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MOBAFire Blog Feed

A funnel for all the blogs on MOBAFire. Clicking an article will take you to the members personal blog page to read the entire blog post.

Who am I?

"Who am I?" That is a very complex question. How about a question you all care about marginally more.

"In regards to League of Legends, who am I?" That's better.

I am the leader and AD Ranged Carry of my team, The HappyHappy Brigade (THHB).

"What does that mean?"

I am an avid strategist and theorycrafter. I worship Chandro's math as if it were biblical writings. I want my team to succeed. My team, I think, makes up a part of me. We are made up of how we interact and respond to other people. Hence, blah blah blah blah.

"Who is his team you keeep blah blah blah blah-ing about?"

Evil Nosferatu - Our jungler, and my older brother. My big bro. My best friend. <3

Demina - Our support, and my older sister. My big sis. The only person I could find that s willing to execute my aggressive bottom lane play strategems.

Symphunny - Our Tanky DPS Top. Doesn't say that much, but is really good. Awesome duo Q.

The_Nameless_Bard - Our AP Carry Mid. We bicker a lot, but we get along where it co…


I get the most out of a game that is a challenge. I might play a game on easy to get the story but when it comes down to it hard mode is where its at. I have the most fun when i die 1000 times before completing the objective.

This being said. I think my best game of dominion was about 15 minutes ago.

We started off with the lead. Then they pushed us back. Then they crushed us for a bit. We held on. A few amazing kills were had. Some egos were broken. We went back and forth until it was 14(us)-7(them). They rushed one of our points while we tried to defend it another defender was ganked. They took that point. They spread out keeping a guy at each of the points we still had. They had theirs defended. If we pushed to grab one, they would have an opening to move in on another. Needless to say we lost.

But I haven't had so much fun losing in a while. That is what makes a game great to me. Win or Lose you always have fun.

Been on this site too long to be silent....

I've been silent too long being that I joined a year ago and am constantly looking at guides.

First off: Kudos to All You Guys

The first thing I want to say is Thank You to all of the contributors to the site. You have made my life (and lots of other people's) so much easier learning everything about the game. I read great guides all the way from Jungling 101 to Janna Full Support. All your insights have been vital to my "success" as a casual player who has fun but can still pack quite the punch in matches.

And now for something completely different...

The Way Things are Headed:

The game is heading in a very interesting direction and PotatisFarfar made an interesting point in his blog, despite the majority of it being rambling.

"And we can probably all agree that Riot makes the new champions stronger on purpose, just for better sales."

It really seems to be that way. Volibear kind of seems to be the exception, but still nonetheless fits into this category. I've only jungled as Vo…

Ch 1 Desperate Times

Dark *********s peered out from the corner of an alley at a nearby super market. Waiting in anticipation for the signal. The owner of the eyes turned to look at the small group of teenage boys behind him. You could see their ribs, and their eyes had an almost dead look to them. The young man no older than 15 scratched his head attempting to rid himself of some of the lice that had been biting at him the past week. Then he heard a noise like a car driving close to the supermarket. He looked over to see an armored car pull into the loading bay of the super market. The boys behind him heard the noise as well, and began to squeeze around him trying to get a look at their target.

"Come on Brutus! Lets go!" One of them whispered.

"No! We wait for the signal from Hilden!" the young man snapped back.

Brutus looked back to the armored car to see 4 men in security uniforms holding rifles, probaly loaded with stun rounds, step out the back. Eight employees with carts steeped out from the load…

new sivir, random tryn thoughts

i'm not sure yet about the new sivir. her range is good, and i like the bb changes. manamume should no longer be core if it ever was... i like her passive. kiting is awesome and you can't run from her. the new rico is more of about the same (8/attack was 40-100 mp5 drain depending on as, now it's 67-110 depending on cdr) manawise, but damagewise it's totally different. it can push as well, but combined with bb makes for a formidable burst. does anybody know if the ult still affects minions?

WHY FOR THE LOVE OF GOD TO PEOPLE BUILD AN IE ON SIVIR? like, i understand it's standard on the normal aa based ad carry. sivir isn't that. i also understand it gives the most ad of any non-stacking item. but sivir can stack a bloodthirster to +40 dmg (20 more than the ie) in 5 seconds still, and there's the lifesteal. sure, it's not a crit item. sivir isn't a crit champ. please explain this, if you can

Tryn... as a recent forum has said, you don't need more than 65 base crit chance. so when i ge…

Just to get things straight.

I have no idea how you can defend this as a competitive game, when it is clearly at its core a casual one.

It was never designed to be a competitive game, hence it is not one. Only in the last months have they been taking steps in the right direction. But not big steps i might add.

One of the major goals with the new jungle is to make it more accessible to lower level summoners and summoners who don't have all of the optimized perfect runes for jungling

Quoted out of the latest patch preview. Does this sound like a game thats main focus is to be competitive? Or does it sound like a game that is suppose to draw newer and more casual players into the game?

And we can probably all agree that Riot makes the new champions stronger on purpose, just for better sales.

Lets take a game that was developed to be competitive and compare it to LoL.

Bloodline champions.

A game that was made for competitive gaming and casual. But mainly competitive and not the other way around.


wRAth's Solo Top Tier List (Volibear patch)

Meh, why not.

Tier Numero Uno: Olaf, Fizz, Gangplank, Lee Sin, Tryndamere, Cho'Gath, Udyr, Nidalee (warmog's + atma's), Renekton, Trundle, Irelia, Riven, Rumble, Gragas

Tier Numero Dos: Volibear, Garen, Yorick, Morgana, Kennnen, Maokai, Skarner, Talon

Tier Numero Tres: Wukong, Jax, Singed, Shyvana, Nasus, Akali, Teemo, Pantheon, Swain, Galio, Malphite, Sion, Jarvan IV, Warwick

Tier Numero Cuatro: Urgot, Mordekaiser, Vladimir, Nunu, Alistar

Tier Numero Cinco: Anyone else, minus Evelynn.

Tier Numero Seis: Evelynn.

Tier Descriptions

Tier Numero Uno: These champs rape face. They have it all: tons of sustain, mobility, and damage, a great early, mid, and late game, and don't need two summoners, so you can afford to use teleport for more map mobility. Can definitely carry games with these guys.

Tier Numero Dos: These champs are almost as strong as Tier 1 picks, but they lack either some sustain, damage, or mobility that Tier 1 picks have. These are great picks to carry games…

Never Surrender

Don't be that person.
I'm not talking about using the /surrender. That alone is sad. Just throwing in the towel. No, I'm talking about this **** in dominion where your nexus is at 100hp and your telling the other team "gg".

First off ****ing horrible game if you're quitting. Secondly you have 100hp to go. You can turn the tides of the battle still. You just need to stop sucking your thumbs and start playing like a team. I've seen rage quitting before but this isn't comparable to that. This is just bowing down (bending over).

Please as a community stop this now its sad. It just looks bad. If your getting beat you fight harder. You don't worry about the fact that your enemies are winning. You try to crush them and their lead. Making the victory all the sweeter.

When the dust settles. When the last drop of blood spills. When the proverbial fat lady sings. That is when you say "gg ***********"

Volibear Patch Notes

League of Legends v1.0.0.130
Volibear, the Thunder’s Roar

Rolling Thunder: Volibear drops to all fours and runs faster if chasing an enemy champion. The first enemy he attacks is knocked into the air and flung behind Volibear.
Frenzy: Volibear's repeated attacks grant him additional attack speed. Once Volibear has repeatedly attacked three times, he can perform a vicious bite on his target.
Majestic Roar: Volibear lets out a powerful roar that damages and slows enemies. Minions and monsters are feared as well.
Thunder Claws: Volibear channels the power of the storm causing his attacks to blast his targets with lightning that bounces to other nearby enemies.
Chosen of the Storm (passive): Volibear heals rapidly for a few seconds when his health drops to a critical level.


Urchin Strike's targeting updating to hit targets slightly earlier
Urchin Strike's attack component can no longer be dodged
Usability buffs. Yay.

Jarvan IV

Martial Cadence (Passive)
Damage changed to physica…

League of Legends Champions:

Teamfight Tactics Guide