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MOBAFire Blog Feed

A funnel for all the blogs on MOBAFire. Clicking an article will take you to the members personal blog page to read the entire blog post.

Top Lane Mechanics -5- Summoner Spells

Summoner Spells:

Exhaust- Useful in matchups vs AD champions who have bursts with decent CDs. If you do this when theytry and burst, their damage is dropped greatly and you gain a HUGE advantage in a fight.

Ghost-Good vs fast champions (Ones you will need to chase for an extended period) IE:


hello world of mobafire
ive been playing leauge for a while now im trying to get a ranked team going i have a few people already im almost lev 30 and when i get thirty were playing ranked i think we need one more person
You can message me on hear im proably always going to be on so a message back will be really fast or you can ad me on leauge of legends my user is kugey hope to get some messages from you guys

My Malphite guide is up


I've just about now released my guide on jungle Malphite and I would appreciate if you took a look at it and voted, it's quite extensive and it have a lot of information that you may find appealing.
I've left a link to the guide here in this blog post, but can you find it? ;)

Take The Gangplank Challenge!

Ok guys, this is an idea I had to test you guy's snowballing ability.

The Rules:
1. You must play as Gangplank.
2. You must play in a bot game.
3. It must be you against five bots.
4. The game must last at least 40 minutes.
5. You must solo Baron at least once.
6.You can use any item build and go in any lane.

The goal is to get over one hundred kills. Post your end scores below!

What's this, a Blog!? #2; UPDATES ON GAREN GUIDE.

Hey there folks.

Long time no see.

I've been doing a lot of videos lately, as you all can see, but the reason why is because I have nothing else to do. My school is out for the summer, and League is fun to record. So I do it.

The Garen guide will be a little delayed, because that will become a video amongst itself, because that, to me, feels a lot more creatively satisfying instead of screwing with code to make things look good.

Also, expect a lot more Nautilus and Karma in my vids, because those are my favorites right now.
And the Corki guide is now archived, because no one, I believe, uses it, and was a failure. Almost 10k views though, so...yeah.

List of Videos that will be done ordered

    Nautilus #3-?
    Karma #1-4
    Garen guide

Expect some random games in there, but the Garen guide I will have done by the end of August.

See you then,
Darahas (Aaron)


Who else is watchin?

TSM vs MRN lmaoz dat game funnay shiet

Dint watch CRS vs CLG Prime
Casters fcking fail-_- announced CRS 2/1 CLG then corrcting it


TSM 2/1 CLG.EU (I heard CLg couldnt get headphones or sthn for game 1


Game 1 TSM vs Fnatic dairus gettin carried :D

Reginald is playing insanely well this tournament....

AP Tier List - Just My Opinion

God Tier- Morgana, Cassiopeia, Ryze, Annie, Karthus, Veigar
1st Tier- Ahri, Galio, Ezreal, Vladimir, Kennen, LeBlanc, Kassadin, Twisted Fate
2nd Tier- Mordekaiser, Anivia, Malzahar, Brand, Fizz, Gragas, Zilean, Nidalee, Viktor
3rd Tier- Heimerdinger, Karma, Katarina, Teemo, Sion, Soraka, Ziggs, Fiddlesticks, Xerath
Troll Only Tier- Evelyn, Tryndamere

I am the best Kog EUNE :D

[5:53:36 PM] Jovana Kostić: night
[5:53:43 PM] Jovana Kostić: what's your name?
[5:53:45 PM] Jovana Kostić: :P
[5:54:22 PM] Eo Ut Mortus: wat
[5:54:37 PM] Jovana Kostić: waz your naem?
[5:54:52 PM] Eo Ut Mortus: o
[5:55:07 PM] Eo Ut Mortus: luk at ym skipe
[5:55:15 PM] Jovana Kostić: ur name is Eo?
[5:55:23 PM] Eo Ut Mortus: luk at ym skipe
[5:55:37 PM] Eo Ut Mortus: prfle
[5:56:15 PM] Jovana Kostić: Kaelan?
[5:56:22 PM] Eo Ut Mortus: yah
[5:56:31 PM] Jovana Kostić: and your last name is Storm?
[5:56:33 PM] Eo Ut Mortus: no
[5:56:34 PM] Eo Ut Mortus: lul
[5:56:37 PM] Jovana Kostić: o
[5:56:39 PM] Jovana Kostić: that would've been
[5:56:42 PM] Jovana Kostić: reeeeeeeeeeeally cool
[5:56:44 PM] Eo Ut Mortus: hah
[5:56:59 PM] Eo Ut Mortus: but
[5:57:02 PM] Eo Ut Mortus: my name is still eo
[5:57:03 PM] Eo Ut Mortus: :)
[5:57:32 PM] Jovana Kostić: Kaelan is pretty awesome
[5:57:37 PM] Jovana Kostić: how'd you pronounce it
[5:57:49 PM] Eo Ut Mortus: Kay Lan(d)
[5:57:58 PM] Jovana…

Top Lane Strategies -1- Bot Top Switch

Still getting used to my new computer wont be making top facts for a few days.

:Top Lane Strategies -1- Bot Top Switch:

Has your top laner every got HARD counter picked by a champion (especially one that scales well into late game)? Wella good strategy to counter this is have you take a champion that is strong without items (A support-like champion) or champions who are survivable and have useful abilities.

Example: If the enemy is able to first pick a champion with a strong late such as a poppy, and you are someone like a janna who cannot stop her from getting there, you can go bot and let your AD carry and support go top. The 2v1 should win the lane and deny the carry hard. Even if you fall behind bot lane, you have support abilities and will still be useful to your team.

If you do this strat, you give up control on dragon, and will lose out on farm and kill potential in your lane.

League of Legends Champions:

Teamfight Tactics Guide