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Garen Guide in the works for 3v3, also news.

Howdy folks! It's been a long while since I did one of these, and since most people wouldn't care about a 3v3 Garen guide, I might as well annouce that

I am doing a 3v3 Garen guide.

Why, you may ask? Well, Garen is a very, very strong pick on 3v3 for the reason that Tryndamere is strong on it, but for different reasons

1. Both use cooldowns, the most overpowered resource on that map.
2. Both have great mobility and damage if left to farm (Tryndamere more so, just due to his incredible scaling on items. Garen not so much.)
3. Garen has a silence (think of that, a 2.5 silence on a third of your team), AoE damage (SPINSPINSPINSPIN), a built-in durability shield (DEMACIELD), and a great finisher (DEMACIAAAAAAAAAAA).
4. Garen is Garen :P.

So, expect a 3v3 Garen guide. Yay

Outside of that, I've been lurking on the Mobafire chat (I don't do forums, I'm much more active in-game) and playing the game.

Also thoughts on the last three champions


Swain build - Use by Pros'


welcome swain users, today I'm going to tell you how to play him effectively.

Summoners Spells

Id recommend using Flash and Ignite. Reasons are..
+ flash can help you escape or catch up
+ Swains Torment plus the ignite can do massive damage
Some summoners spells you can use but i don't rec.
- Ghost can help you escape or catch up
- teleport can be an ability to help you get around the map but can make you somewhat vulnerable
- u can use clarity when needed for mana
- but can help get more gold
- exhaust can help you catch up to opponents that run
- cleanse can help you with your mana
Summoners spells YOU SHOULD NEVER USE!!
X heal you get called nub or noob
X Surge is a waste
X promote is waste swain is already a good farmer

What To Buy

You want the dorons Ring then Buy sorcerers boots then 4 Rabadon's Deathcap then your done.


if this doesn't work for you please comment a better build then this

Remake on Xerath Guide Incoming!

Heya Mobafire! Recently I've discovered just a bit more on my average casters and decided to completely remake my Xerath guide. However, remaking it would just take too long. Instead, I'm going to make another one as a replacement. This guide will run a similar template like my

ThunderPhoenix47's Champions

Being playing LoL for a while... Nearly 2 months. People underestimate me all the time which I personally love. I can play tonnes of champions. Personally, I love jungling, tank, melee DPS and support.

Taric... Tankyz all the way! Average - 5-1-40
Garen.... No need to verify an answer because usually Average - 15-0-7. (Such a small thing because they usually surrender WHICH I HATE!)
Udyr.... My real true strength. Jungling I rape. Laning I still rape. Average... Wait for it... 24-0-13. Boo-yah!
Fizz.... 3rd least played champion in the game basically because everyone thinks he is weak.... Um.. HELL NO! Average - 18-1-10.
Janna.. My best support class. Period. Average - 4-1-31
Shaco... Best stealth ever. Don't like jungling with him. Average - 21-1-2
Viktor... Ownage. Average - 13-2-19
Riven... Garen but female. Average - 16-1-17
Lee Sin..... Okay... Um.. Awesome... Average - 16-2-10 (Usually build tank)
Tristana.... Just trying her out. Rapage. Don't usually use ranged AD. Average -

$20 well spent

I know there aren't a lot of ladies here, but I just bought some foundation and I feel like talking about it. ^^

I got a 40 gram (about an ounce) bottle of SKIN79 Super Plus Triple Functions BB Vital Cream (for a total of $20 on amazon). My first impression (from wearing it for a couple hours) is that it's incredibly light (breathes and basically feels like you're not wearing it), goes on really evenly, and just generally looks great. It's SPF 50 (which means it will make you look DEAD in flash photography because it reflects light) which I like to have because I burn pretty easily.

Not sure anyone will care or read this...but there ya go.

Announcing Facecheck!!/


It is my pleasure to finally be able to announce a new and exciting webcast solely based on League of Legends content. Much like its predecessors State of the Game and State of the League, Facecheck! Aims to bring up-to-date news and announcements backed up with insightful, entertaining and competitive discussion bought to you by a panel of some of the best minds in both the competitive scene and the industry.

Lead by your two hard-working hosts Facecheck! Will bring you not only the latest news and happenings both nationally and internationally but will use its panel as a means to have weekly discussions about the current strategies and shifts in the metagame to help give you that competitive edge.

While Facecheck! Does have a uniquely Australian focus we'll be covering the best of both local and international
League of Legends news while giving Australian LoL a global platform to springboard

Want to help?

This will be the last time I do this, but my buddy ProxAzn could really use some constructive criticism on his build. He put a lot of work into it, and works on it consistently, with updates coming almost weekly. (At least until he feels it is completed.)
Also, if you want to create a picture for his build, feel free, because the one I made, freakin' blows.
Click down here to visit the build!

Is League of Legends a Gateway Drug?

Before I started playing League of Legends I just played Bad Company 2 on the Xbox constantly. I transitioned over to Halo Wars because it reminded me of Star Wars: Empire at War, which I had played consistently in my earlier gaming career. I ran across one of Total Biscuit's videos about League of Legends when he was playing Veigar. This kind of made me want to get back into PC gaming, so I did.

League of Legends has now made me explore a little bit more into MMOs, RPGs, and other games of the like. Not to mention literally having me build a new computer because I wanted to play this game in it's optimal quality.

Did you guys have a similar experience to me? Did League of Legends help you to explore a little bit more into other, more taboo game genres? Make sure to leave your thoughts in the comments, because I always love to hear what the Mobafire community has to say.

Happy Urf Day Everyone!

Happy Urf Day Everyone! That's right, Riot has released a third skin for this majestic sea cow, Urf. Though I haven't personally been there to see the first and second Urf Day, I've studied up on Urf and became quite interested in him. Anyhow, what are your thoughts on Urf? Urf Day? The Fisherman Fizz skin?

I recently bought Fizz and love him, his mobility, burst, and agility are amazing. When I saw the Fisherman Fizz skin come out, I couldn't pass up on this once in a life time offer. Come on, a giant Urf coming out of the ground and eating someone? INSTA-BUY! What does the skin change about Fizz?

The differences I found out so far are:
-Of course his looks.
-When you joke, instead of eating a fish, it's a lobster.
-When you throw your ult, it's a lobster, and a giant Urf with a bib pops out :D
-When you activate your W, the color is different and your spear changes color.

Well I'm going to go ahead and stop here. Tell me your opinions/thoughts on Urf Day, Urf, Urf Skins, and strat…

I've had fun!

Hello guys,

I'm either going on a hiatus, or just quitting overall.
As maybe some people have noticed, I've been quite inactive for the past few months compared to before.
I've really and truly enjoyed everything, I've learned from you all and hope you guys all prosper as well and to those that are just lying, conceited, ignorant people, I'm laughing at the thought you take that much time just to please yourself over the interwebs.

I've archived my guide as well.


League of Legends Champions:

Teamfight Tactics Guide