/ 1350 elo-ish now

Started picking up Kassadin. Kind of meh, but I need a bigger AP Mid roster.

And discovered how terrifying Nasus is late game.

:D So yeah, interesting and fun day.

An early happy thanksgiving.

I just wanted to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving.
I hope you all enjoy your meal and realize the things you do have.
I know we all get caught up in things through out life and forget we have.
Last year,my mom was unemployed last year due to bad management in the law firm she worked at.
We almost lost everything. I was always spoiled because I'm the only girl out of five boys,so everything was handed to me in some type of way. Don't get me wrong we're not rich,and I was always taught that I earn things in life and the word no.

Anyways,just look around and see what you have. There is always at least ONE positive in your life. You just gotta look.

Have a great night everyone,

Season 3: A Glimpse at Supports

I'm really excited for Season 3, a new start, new elo, new changes. So far most of what I see I really like. There are a number of things I'd like to see stay (such as Ionic Spark and other things I'd rather not see implemented, but for the most part I'm happy.

Many people don't think supports are going to be that much better, but I'd suggest the opposite. The gold flow on live summoner's rift is currently 1.3 gold per second, in the PBE it's sitting at 1.6. I've heard that they compensate this by reducing the gold that minions give but I'm not entirely sure. In any case, this is a total net gain for supports regardless of how they affect minions or jungle creeps considering we farm neither.

With that said we are losing Heart of Gold which is a pretty significant loss. In it's replacement we are getting Sightstone and Ruby Sightstone, but all in all it's not such a bad trade off.

League of Legends Champions:

Teamfight Tactics Guide