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A funnel for all the blogs on MOBAFire. Clicking an article will take you to the members personal blog page to read the entire blog post.

The LoL Trolls: Trundle I'm Not a Troll, I'm The Troll

Hey there this is me I wasn't good enough to get on T.V. lowest played champion in the League, Trundle yes that's me. If you feel I'm not good enough for your team, baby, just dodge go ahead and leave, double jungle and no solo top or mid lane, you be typing "hey this trundle's a real pain. I throw my ulti in your face gunna walk here, slow your pace and make sure you don't get away, I'm trundle, the troll, report me for intentionally, feedang!

The troll that's what the call me in 14 different countries, and maybe if you ask me nicely I'll break the icee's and please just don't call me a noob on youtube and record this game and post to show your friends while eating food. Then you can't laugh and try to fight, spit out your food cause your so excited. Now this troll's going top lane and maybe, we'll show these noobs a little persuasion and pain!

Throwing a pillar of filth and grime showing these first timers that this lane is mine. Don't try to get on it you regret ever ganking and …


I'm sick of this attitude in normals (I don't play ranked, so I dunno what goes on there) that if you don't go with the meta, satan is going to be summoned to rip out your soul and rape your body till is doesn't exist anymore.

Story Time! So I choose urgot, and my buddy that I'm on skype with chooses leona, so we call bot lane. Then this guy on our team goes "no urgot go top, not bot. urgot is not ad carry". So I tell the guy that me and leona are on skype and that it doesn't matter if I'm an ad carry or not. Then he gets mad at me because no one is jungling. So I tell him,

"If you want a jungler so bad, then play a jungler"

"Well, if I do that, who will play mid?"

"If no one calls it, I will"

But this guy wants to play mid, doesn't want to jungle, and is a little hypocrite weiner, so he proceeds to rage and tell me that "urgot's AA range is ****", and basically that I'm an idiot and we're gonna lose. So we ignore him and go bot.

Long story short, we rape their team and they surr…

31st Post

Hey there this is my 31st post
and I figured I could do it
on something that has been
pondering my mind for a
while. These are some
Item Ideas that I'm mainly
doing cause I'm bored but tell
me if you like them.

Khight's Shining Armor "KSA"

Cost: 1250
Original Cost: 475
Recipe: Cloth Armor, Ruby Crystal

250 health
25 armor
Unique Passive: Grants Allies with 10 armor, and 100 health.
Unique Active: Grants target ally with 20 armor for 15 seconds(cooldown 40 seconds)

Blade of Woe "BOW"

Cost: 2855
Original Cost: 375
Recipe: b.f. sword,

Jungle Shyvana Fail

It's Shyvana time again! Yes, as I have been ranting much lately that Darkflame Shyvana hasn't been released yet in SEA, well, it is now! I've just gotten it today, and I was so excited to use it! Which in turn, resulted to this...

I was so excited, so I was really all over the place. I was clicking so intently that I failed to see there was one more wraith left there, and so I wasted a few more seconds of my life. Hahahaha :)) Overexcitement really does get to me! After all, I've been waiting for this skin for months! I couldn't help it!

I've actually just discovered that my IOBit Gamebooster Software has FPS functions including in-game video and photo capture. Hahaha :)) I was looking around the forums and everyone was saying Fraps, little did I know I already have a pretty awesome software that does great job on my computer. And yes, it is a freeware, but a pretty awesome one at that!

Ain't that purple flame just awesome!? XD

That time we all have

You see I am new to this forums even if I am some what familiar with the game. As my first blog I was planning on making more...introductory. To have a journey of me going form completely sucking to being an alright player to actually look back at competitive games without any sense of regret even if you gg the other team for a defeat. However even just now starting my League career I am experiencing what many of you have probably felt in the past.

And it's happening now.

I have that terrible disease known as Noob Syndrome. The problem is moving up the rank to more competitive players, and even worse as an unfamiliar character that I'm rather stuck with, with not enough time to adjust to the new competition without at least feeding by one death in each game(Unless my team has an insane carry or the other team is just plain stupid.) However that should never be the problem in my opinion. Whether or not your team is feeding insanely and your left fighting against unfair higher levels i…

China Season 2 Regionals Day 1


Was a pretty nice experience going to a live convention.

Lined up for about 2 hours in the hot burning sun to get a ticket and get inside.

Couldn't find the tournament spot so I played with the computers at the LoL spot for a round.

After wandering with my friends for a long time we finally found the tournament spot.

Watched two rounds of LGD vs iG

iG stomped LGD both rounds -_-

Stood up for like four hours.

The live commentary was pretty nice (There was one 1.9k elo player.)


But holy **** srsly crazy chinese gamers THERE ARE SO MANY OF THEM.

I also saw three rioters :D But I couldn't get to take a photo with them. D:

Was a fun but tiring day!

Here are some pictures.

Big screen!


Let me clear things up

Hey guys. You know what time it is? Rant time! Ready? Okay.

As you all know, I'm mostly known here because I make graphics. I make guide graphics and signatures for other people to use. Let me get this strait for those of you that don't understand how those graphics should be used.

1. ANY AND ALL GRAPHICS I MAKE FOR SOME ONE ELSE (a customer) are never to be used by anyone else. The only way you can possibly use these items are if you ask the person I have made those for.

2. ANY GRAPHICS I MAKE FOR MY GUIDES are NEVER to be used by anyone else. P E R I O D. Oh, you like my pretty little banners? Too bad! You cant have them! I have a specific place for graphics I make for people, free to use. USE THESE.

3. IF YOU WISH TO HAVE PRETTY GRAPHICS FOR YOUR GUIDE, dont take mine. Dont take anyone else's. Just ASK. Its so simple. All you need to do is get over to the art forum and freaking ask.

If you wish to have something similar to my style go here.

Learn to be original. Learn to …

Epic Rap Battles of LoL: Morgana Versus Kayle #7

Dr. Mundo: Epic Rap Battles of League of Legends!!! Morgana! Verus! Kaaaayyyyyllllleeeee!!!! Begin!

Morgana: Hey Kayle, long time, no see. Not since I owned you, while Soul Siphoning. Now my Dark Binding is redefining, A war in which, I was... tantalizing, you with my low HP. I bring down your team, with the click of my Q and E. Saving mine, and justifin', my swift actions is too much for you, and with the win in reach, admit defeat, cause I'll never join your cause you say wait, but I un-pause. This battle, was over before it begun sorry sis but I think I won.

Kayle: The way thats just and true, is a path not made for you. This

Working my way out, riven and taric seem to work...

It seems that if you can disrupt the other teams carries enough to give your team a chance your team will generally do the rest, as i have noted, when playing riven simply running headfirst into their team and dropping everything i have to disrupt them and hit the carry seems to be working, i end up fed, and we win. this also seems to be the case with taric. babysit your carry, stun theirs and reap the rewards.

anyone have any other champs that they would like to suggest? ive noticed irelia and morde seem to carry fairly well as well.

Physical Exertion and my favourite repeated songs

it is really hard to type now, why? I just did some physical work.

Yes I did D:

The pain...Had to move like 50 huge pieces of wood and now my arms feel dead. Like dead as in right now I'm typing like a derp.
Anyways >.<

So I've started to listen to some 10 hour songs on youtube and they're pretty cool. Here's the list:

I Can Swing My Sword: I'm loving this song, it's so stupid and awesome.

Dramatic Song: This song is just lol. Watch it :D

HEYYEYAAEYAAAEYAEYAA: uhmmmmmm, nuff said.

****IRETA: I don't really understand why its got so many hits and I'm a massive anime/manga fan...must've missed something about it, or people are just stupider then I like to believe.
Trust me, I think people are really stupid so...

It's That Cake Again

League of Legends Champions:

Teamfight Tactics Guide