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I will start to say SORRY If my comment was like an spammy :( I hope was not , but can't write so much think , because my english it's just bad ; But If I comment you GG for the guide , It just because the guide was really useful in the game and help to me to win it.
So thx for your guide , There so many to use it. AND many of this help me to know how to use the champ.

Remember I'm also a noob ( :D ) I need to use so much champ. !!! XD

SO SORRY For my spam , I will do my best to change it. ^_^

I hope You will have a great GAME!!! :D GL

And A good day. :3

State of the Bot Lane: 8.2

What changed?

For supports this has been a amazing update. Sightstone has been taken out of the game and has been merged with support items. Fully upgraded support items, such as Talisman of Ascension, Face of the Mountain, and Frost Queen's Claim have all been removed from the game. The only way to get refillable wards now its to complete the quest for

Thinking your way to wins

-What is the situation on the map?
-Based on that assessment what do I want to do?
-What do I need to make it happen?
-Do it

You need to be able to answer these questions even when you are chasing that fing Ezreal/ Kayn/

As jungler should I Flash for an early kill?

The scenario - ganking Top lane at level 3 after a Blue > Wolves > Red > Rift Scuttler start.

You should have an idea where the enemy jungler is based on which of their laners came to lane late. So, if you are mirroring them you can expect them to be right behind you if you have the faster three camp clear or ahead of you waiting in a bush if they have the faster three camp clear.

Case in point. Shyvana vs

69 Tips To Improve As An ADC


So, It is based on my experience and some readings on internet. Hope it will help you a lot.

Tip #01: When learning ADC (or Marksman if you're a hipster) focus on csing well first, you'll have plenty of time to learn the other skills.

Tip #02: It may take you a few games with a new ADC to get used to their auto animation, try nailing cs first with bots or in a normal game first if you aren't confident.

Tip #03: One of the best times to harass is when they move up for a last hit. They will normally be engaged in attacking the minion and so will not be able to retaliate in time.

Tip #04: Further more, if you see your opponent getting ready to harass you when you go for a cs you can surprise them by harassing them back instead of going for the cs.

Tip #05: Always check what summoner spells the enemy has.

Tip #06: Track when they use their summoners and write it in the chat, Flash has a 5 min~ cooldown.

Tip #07: Heavy pushing can be an effective strat a…

I'm Making Champion Concepts!

Alright, so as it turns out, I was in no way qualified to make a guide. Every time I followed my own advice on how to beat certain champions, I just feel on my face. I may make a guide on Heimer mid in the future, because lol tank meta, but for now, I'm gonna be making a bunch of champion concepts on the official LoL boards! I already have three released right now, and I plan on releasing more. I don't really have a good scale on what is over/underpowered in terms of details like base damage, scaling, mana costs, cooldowns, health pools, etc etc. But I feel like I have a bunch of neat ideas for champions. Here are the links to my existing concepts, in case you wanna see them.

Nah'Kasar, The Void Dervish (My personal favorite work)

Soluna, The Aspect Of Balance
Dusaat, The Living Knell

Thanks for reading! Oh and sorry if my concepts stink more than pre-rework Urgot. :P

How to push two waves safely

A tidbit I picked up from one of Wickd's VOD reviews. I'll link the video and mark the time he discusses it when I get an opportunity.

Wickd coaching a Jayce. The point about safely pushing two waves is discussed at 14:27.

It is a somewhat specific scenario, but I hadn't heard it before and I consume a lot of league content so if I haven't heard it, others might not have either.

Say the towers are down in Top lane, but you take the Rift Herald. There is an enemy minion wave slightly past the mid point of the river on your side of the map and so you would like to get your minions pushing to the enemy side of the map AND two waves will give you enough gold to hit an item spike.

So how do you get those two waves without having to push too far into enemy territory?

Key Point

You slow push the first wave and then fast push the second wave.

Slow pushing the first wave will allow for the second wave to reach you without you having to overextend into enem…

League of Legends Champions:

Teamfight Tactics Guide