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A funnel for all the blogs on MOBAFire. Clicking an article will take you to the members personal blog page to read the entire blog post.

Annie's Bear is Volibear wouldnt that be EPic?

I was just thinking, Riot games should make a very special skin for Annie, that when she uses her ultimate Volibear comes out. LOL?! That would be soo funny and cute. What do you guys think?
Leave your comments below on what do you think Riot Games should add to any champion you like. It could either be Skins, Skills, Dance choreo and ETC. Im really interested..

Strategy of the Week: Patch Mentality

Another week, another strategy. This week I'll be explaining the "patch mentality" and how to not get trapped up in it. Many summoners think that a nerf or buff to a champion magically changes them to overpowered or underpowered. Not only is this typically a false assumption, it can be a hindrance to your development. This idea is put in different wrappers such as "flavor of the week" or "bandwagon jumping", however the core remains the same: leaving established knowledge for inherent advantage.

Before getting into the specifics on not falling into this trap, it is important to note that there are situations where a buff or nerf is extremely significant. During the development and beta stages of this game, certain champions were hilariously overpowered. This is not about those times or situations. An example of that is Evelynn. She was very strong and then was "reworked" and is now not strong. She can still be played effectively, however she isn't even a shadow of her f…

How to make an incredibly simple signature

1. Create a canvas that is 500X150 and open your image of choice into it.

2. Now we're going to scale the image down using the scale tool, be sure the proportions are locked.

3. Once you've scaled the image down, move it so the part you want showing is visible.

4. crop the image as a whole with the crop tool and add a new layer

Nothing Unique to Say?

I've checked the "new guides" on a daily basis for the past two weeks and the number of very standard builds amazes my. Why would someone put in time and effort to merely parrot the highest-ranked guides on Mobafire? They're not adding anything to the debate, just reinforcing convention (which isn't necessarily negative, just a waste of time); furthermore, an unoriginal guide will have a very hard time competing with a more established and more in-depth guide written months ago. I don't think these guides are a negative force in the community, they just seem like an arbitrary time sink if they're barely more than copy-and-pasted norm.

Singed - Now one of the best junglers in the game.

Singed has recently appeared as one of the best junglers in the game.

Dyrus gave him a whirl and has got him VERY popular.

I can honestly say I agree with his judgements, basically, Singed is an amazing champion late game, and can freely farm in the new jungle, and the new jungle is very, very complimentary to people who can farm well, and as we all know, Singed farms like a BOSS.

Dyrus has been playing Singed in tournaments recently, and honestly I hope we see a lot more of him. Not too much, though, because he'll be nerfed! I really do see Singed becoming a first ban first pick because of how potent he is in his new home.

The best part about it is that Singed is a blast to play. Fun junglers are the best type. I'm glad junglers like Warwick suck now. I hated playing him.

Personal info

Hello, i'm new here, so i think that i will tell some info about my self.

I am 1 17 years old boy from denmark.
I've played League of Legends since Easter last year .. I think.

Most of the time I play Amumu (jungle / tank), kayle (ad / as (ap)), kassadin (AP), Leblanc (AP) and some other Champs.

New Champion Guide Approaches? Xerath Montage Incoming

Hey guys! Haven't posted anything in a whlie, so let's start something new!

First Up: Champion Guide: Like among many, you guys requested another guide from me. Of course, being a busy guy I am, I try to fit in some more time (lately even MORE busy then usual). So before I even start making a guide, I want your people's attention and tell me: Who should I make a champion guide on? I have so far came up with 4 possible options that I feel can really hit the top:

I Believe This Works

Yeah, for all of those who said it wouldn't work it does. Carry Trundle is definitely alive, btw before you flame me calling me a noob for the rest of my games, I was first time nocturne, graves and Soraka. And i was draft racing as Singed and Corki, so save the hate. Anyway should i make a guide for said carry trundle, meta trundle , jungle trundle etc.?

Riven Guide - Very pokey, under development

I've been putting together a guide for Riven over the past week, and just published a new revision: Offtank DPS Riven - Sharp Edges

Given that working this way netted me a fairly pain-free 15/1/13 a few games ago (before Twitch went free, D'aww), I'm quite happy with how the guide is turning out. I've been laning bot with Nocturne which - you'd expect to be a very bad combination... But the sheer force of the two of us pouncing anyone from lvl 1 through lvl 8 is just terrifying.

Still working out the kinks, of course, and finding more detail for the items and masteries section. However, I've been much more successful with this build than with any other aside from the Irelia build I have yet to flesh out.

Hope you enjoy it!

Free Twitch Week

I think I'm traumatized from free Twitch week.

Sure I got nearly 100k more views on my guide but at the same time I got a lot of downvotes.

The free Twitch users are different.
They mass, and they are dangerous.

They don't understand the complexities, the beauty of Twitch.
They just want to rape his goods and make off with his wonderful Twitch money.

I can't sleep sometimes, I don't want to look at my page because I get this awful image of seeing 104 new downvotes instead of just votes.

The % value of my guide has been good to me but can I really blame luck?
I am convinced that what I have to bring to the table with my guide is significant

It is a guide that people will think about when the rat comes from the trees and BOOM that Soraka that was standing behind you is no longer there.
You hear scratching noises, perhaps light laughing
You think " I have to get to my tower " but it's too late.
The arrow is already in your back
The poison seeping from the arrow

Then you will think …

League of Legends Champions:

Teamfight Tactics Guide