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Ashe Build Guide by HDit

AD Carry Ashe - An unpopular Frostballing [FIXED AND UPDATED]

AD Carry Ashe - An unpopular Frostballing [FIXED AND UPDATED]

Updated on April 3, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author HDit Build Guide By HDit 2,706 Views 5 Comments
2,706 Views 5 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author HDit Ashe Build Guide By HDit Updated on April 3, 2013
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Ashe has no escape skills (but, of course, her slow with Q and W).

Flash: Flash gives you the chance of escaping quickly through a wall and to reposition yourself in a fight, for example jumping out of a Wukong ult or from a Jax jump. I think having Flash is a key for basically every champ, even more in the case of ashe.

Cleanse: Cleanse gives you the chance of getting out of any cc. Since Ashe is kinda squishy you can really need it. Of course, if the enemy team has no CCs at all (hard but happens) you can avoid taking cleanse. Anyway it still is an important Sum for Ashe and for any ADC.

Barrier: If the enemy has no stuns or you are so much protected (like having leona-alistar as support), well you can decide to avoid taking a cleanse. Best choice after cleanse is barrier, wich grants you to sustain a 1on1 instead of falling. Ashe is a weak 1on1 champ (if she doesn't have the ult up) and can be in troubles with many champs without having a proper defense.

Ghost: Ghost is a really valid option on Ashe. Since she has no escape and/or repositioning skills, getting this summoner spell can save you the life so many times. Don't bother taking both Flash and Ghost, you may need both them.
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Standard 21-9-0 masteries for ADC
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Standard AD runes for ADC


Fleet Footwork
Phase Rush
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Skill Sequence

With Ashe I use to maximize her Volley volley as long as her hawksot hawkshot. Why?
Cause her volley grants her harras, damage and multiple champs slow with a long range. Hawkshot grants her extragold, scouting range and less cooldown on that ability.
When the game will go into mid-late, then you have to upgrade your Frost Shot frost shot, cause you will have to keep the enemy bruisers away from you while you shut them down.
Ability Sequence
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
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Since Ashe is often considered as a low damge ADC and weak early in the lane phase, I like to start with Long Sword + 2 Pots.

It grants you a decent damage at the start (same dmg of doran blade but without the hp/lifesteal it grants. But you have the pots so the sustain i feel is better than in a doran start).

Item Sequence

Health Potion 50
Health Potion 50

You have to be able to farm decently, as with every ADC. Often you can have some early kill or you can zone out your opponent since you have a good range, slow and crit chance (of course, your support needs to protect you and to ward properly, else you are an easy target for ganks). Since you started with the long sword you have the damage to farm properly and you shouldn't go back without having less than 1600 g at your first recall. Of course things can go wrong like getting early ganked or be forced to b earlier. If you get behind just take a Doran's Blade doran's blade and complete the Vampiric Scepter vampiric scepter.
If you are even or ahead, don't be afraid of taking an early B. F. Sword BF Sword and take other 2 pots (have at least 2 pots everytime you get to lane, so even if you get harrassed or ganked, you will be able to stay in lane).
So, if your first laning phase went well, come back with:

Item Sequence

Health Potion 50
B. F. Sword 1300
Boots 300
If the first laning phase wasn't good and you felt behind:

Item Sequence

Health Potion 50
Boots 300
Vampiric Scepter 900
Doran's Blade 450

You should be able to get a Blood Thirster and start the Zeal (or complete it) at your second recall. It means that at around 17-18 minutes you shall have enough gold to at least complete BT and start the Zeal.

With Ashe shall be quite easy to get items since you have the extra gold from your E.
When you introduce yourself to Midgame, you have to have at least these items:

Item Sequence

Statikk Shiv 2900
Berserker's Greaves 1100

This means that you are already dangerous, considered that you deal a good damage, permaslow and stun the enemy.

Going ahead your next item shall be a Phantom Dancer. I know many of you think that getting PD + Statik Shiv is a bad idea because of redundancy of the two items, but that's the key of this build. Why? Cause you have to maximize the effect of your passive and of your damage.
Usually, in my opinion, many ad carrys can even play without a single "attack speed" item and still they are supereffective, but in her case I suggest a this redundant build.
So at around 30 mins your build must look like this:

Item Sequence

Statikk Shiv 2900
Berserker's Greaves 1100
Phantom Dancer 2800

Getting into some fight you will notice you may need to go for a defensive item.
More and more often you see teams based on AD (I mean, without an AP carry mid but rather a Kha'zix or Zed).
In case of great ad bruisers in the opponent team I suggest to get a Sunfire Cape.
In case of a mixed damage team, like normally is, go for a Warmog or Guardian Angel (as you feel suits better your case). Overall, Warmog is the best choice for ashe: you will have the healing passive from warmog, your full stacked BT with a great attack speed and critical strike chance, that makes you have a creazy health regeneration.
So, situational defensive items:

Item Sequence

Guardian Angel 3200
Sunfire Aegis 2700

After you've aquired your defensive item, you, of course, need to get the Infinity Edge.

So your ideal final build shall looks like this:

Item Sequence

Phantom Dancer 2800
Berserker's Greaves 1100
Infinity Edge 3300
Bloodthirster 3400
Statikk Shiv 2900

Other items that can suit with her are:

Item Sequence

Last Whisper 1450
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Manage your game

With Ashe you will be able to snowball pretty easily, even on tanks like Singed Singed, Malphite Malphite or Amumu Amumu.

The problem is that if they catch you, you have low chances of saving (and always burning your summoner spells).


In the early game your main priority is to farm. Ashe has a great zoning ability even on champs that should shut her down fastly.
Starting with a Long Sword long sword you will be able to an enough scary damage so they will respect you and this is so important as it is for a toplaner.

Every now and then try to give some auto attack to your opponent while he farm or to spam some W, better if after your passive has grown a bit. You will zone him out. With your HawkShot you can prevent many ganks or make some spotted enemy get away. Also it's passive grants you the extragold that will make you lead.

So important is to don't take free damage. Harrass is fine, one autoattack, and back to farm, a W, and back to farm. Your opponent will be constantly without enough life to get on you and with some luck you can get easy kills.


After you've taken your first 2 items, you will be strong enough to be confident in pushing. You need your support to be with you always, you're so weak alone and so strong in team.

Many adcarrys have their weak moment in the mid game, Ashe can stand easily at every point of the game but you have never to get around alone. Pushing lanes with our team is great when you're Ashe coz you get kills, towers and farm so easily. Don't forget, even when pushing with team, to youse your Hawkshot hawkshot to scout around so you won't get caugh or ambushed by the enemy team.


Usually Ashe gets at full build or almost full build very early due to her E passive. After you have enough damage and critical chance, get a defensive item: you are the focus of the enemy team, with low escape chances and with low hp. You really need a defensive item as 4th item.

If you can keep quite out of the fight, you will be able to snowball the enemy team with so few attacks cause of 100% critical chance (if you follow my item guide: bt, statik shiv, pd) and a great range. Use your ultimate carefully to save mates, stop bruisers, caugh enemies out of the fight or permaslow the full enemy team. Remember that if someone is so fed on the enemy team, you can demolize him ulting and letting your team get him down easily.

You can scout where the enemy team is and check baron and jungle so you don't get caugh.
You're so squishy but it doesn't mean you are a free kill, you have everything possible to avoid ambushes and caugh enemies, always with your team.
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Pros / Cons

Pros / Cons


+ Stun
+ Long Range
+ Extra Gold
+ High Critical Chance
+ Permaslow
+ Long Range Scouting skill

Ashe is a brillant champion to get the lead. She stuns the opponent, granting his support to get on him and securing easy kills in lane and/or avoiding free tower diving. She gets extragold from minions, wich grants you to be ahead in lane even staying quite behind in farm. Permaslows, wich make Volibear-Skarner and other champs have difficult ganks on her and make the opponent have difficult escapes. And she can scout a large area of the map, checking buffs and granting a decent push.

- Low Hp
- No Burst dmg skills
- No escape/repositioning skills
- Slow movement speed
- So much dependant from the frontline

Ashe is a really weak champ with low hp and no real escape. She needs to be protected a lot and to play safely.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author HDit
HDit Ashe Guide
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Ashe - An unpopular Frostballing [FIXED AND UPDATED]

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