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MOBAFire Blog Feed

A funnel for all the blogs on MOBAFire. Clicking an article will take you to the members personal blog page to read the entire blog post.

New week, new Champions

So I gotta comment on this weeks Champions.

Lets start with Annie. Alright, it was a while since she was Free to Play but considering her 450 IP price it could be pretty common hero. Normal Game Usage Est: Every second or third game. But lets talk about her for a moment. Everyone knows who is against her in mid, he is in for a tough game. Stunning, protective shield Bear walking little kid.

Malphite: Wow again? But anyhow, he is pretty much used also. Fun to play, kicking *** while taking massive damage. His ultimate can make you regret the moment when you camped with 2 or more of your teammates in same spot. Normal Game Usage Est: Second or third game.

Calling all guide reviewers

In search of guide reviewers who would like to be added to a master-reviewer list. I am starting a review guide that would incorporate many guide reviewers. If you would like to be considered, leave a message here or pm me for details.

I will review everyone who requests to join. Only because i want the best reviewers possible.

Inspiration Weekly With Xenasis - #3 (For some...

Because some times, we all need a little boost (and sometimes, we need to procrastinate).

Inspirational Quote -
“I will act now. I will act now. I will act now. Henceforth, I will repeat these words each hour, each day, everyday, until the words become as much a habit as my breathing, and the action which follows becomes as instinctive as the blinking of my eyelids. With these words I can condition my mind to perform every action necessary for my success. I will act now. I will repeat these words again and again and again. I will walk where failures fear to walk. I will work when failures seek rest. I will act now for now is all I have. Tomorrow is the day reserved for the labor of the lazy. I am not lazy. Tomorrow is the day when the failure will succeed. I am not a failure. I will act now. Success will not wait. If I delay, success will become wed to another and lost to me forever. This is the time. This is the place. I am the person.” - Og Mandino

Inspirational Song -
This o…

Oh the days where i don't get a post about my...

First off: 1. I blame Kokesi for my Bad lux precent... WON'T EVEN READ I T_T.
2ndly: I'm going to post a voice AND FACECAM in a video of my playing... You will see some people from mobafire in this video :3
3rdly: You all are trolls
4thly: Videos for shoutcasting?!?!?! OUTRAGEOUS! I demand you all watch and comment when i finish it.
6thly: G'night :3

To the League of Legends Community

Dear League of Legends Community,

I've been with this game for quite some time and I've seen my fair share of meta game shifts along with a rather vivid variety of strategies that work (and well when done in the right hands). Games were unique both in ranked and in normal queue, people played every champion, builds were unique and different, and games had a very unique feel to them. Things were good and the creativity from the community (despite some ideas being awful) was plentiful. You never knew what to expect when the next game started up for the most part. There was a defined meta back in season 1, but it was loosely followed and people either deviated off of it or made a completely new team comp altogether.

When season 2 hit the scene, all of that seemed to have gone out the door. Ever since the majority of the community (both newbies and good casuals) were exposed to the higher ELO and tourney side of LoL, all of that creativity seemed to have gone out the window and a new c…

Fantasy4Life Recruiting Again!

What's up people of Mobafire? Anyone reading this in need of a good competitive team? Good news! We're looking for some extra players! Here's our wishlist:
  • Can play support or two non-support roles? (list your roles)
  • Summoner Level? (please be 30)
  • Enthusiastic Player? (no raging/trolling, it be serious stuff!)
  • Semi-Active ~ Active player regularly (online most days of the week; should not be regularly busy)

There you have it! As you can tell, we are in desperate need of a support player. Some of us can support (obviously) but we just want some benched players and more members as a lot of our existing members are not extremely active.

If you are interested, using the above list format, register here!

busy life

This week has been quite busy. most days i've been from 7am -10 pm working on a movie for school. it better be a 100%, but at least it gets to be a portfolio. to add to the frustration, league's bugging on me. any time i try to alt-tab or whatever, it makes my screen blank. totally. crtl-shift-ecs doesn't help, nor do the big-guns crtl-alt-del. only thing i can do is reboot. i'm re-installing league, but are there any other ideas?

no, it's not the computer. it's brand-new, and i know that it eats league like a joke. 60fps max settings on a 1080p display only takes 30% of my graphics and cpu, and my 16 gigs of ram laughs at everything. any help please?

My Mains

Hey everyone,

I'm AusGameRager1990 a.k.a WogSausage AUS. I'm fairly new to LoL, have only been playing for a few months. Currently level 20 and play normal 5v5's and 3v3's. My main is Garen using a 'Spin to Crit' build thanks to Palthios' Garren Guide, definitely check it out and +1 vote ;).

My favourite skins are; Rugged Garen, Urf Riding Corki (save Urf!), Dark Crystal Ryze, and a few which I am yet to get such as; Woad Ashe, Pirate Fiddlesticks, and Mafia Graves, Miss Fortune and Twitch. Also, the Commando team; Garen, Lux, Galio, Jarvan IV and Xin Zhao FTW! Skins = Skill.

I also love playing Corki, Volibear as an offtank 'atmog's' build, Ryze, and most recently Zilean (<3 Time Bomb). Feel free to add me and play some games :D.

Random Rant

Now I'm not sure where I'm going with this, but I felt I should make this blog for a few people I know on Mobafire that are having a rough time.

A 15 year old's story/opinion thing..

All of you have probably heard about those teens complaining about school since they were little, but I really wasn't that type. I loved to learn and I loved the challenges. It was exciting for me. I was the strait A's perfect child that listens to their parents, went to church every Sunday, and I knew they were proud of me. In my opinion, it was all perfect because I was happy. Then my grades started slowly dropping as the years passed. School became a challenge. I went into high school, but my grades, of course, didn't improve and I kept changing emotionally. I went from all A's to A's and B's then a mix of grades, though they never dropped to C's, only very low B's. I also quit all my sports (lol I wrote supports at first, instead of sports. Dis game.)
Currently I feel like I've hit rock bottom, or at…

New Champ sneak peek what you think

Hecarim sneak peek
So i dont know about you but im really looking forward to seeing the new champ. Hecarim, the Shadow of War is the kind of champion that honestly i think everyone wonders at some point as to why we dont have any of the traditional fantasy style champs.

I mean yeah ok yes we have yordles instead of dwarves but beyond that we have no elves, orcs, goblins, spiders, centaurs (at least not released yet), giants, or stuff like that. Granted we do kind of have a dragon and we do have a phoenix but not a traditional one (wouldn't mind having a rival to anivia that is a traditional one). So i like the direction this is going.

Like i said though, really liked the sneak peek and am really excited about it. Hoping for a semi natural ad off-tank that can be built into solid ad melee carry. But to be honest if this plays out like i think it will i dont even care if they make the new champ horrible it will most likely be the first champion I buy when go back to lol full time at th…

League of Legends Champions:

Teamfight Tactics Guide