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MOBAFire Blog Feed

A funnel for all the blogs on MOBAFire. Clicking an article will take you to the members personal blog page to read the entire blog post.

Solo queue games 13 & 14

2 more games I've played recently (need to stop rageclicking Play Again after losses and take screenshots of them too) Not been playing ranked a lot cause my net has a tendency to crash lately.

Anyways.. slowly climbing back up the ladder, hopefully getting ma goldz back soon!

Game 13


Top: Lee Sin vs Warwick
Middle: LeBlanc vs Ahri
Bottom: Tristana and Sona vs Sivir and Alistar
Jungle: Rammus vs Amumu


Game started out really bad with bottom lane giving up first blood as Sona got caught in an Alistar combo and a full double hit of Sivir's Q. Our support was someone who in the champion select said he could not support but ended up having to anyway (cos solo queue people are cool liek that). Sona kept dying repeatedly during the laning phase untill the point Sivir was 5-0 pretty early on.

Top lane I was having a really easy time, stomping Warwick everytime he came near the creepwave. Having Heal and

My 6 month anniversary

Might sound weird, but it is true. Today, it was 6 months ago that I joined MOBAfire... It feels like yesterday.

First thing I did was making 3 guides, and advertise them on the forum. Didn't take long for DEWO to remove the thread and warn me for not doing that. I still feel like a dumbass for that, I was stupid enough to not read the rules before posting...
But those 3 guides, each had no BBCode and were plain boring to read. I had no idea how to make chapters, no idea how to make everything appear more beautiful... but then came jhoijhoi's guide to writing a guide. It helped me so much, I can't thank her enough.
And that is when I started contributing to this community. I wanted to get more attention to my guides at first, but later on I found out this community is actually really nice. Many good people, willing to help me with whatever problem I encountered, or just for having fun. I can make a huge list of people, but well, they know who they are.
Eventually I made it to Editor. …

Nautilus Patch Notes

New Skins in the Store

Heartseeker Vayne
Subterranean Nautilus
Abyssal Nautilus

Yay, new Vayne skin! It's been a while. v1.54

Co op versus AI
Added Ziggs, Master Yi, Nasus, Ezreal, and Nidalee to the bot roster
Players can now add many more of the Beginner bots to Custom Games
Major item purchases will now be visually distinguished on the Scoreboard
Ranked Teams
Match History and End of Games stats for Ranked Teams are now accessible via the Team Profile
General will now wait for 8 seconds after a queue dodge before requeuing

More bots are good.

League of Legends v1.0.0.134

Nautilus, the Titan of the Depths

Staggering Blow (Passive) – Nautilus’ first basic attack against a target deals bonus physical damage and immobilizes the opponent briefly. Staggering Blow cannot trigger on the same target more than once every 12 seconds.
Dredge Line - Nautilus throws his anchor forward. If he hits an enemy, he'll drag himself to his target and his target to hi…

Dota2 and LoL - Anger

Hey guys,
the last days I started to play Dota2 as I got a beta key for it.
That's why I couldn't really write any blogs and also didn't really play LoL for a while now.

Sorry for that but LoL is pissing me off at the moment.
My main roles in the team are jungler and support. Everytime some lanes don't work it's my fault because "I don't gank", which I do, or because "I am a fail support", which I am surely not as I saved many many people in several teamfights.
Last game we had one random guy in our team and he played Yorick solo top. He startet with a Doran's Ring and pushed like hell against an

Finalizing the Winter Season with a New Champion Guide!

Hey everyone! For those who haven't noticed I just recently became an Editor as of February 12, 2012. Thanks to all you guys out here of course, I want to thank you all back with a new guide. This guide I will attempt to finish even faster then my usual ones while making it a little bit better then the normal ones I've made. However, I want to start the next season (or finish this season) with a mind-blowing guide, so I want to have a 3rd guide released before I make my finale. I have a few choices in mind (from most preferred to okay-ish prefered):

Solo Queue (Normal): Games 5+6

Game 5:

Everyone had faster computer than I expected, so it loaded before I was able to get my screen pasted into Paint. So for that, I apologize.

We didn't have a jungler, but the enemy team did. So we had two duo lanes, which always makes for a good laning phase. However, once the team fights started, we were a little behind in farm and levels. We got the first Baron, losing it quickly in a teamfight after. They got the second, which they used to push all the way to our Nexus Turrets on mid. They overstayed however, and three of them died. With a slight upper hand, we all rushed to mid. I however, noticing Mordekasier and Vayne not trying to stop us, pinged our base, and sprinted home with all haste. Cassiopeia came behind me, and we managed to save our Nexus, while Shyvana, Nidalee, and Pantheon pushed to VICTORY, hence the chat in the after game lobby. Yay us!

Game 6:

EU West game! I was over there playing with my brother for a while, and decided to try my hand at owning some…

Black History Month

For those of you who don't know, February is Black History Month in the U.S. I'd just like to take a moment to give a thanks to the many, many champs of color who fight everyday on the Fields of Justice. Champs like... um... like... hold on a sec, lemme just look at the champs roster and see... uh...
Jax! Not only does he fight in League of Legends, he also removes his costume to fight in the Mortal Kombat tourneys. Somehow, he still finds time to fish. Truly he is the Bo Jackson of videogames.

Also we have another black champ... lemme double check my notes here...

Few people know that Karthus was actually a middle school teacher in Baltimore MD before he became a skeleton guy. He still tutors underpriveledged youth in Baltimore's East Side.

I'm pretty sure there's more... um... how about... Shen? No, wait, he's totally a white dude in that surgeon skin. Um...

Gotta Find a Jungler

So I've been thinking that if i wanna expand my roles in a team i need to learn how to do all kinds of rolls. The thing is I'm not so good at jungling or Support, If i were to jungle i would use sejuani but i feel i should use people like Shyvanna or Warwick. That's my opinion and if i were to play a support role i would like to learn Sona.

InstaLock: Quirky Ideas

Jenkins here. Just letting you loyal fans know the 3rd edition of InstaLock is on it's way, and yes, it is Lee Sin heavy :P but I was curious about your ideas! If you have any suggestions or bizarre thoughts about what champion should act like what, leave your thoughts in the comments below or PM me :) if I like it, I'll steal your idea and give you zero credit :D

Kidding of course. I'll find a way to let everyone know the glory is your ;)

Stay tuned!

Best regards,
Jenkins, Crazy

League of Legends Champions:

Teamfight Tactics Guide