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A funnel for all the blogs on MOBAFire. Clicking an article will take you to the members personal blog page to read the entire blog post.

ProxAzn's New Draven Build!

My buddy ProxAzn finished and released his new build yesterday! I may be a tad bit biased, seeing as I helped him with the art and he is my friend, but I think the build is really good! It cuts out the **** the some other builds give you and delivers a very informative look on Draven. I highly recommend checking out this build and leaving some feedback! Click here to check out the build!
68% in the first 24 hours? I think so!

Top Facts -22- Nasus

Champion Overview:

Nasus is a Tanky Dps late game carry, who revolves around being a farmer for 75% of the game and harvesting the crops for the rest =D. Nasus has a weaker early game then many champions, but has the potential for the most late game damage on one skill in the game.
Nasus also has a bad *** voice which makes him 30$ more awesome.

Skills Overview:

Passive: Soul Eater- Nasus drains his foe's spiritual energy, giving him a natural 14/17/20% lifesteal. The lifesteal value increments at levels 1, 6, and 11.
Passive lifesteal, Nice as it keeps you in lane as you farm. Late game if you farmed your Q alot this gives you VERY HIGH sustain.


The Bloodline

Hey this is my first blog and I feel I should post somthing simple, "The Bloodline" is about me and my 4 brothers (xXLeftyXx, SacredWarlock21, BlackHand300, and SnowWeazel)

We all play League of Legends and now we all are level 30 my older brothers (xXLeftyXx and SnowWeazel) me and the other two (SacredWarlock21 and Blackhand300) just started after this last christmas. I have the highest win rate than the other two and I figured... Do I play obsessevily?


I play League of Legends. So does my cousin, who is roughly two years younger than me, though we have never played together. We live in the same state, so last Christmas we we're both level 20 and we spent all the time talking LoL. Well, now he is level 30 and has a ranked team. I am level 21. He has won 576 games in classic. I have won 92. I'd be lieing if I said I wasn't embarrassed by this.

It would be easier to take if he was some basement dwelling nerd and I had a full social life. He isn't and I don't.

Oh well.

Guide - How to be a Gold/Plat Elo Player - Pt 5 My...

Yes, in this chapter we are going to talk about our eyes, no jokes here.
Having a good posture with our back is not considered in gaming but a high level, professional ones everything is taken even for just a little advantage.
Other examples rather than our posture while gaming are, Mouse sensitivity, Mouse position, Hand posture, Pivot between Hand and Mouse, Hotkeys, Macros, and our Eyes.

I Will not discuss about our position of Hands or The pivot created by Mouse sensitivity and our Hand but i'm going to talk about our eyes, About what they don't do and what they should do.

I'm placing this Chapter in the Lane Phase section because our Eyes do a great job in this phase of the game, What they do is just essential for our Lane Dominance and if we really want to get better we Must Acquire every single advantage we can get.


Hi to all that may know me in-game and out, this is my first blog and i have been playing Draven for like a month now i have been going over alot of builds i*ve see in-game and a few from here as well. So this is it i have try a build for the last 40 matches i*ve played and i have great thoughts and rewards from the ppl i played with and they say my build isn*t bad so i just put my thoughts out their for others like me that like this new char alot to help their team and their self to win over and over again. so check it out and leave your comments

Games and such

Been gaming at League of Legends for a few straight months now and I'm just getting to be respectable.

Goals: learn a few more champions, polish off my Warwick jungling, make a Fizz guide (as if their aren't enough already), play some more ranked games (so I can get an ELO rating at least), get more involved here.

Hopefully you all can see some progress out of me soon!

Top Facts -21- Singed

Champion Overview:

Singed is a tank/ Tanky Dps champion, who excels at disruption and the ability to just not die. Singed is the best kite champion in the game, the majority of your damage comes from running. Singed has the mobility to keep up with most champions in the game and fling them into bad positions. Singed is overall a very fun and strong pick, though he does have a rough start to the game he picks up very fast and becomes the troll we all know and want to murder xD,
Dyrus's Singed Tip: Spam /L all day every day.

Skills Overview:

Passive: Empowered Bulwark- Increases Singed's health by .25 for each mana point he has.
Strong passive that allows Singed to get more health then he should off items that give mana and health and allows him to get tankier off items that give mana such as a frozen heart.


League of Legends Champions:

Teamfight Tactics Guide