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Hey moba help me with some decisions!

Two LoL purchase dilemmas here.

First one: Buy Cait or buy a new AP mid

I've discovered this week that I randomly click REALLY well with cait. I've been stomping all over other new cait players and people experienced with Cait, even in lanes where I don't get a real support. She's definitely getting purchased at one point.

On the other hand I really want a new AP mid. I specialize in mids who have a fairly long range skillshot that isn't interrupted by minions (aka: proficient in Vik and Xer). That means my next buy is probably Cass or Ahri.

Which do you vote just on personal preference?

Second one: I have some rp left over from my birthday a while back. Idk if I'll do it yet but I'm thinking of doing a Lee Sin skin. Which one do you guys like the most? I like them all >w<

League of Legends and Dota

Im new to LoL. playing the game for a month. my friend introduced the game to me.
at first i was like, very colorful graphics, since im used to dota. i played dota for about 5 years now. im sooo updated to tournaments, team roster changes, and im also competing.

but weeks past and i realized that there's a thick line between dota and lol.

dota has many juke places, lol have brushes.
in dota, you can be stacked in trees or impassable way, but not in lol.
in dota, you can use lots of strategies that its impossible to do in lol:
creep blocking.
juking(high terrains, much more blindspots)
backdoor creeps.

but imho. lol is more fun to play. many elements that you cant see in dota.
innovative heroes. cooldown reductions. unique hero passives. limitless skill damages. DANCEFLOOR! up to 100% crit chance. runes. masteries. skins. ability power. brush. ace. monstrous obelisk. 2 bonus spells. teleport. recommended items. buffs.

plus, heroes are added much more frequently.
many things…

Another Day of Trolling

lockfaced joined the room.
PhoKingGoood joined the room.
elgordodiego joined the room.
L4rryTh3Cuke joined the room.
x EpiiX x joined the room.
EVILISLEMONS: es very nice
MrLeonRus: i carried
Glekio: STFU
Glekio: toodo
Glekio: puto chobo
Glekio: desintala
Glekio: pinche mierda
EVILISLEMONS: tu deintsalla
r0Lf: this
elgordodiego: ajaj
r0Lf: so much. this.
x EpiiX x: Decent Lulu?
EVILISLEMONS: glekio es terrible
Glekio: soy tu mama
Glekio: pendejo
Glekio: neta
Glekio: en tu puta vida
Glekio: te doe
Glekio: el derecho
PhoKingGoood: PUTO
r0Lf: for christ sake
Glekio: que vuelvas a decir
r0Lf: too much spani…

"Solo Wing Pixy" Quotes - Ace Combat Zero

"Oh, him? Yeah, I know him. It's going to take a while. It happened years ago. Did you know... there are three kind of aces? Those who seek strength, those who live for pride, and those who can read the tide of battle. Those are the three. And him... he was a true ace..

Every time I flew with him, his skill stood out. He was unstoppable... He was cool-headed and proud. A combat professional. Demon Lord fit him perfectly. Maybe the man was blessed by the goddess of war...

... Before long, everyone had taken notice of him. More and more would show up to watch him go off on sortie. Mercenaries or maintenance crew, it didn't matter. People wanted to burn his image into their memories. Hell, they weren't the only ones.

... I should have died that day, but I didn't. I dragged my wounded body, and reached ground zero of the nuclear detonations. A barren, empty land. I felt an unbearable sadness when I witnessed that landscape. There were still people living there. They were the ones that s…

Crisp and Dry - A fresh start!

Let's start with a little bit about me and League of Legends. I am not the best of players, I wouldn't even consider myself a good player right now, this is what I aim to change whilst I do this blog.

I started with my account, Sukiiru. I most likely came across everything everyone hates about solo queue all within my first 5 games, but I carried on playing where most newer players wouldn't. Though I didn't do the best, I kept trying. Another problem to this was that I duo queued with a friend of mine who was level 30 while I was level 7-12. So I was going up against level 15-25s often and with them having a hell of a lot more experience than me, I really failed in games. I don't wish to change this because it got me learning more about the game in such little time.

The other worst part was that because of this, I didn't really play more than 3-5 champions, so I didn't get the best start with getting used to different abilities and roles. I was usually running solo top without even k…

Shen Counter, and a Mighty Comeback

Jax: "I cannot believe how hard this Janna is carrying. Good job! :D"
Kog: "How does Shen lose against a Janna?"
Shen: "She pushes me out, obviously"

So I mentioned this in a forum topic not long ago, but I feel like the best counter to Shen top is AP Janna (aside from just banning him). She's unkillable, and can punish him hard for leaving lane by pushing really fast. And if he's dumb enough to use his ult in sight of you, you can just knock him up / back and cancel it! When you pick AP Janna vs. Shen you say "screw you, you're NOT leaving this lane."

So I actually got a chance to test this. Saw Shen pick and said "I want to go top vs. Shen." I was actually last pick, and the Sona had originally picked Janna. Surprisingly enough he let me pick Sona to switch with him. Most people just think I'm trolling when I go AP Janna top. It worked as I imagined, I was actually winning lane against Shen, he was only beating me in a farm by a little but I got his tower down.

We actually were …

i'm such a suckup for phantom dancers

I've been playing AD carry a LOT lately, sometimes o do really really really good. Mostly with tristana or mf. The thing i've been doin' is rushing two phantom dancers first. This usually works awesome, mostly if i manage to get a few kills early. I find it soooo much easier 2 farm with the attack speed. I'm not sure this is the best way of playing AD carry though, but yeah. Worked fine so far.

My Rep o.O

I went fromm 11 rep to 17 rep without one person saying they were going to +1 me lol. (bu-du-bu-bu-buuu) I'm lovin it. I just wish people would tell me what they were repping me for so I could talk about it more and get more rep :P I've spent the last week looking over what I've said on forums and guides and I'm at a loss haha. Guess I just gotta keep saying awesome things. Shouldn't be too hard.

Spring Break; How was it?

Haven't posted anything lately (if at all). Well let's have something to talk about? =D Anyways, spring break was just around the corner. I myself didn't have a lot to do. I spent some time working on my Kassadin guide and watched Clannad, probably one of the best anime I've ever seen in a long time. Also went and took some Graphic Design classes, though they usually consisted of me fooling around with photoshop, making signatures and of course, going on Mobafire (and watching some livestreams XD). Now it's gone. How's everyone spent their two (or one) week of their life?

Today's Topic: How did you spend your Spring Break? How fast did it go by? Do you wish it would last longer?

Who cursed me... And WHAT IS THE CURSE!?!?!

One of you did it... I DON'T KNOW WHO, BUT ONE OF YOU DID! I demand answers... WHY THE HECK AM I DOUBLE POSTING? And who cursed me... I've seen pm's from various sources saying "why you curse Arcana with the double post (Name)". Tell me what it is! It keeps on happening... And who did this... ANSWERS I DEMAND!

League of Legends Champions:

Teamfight Tactics Guide