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MOBAFire Blog Feed

A funnel for all the blogs on MOBAFire. Clicking an article will take you to the members personal blog page to read the entire blog post.

If League of Legends came to the consoles

Everyone has been asked this before - Could League of Legends actually work as an Console game complete with controller and 99% of the time the answer given is a guaranteed NO but I want push this one further...Lets say that Riot turned around one day and said "We have decided to do a console version of League of Legends and we want you guys to help us make sure we bring the best product possible".

And theres no "If we don't answer they won't make it" - it is a case of "if no one speaks we make it anyways, the game sucks, it ruins League of Legends and it all disappears in a few years due to lack of interest" kind of thing.

Well I have thought about it and I feel I have come up with a way that League of Legends could actually be turned into a legitimate Console game and here is how (And I apologize if I seem to ramble on)


OK I am going to talk about this as if it became a PS4 exclusive but I am sure someone will be able to translate it on an Xbox controller as some point

My intro

Hello. I am new here. But my guides will lead you to victory. Take my word. Its true, I am 12. Maybe you wont take me seriously cause of that. I am, after all, not even old enough to play league. But trust me, my guides work (with some practice for champs that you have never played.) Check my guides out.
P.S: Just got Void Fizz!

Would you be interested in a FIBA World Cup thread?

Earlier this summer we had a FIFA Worl Cup thread, where football/ soccer fans(including myself) would share their opinions and discuss about the matches.

In 2 weeks time the FIBA World Cup is starting. So would any of you be interested in a thread, where basketball fans could do more or less what football fans did in the adequate FIFA thread?

Taking into account that basketball and especially international basketball has a kind of limited fanbase compared to international football, I feel like this is a must-ask before I proceed and create such a thread(otherwise I might waste my time).

Thanks for reading! I am really interested in your thoughts.


Things done:

1: Wrote A Guide

2: Made A Video

3: Discovered A Conspiracy

So yeah, Guess I'm back on the site. Been lurking for the last couple months stockpiling ideas and stuff for the guide I wanted to write. Its Off-Beat Builds: An Introduction. Its essentially a look at some old and new builds that are somewhat unusual and different from the regular fair. I made it in hopes that it facilitates some discussion about non-meta champion builds, and maybe inspires some newer players to experiment a little bit for themselves, since that's what led myself to writing up my ap Gangplank guide.

Chances are you don't know that I'm looking into becoming a game designer. I know the basics of game creation that is taught in my college course, however the fundamentals of good game design is somewhat left to the wayside. With that being said, I taught it might be a good idea to do some videos on my own ideas of what good game design is. Then perhaps I could get some feedback and maybe some…

Start with a Bang

Hello everyone. Sorry for taking down the last blog, but I felt like I was blabbering too much. After talking to one of the members on MOBAFire, I've decided to start a journey blog. I'll post a new blog every time I hit a milestone, learn something important, or if I happen to see something worth mentioning. Hopefully, I can keep everyone entertained. So...time to start.

Win 25. Yeah, I'm not in PvP much at all. This one was pretty big for me though. For the first time...I played a solo-queue ADC. Everything was pretty normal in champ select. Three people put in their calls for Mid, Top, and Support. I asked if the other person was okay with playing Jungle since I am GOD AWFUL and have two champions to use in the jungle. He's fine with that, and now I'm playing Jinx with Thresh as backup.

The lineup: Garen, Poppy, Xerath, Lulu, and Twitch vs. Rengar, Udyr, Lux, Jinx, and Thresh.

The first part of the game goes well. Despite being terrified of Twitch, I'd never played a game where t…

Hey im back

OK I've recently ween watching a bunch of streams and commentaries and while most of them are good there are a fair few that aren't and i was just wondering why is it that certain summoners try to go out and decide to play a different role and end up sucking at it i understand wanting to be well rounded in other roles but they don't even go and watch a chap spotlight or read what their primary bad *** skills are the just rush what they think will work and it usually ends up being horrible so should i discontinue watching these or let them do their thing and slowly get agitated at it.

Regarding the recent Syndra news post

Hey guys,

I'm writing this in response to the *****torm feedback we received in response to a recent news post about Syndra support. The general consensus seems to be that posts like this shouldn't be on the front page (which I'm perfectly willing to accept if most people feel that way), however I feel there are a few things that I should clarify/ask first. I decided to do it in a blog because I wouldn't want to unlock the thread just to leave a post of my own without anyone being able to respond to it.

Lordzios is/was part of MOBAFire's eSports Central crew and has in the past also written articles about (for example) Cassiopeia support and Mafa's support Malphite. Note that the idea behind these articles is not to present his opinion as facts, but to facilitate a place for discussion about whether or not these champion picks would work at different levels of play. One could disagree in the same way with Jebus' Korean Power Rankings or anoriginalloser's analysis on why Fnatic were i…

Theory crafting vlog?

I've recently been dropped from my gaming organization :( and as a result I have a bit more time on my hands.

I've got a lot of experience with LoL and I was wondering if anyone would be interested in me doing a theory/strategy vlog on a weekly basis. I'd probably review some high level/tournament games and also talk about the reasoning behind why good players do the things they do.

If anyone is genuinely interested then let me know!

Why can no-one stop flaming?

Greetings and Salutations everyone and welcome to my new blog

I would like to start off with a story,

Recently I played a ranked game and from the moment it started in the ban selection I wish I had hit close and left because I could tell that I was in a team that was destined to lose.

Firstly the "Team Captain" or first pick and the second pick got into a massive argument because first pick went with Tryndamere with Smite on so Second pick went with Cho'Gath assuming 1st was to be a Junglar - Turns out this was not the case and Tryndamere wanted Top too

Now I will give Cho,Gath credit he didn't complain to begin with, he changed to a Jungler and you would have assumed that would be the end of it right? WRONG -

League of Legends Champions:

Teamfight Tactics Guide