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A funnel for all the blogs on MOBAFire. Clicking an article will take you to the members personal blog page to read the entire blog post.

The first step

So today I have played two games after school (taking finals in college), the first was a warm up normal game, and it was a blast! back on my main account with the rune pages, and proper masterys, I played singed, and was with a team that was just pleasant to be around, no one raged, noob or bg was not once uttered, and we won cleanly by destroying the nexus, with only one enemy attempt to surrender. I decided it was time to try a ranked game, we went in all working together, I was Soraka and I went 0/0/20 with 20 creep kills, laning with a Greaves, and he carryed extremely powerfully, no surrender this time either, with a clean win, it was glorious, and I will be playing another tomorrow.

Buy order, help wanted

Hey so I know what champions I plan on buying in the over the next 2 months or so but Im not sure what ones I want to/should buy first. Any suggestions on order would be nice.

I main AP caster, Tanks, wierd junglers,
sub main support, melee AD

champs im looking at are:


Post Hecarim patch Teemo is fun to play

I don't know about anyone else but when Phreak announced the Teemo buffs I was really excited to give Teemo a second shot, his kiot is definitely fun.

Anywho after playing him a few games I have been enjoying the gameplay a LOT! ;D

I suggest if you haven't tried him yet do it now, you will have fun :) .

If I can give you any tips they would be the following:
Don't forget you have stealth
Place your shrooms in places as if you were the enemy player on offense
Don't get your blind shot early unless you are laned against a pure auto attack champion
Play him as a anti carry

Hope you all have some good games and the good people of this community continue to influence healthy enjoyable gameplay to League of Legends

Potential Changes to Katarina

Here is a quick blurb from Guinsoo about some possible changes to Katarina's W.

Insert generic warning that this is tentative information and shouldn't be held against Riot is nothing comes of it here

Yep we're actually looking to prototype something soon for a new Katarina W.

- Guinsoo, Game Designer, via the official forums.

Server Issues

Hey guys,
do you know what is going on with those Riot servers? I got a few problems with them as I almost every game have lags and my ping is going up over 300... That way i just lose too many games because I sometimes can't even move or use my skills.
Standing there in the middle of a teamfight and doing nothing is not the way to go D:

Do you also ahve those lags and what are you doing against them?
I think Riot should fix this as soon as possible...

Champion #8: Finally I did another one

so. yeah. It's been like a week and a half now :/ and I've finally given you another one.
I could lie and say it's time management.
but that's lying.
I just, as I've previously said will happen, did not feel like making one. So there you go. But it is up here for you're pleasure.

artwork is not up yet. Update when that changes

The Blind or The Tree?

Another Question for everyone..

I am thinking about getting a new jungler and I have narrowed down my decision between MaoKai or Lee Sin. My friends were no help because obviously they were split down the middle, which arose a conversation of who was better. I am trying to get more feedback and was wondering what all of you think. Any feedback would be appreciated..

PuRe KhAoS

Tips & Tricks on Counter Jungling and Recovering...

I recently just played a game as jungle Nocturne and did extremely poorly, one of the worst games I had you could say. The first thing that went wrong was when their Shaco put a butt-load of JitB's in the wraith camp bush. Of course I didn't die but I barely made it out. I hesitated whether or not I should go to his red buff or just recall. I decided to just get his wraiths to be cautious. When I recalled and came back, my wraiths and red were gone. I got completely shut out that game. He warded everything, their Malzahar would be hiding in bushes and unloading his combos, I was way to underleveled to gank and was worried Shaco would find me in his jungle.

So this brings up some interesting questions. How can you recover from this? How do you counter jungle? And what was your score ProxAzn?

First off, I ended up going 0 6 1 LOL. I probably should have bought an oracles and a bunch of wards from the beginning once he started counter jungling. I also could have ballsed up and counter j…

Krits Kan Koncur

Anyone else feel that critical strike is over powered?

It just feels wrong to have 3 items and be pushing 70% aspeed, 70% crits, with average of 500-700dps per crit, plus arpen runes and offensive masteries. I can go nidalee and just heal myself and nuke down anyone with auto attack.

I was building another dps item with IE and PD, but realised that just increasing aspeed and crit chance handles any needs so long as your not focused by more than 2 champs. Unless they are all low and you can oneshot each of them with crits lol (which I have done lol).

Wukong is rediculous with critical strike due to his skill set. Although his ult doesn't benefit from the added crit/aspeed as much as dps, he will win almost any 1v1 with a solid crit build. At least this is my experience.

League of Legends Champions:

Teamfight Tactics Guide