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Make this a farm lane. He can out trade you, out sustains you, and you never will be able to kill him because of his passive. Just farm and roam when necessary and wait for mid to late game to destroy in teamfights.
The tank Akali build becoming popular right now is not as hard to handle as you think. Sure she has great stick potential but she won't be able to kill you unless she is super ahead. If she builds AP just build MR and she won't be able to kill you and you will be able to kill her because of how squishy she is.
Cho'Gath is in the middle. You can out trade and kill him pre-6 but after he hits 6 he will be able to kill you with his ultimate and become tanky too. Just farm up and wait for teamfights after he hits 6.
Darius is fairly easy to deal with. Sunfire will help you block all his damage early. You just need to watch the stacks of his passive early. Late game you can shred his HP with your W and he will not be able to do anything in teamfights with the amount of peel you have.
Dr. Mundo
This is an easy lane for Amumu. You win trades throughout the whole game and your W will make him melt like he wasn't even a tank to begin with.
Who plays Amumu top?!? .... ;)
Fiora is a slippery champion as she can dash out of your ultimate, W and E ranges. Just buy Rylai's so she can never escape.
He can zone you with his barrels and cleanse your CC with his W. Try to bait out his W then all-in. Late game his barrels can still chunk you so be careful of the placements of them. His ultimate upgraded can also deal true damage so stay away from the center.
Garen is easy pre-6. Try to kill him before 6 because at 6 he destroys you until late game. You can buy Rylai's so he can never approach your teammates or run away. Just peel him from your carries and you win.
Your laning phase against Gnar will be tricky because of the kite he has. His teamfighting is almost as good as yours (Keyword "almost"). Just farm and make it to the late game.
Graves has the advantage early but once you have Sunfire and Thornmail he can't do anything to you. Just make sure not to stand in his Q and laning will be fine. Mid game is where you start to outscale him.
Easy lane. If he tries to make it a farm lane just be aggressive. His turrets are usually in a triangle around him and you can destroy them with one E at level 9. Just tell your jungler to not worry about your lane.
Illaoi is a fairly simple lane with an annoying mini game involved. Just dodge her tentacles and teamfight when her ultimate's down. She can still do tons of damage with her ultimate even if she's behind.
Irelia will be able to out sustain you and wins in trades once she gets Trinity Force . Before that try to kill her and take an advantage in lane. After she gets Trinity Force farm the best you can and look for roam opportunities. Late game she destroys you in 1v1s but your teamfighting is exceptionally better. Late game peel her off your carries and you should be fine.
Jax is the same as Irelia. You should be able to win trades early if you dodge his stun but after Trinity Force he starts winning. Just like Irelia when late game peel him off your carries and you should be fine.
Jayce is one of your hardest match ups. He shreds you with his abilities and when you try to engage he can just knock you away.
Kayle is a hard lane because you can never kill her without help from your jungler, her passive shreds the MR you bulit and she can kite you forever.
This lane is a skill match up. Kennen has just as much teamfighting power as you and can dish out a ton of damage. Peel him off your carries and make sure he never gets a good ultimate off.
Lissandra being a burst mage cannot kill you early. So you can either play aggressive or farm your way until late game. You'll snowball either way unless you are camped by her jungler.
Lulu is the same as Lissandra but with a little more tankiness because of her ultimate. Lulu in the right hands can deny your engage by ulting the enemy you Q'd to. Other than that she's not much of a threat.
Malphite is the same as you. Great teamfighting, tankiness and good laning phase. It's a skill match up. If you are both equal in skill just hope your team comp is better.
Maokai is a fairly easy lane. The only thing he excels at better than you is sustain. He may out trade you if you mess up.
Master Yi
This lane is probably one of your easiest because his auto attacks make your E cooldown extremely short. After Sunfire get Thornmail and you win. Just keep tabs on him late game because he's a very good split pusher.
Early in the game you will be able to out trade Nasus but around mid game he will be able to kill you. Just keep him off your minions and peel for your team but purchasing Rylai's.
He has a lot of CC and is very tanky. Try to make him use his ultimate before a fight and then ignore him and focus his carries.
UUGGGHHHHHHHH. Poppy is the ultimate cock block. Once you engage she can disengage with her ultimate and she can out trade you in lane.
Quinn destroys you in lane no matter what. She can kite you forever and you can't do a thing about it. Thornmail after Sunfire is recommended. Just farm and try to match her roams until late game and teamfights where you excel.
This guy will bully you out of lane early but once you get Sunfire you will be able to brute force farm until late game. Just make sure he doesn't get fed. He can snowball out of control.
Same as Renekton. Except he can one shot your carries.
Same as Renekton.
He wins early. You can't kill him, he shreds your health and he has about the same teamfighting prowess if he's experienced. Watch out.
In lane early you should have an advantage with the lvl 4 all in cheese with ignite. After lvl 6 though with his completion of The Black Cleaver all you can do is QQ and I don't mean your W. Just farm and wait for teamfights and as long as you didn't feed him you should win.
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