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Yasuo Build Guide by llKalelll

Face The Wind!

Face The Wind!

Updated on January 27, 2018
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League of Legends Build Guide Author llKalelll Build Guide By llKalelll 6,076 Views 0 Comments
6,076 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author llKalelll Yasuo Build Guide By llKalelll Updated on January 27, 2018
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Press the Attack
Legend: Alacrity
Coup de Grace

Zombie Ward
Taste of Blood


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


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Welcome to my way of building and playing Yasuo. I am a diamond player and found Yasuo to be one of my favorite champions, even after his "nerfs". I enjoy playing Yasuo as he does indeed require more knowledge to play such as using his abilities correctly, and knowing when to use his ultimate.

What is Yasuo? He is a mobile fighter who deals a huge amount of upfront damage due to the items which sync perfectly with his kit. He can 3 shot an adc with ease with the build above. He can clear minions at exceptional speeds, being able to use his Sweeping Blade combined with Steel Tempest to one shot half a minion wave, basic attack, repeat for the next part to clear it in around 2 seconds. With Statikk Shiv Yasuo can push like a monster due to Sweeping Blade counting as movement for the charges. Yasuo is deceptively tanky thanks to his shield which late game shields for a whopping 510 damage, which gets reproced if he lands his ultimate. Yasuo has one of the best team fight ultimates in the game as it is a knock up, meaning it will always have the same duration regardless of tenacity, Last Breath even allows Yasuo to IGNORE 50% of bonus champions armor.

Yasuo in my eyes is essentially a melee adc with some hard cc, thus he can effectively engage fights, and do huge amounts of damage. He excels in burst and dps so regardless if someones squishy, or tanky, they will die.

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Season 8 runes have been reforged!

So... Let's begin!

How does it work? We get to select a primary tree which will give you a free passive based on which one we take. Usually, we'll take precision so this will give us 18% attack speed giving us some early duelling power. Yasuo scales with attack speed, meaning his Steel Tempest will be on a slightly lower cooldown. This season, Yasuo has received a lot of indirect buffs and direct buffs, so let's see what we're working with!

All champions have gained free stats to compensate the loss in runes, Yasuo gains 15% attack speed from selecting the precision tree, going the domination tree will grant Yasuo 11 AD which is decent, and sorcery grants 15 AD. The other tree's aren't as good.

is actually very strong once you hit 150 stacks, but it takes a while to stack and is pretty weak beforehand, this mastery is very good but costs you your early game, and in my opinion not suited for yasuo
is insane as it grants us 30-80% attack speed scaling with level once we wait 1.5 seconds after damaging an enemy champion, this is insane as it allows us to exceed the attack speed cap so long as we keep attacking champions as this effect lasts 3 seconds, but can be extended to 6 is quite strong. This mastery in my opinion isn't good on Yasuo because when you ultimate somebody after knocking them up, you're consuming your keystones timer.

in my opinion the best one on yasuo as it's easy to proc, and grants us bonus damage as well as has a much lower cooldown

Grants sustain and movement speed, very good vs poke lanes as it can help you survive,
however this is simply a Warlord's Bloodlust from season 7 but weaker.

gives your boots an active portion and is a very useful keystone as it allows us to pretty much get a pick on the map as soon as we see an opportunity as it grants us 45% movement speed for 15 seconds granting huge mobility and an on hit damage proc at the sacrifice of dps and early game keystone usage.

Free money everytime you q or auto attack? No mana cost abilities so virtually noc cost to using this? Gives free elixers, cash, wards and more for free? This let's us hit our spike much sooner and is easy to proc on melee champions. We also gain slightly better attack speed and longer pot duration when we pick our secondary tree gaining 20% attack speed if we choose precision as our secondary. Rune choices - Precision:

Tier 1:

Triumph is basically a stronger version of dangerous game that only restores health, but this grants a small gold bonus of 25, that means if we get multiple kills, the gold can add up.

Overheal is lack luster as it requires you to have a lot of life steal, this can be useful in situations you build a The Bloodthirster as the healing could stack.

Presence of Mind you don't use mana, so useless.

Tier 2:

Legend: Alacrity The reason we choose this is because this mastery works gives us free attack speed, thus lowering Steel Tempest cooldown

Legend: Tenacity This grants us obviously tenacity, use this when you're against hard cc, pretty simple.

Legend: Bloodline offers small amount of life steal, not very good imo but can be useful in poke matchups, and syncs with Overheal

Tier 3

Coup de Grace offers us free AD on takedown although stacking only once, and offers extra damage on champions 40% health or lower, and out of all the runes, this one is the easiest to proc in my opinion and is the strongest at 10% extra damage.


Relentless Hunter offers us insane out of combat movement speed allowing us to get to fights quicker, but obviously, we're a laner so this isn't too useful.

Ingenious Hunter Syncs well with Zombie Ward as it reduces our active cooldowns and allows us to place more wards, as well as that Blade of the Ruined King also gets reduced.

Sudden Impact Gives us lethality when we use Sweeping Blade as it is a dash, pretty self explanatory

Zombie Ward is an insane mastery and allows you to get a free permanent ward whenever you kill an enemy ward, and whenever your yellow trinket wards die! This gives us the ability to survive ganks in lane and insane utility, and I highly suggest you abuse it while you can.


Gathering Storm basically free scaling, and free stats. Enough said already, if the game drags out, this can give a lot of AD.

Celerity Gives us IN COMBAT movement speed as well as free AD for whatever bonus movement speed we have, this isn't too good on Yasuo but it's decent.

Nullifying Orb in my opinion situational but very strong indeed, use vs burst mages like Syndra


Perfect Timing free stopwatch, saves 300 gold on guardian angel and reduces the cooldown of the item by 15%, enough said. This item allows for a lot more risky plays and gives you a one time use of stasis although on cooldown for 300 seconds at the start of the game. Can be good vs certain champions e.g Zed

Biscuit Delivery is the best and safest choice as it grants us free sustain at no cost.

Future's Market Very strong as it allows you to buy your items early, although for a small fee of 50 gold per use, can BE VERY oppressing if you're ahead.

Hextech Flashtraption Mostly used for flashing outside a brush for a jump scare, but as a laner, it has limited uses as it can't be used in combat.

Magical Footwear gives us free boots at 10 minutes saving us 350 gold overall after we upgrade as we get a discounted 50 gold when upgrading, on top of that giving us 10 more movement speed than regular ones. Essentially gives us a kill worth of gold after 10 minutes, but we can't buy boots prior.

Celestial Body free 100hp, we lose out on 10% damage until 10 minutes but this is pretty minor if we stick to short trades. E.g. if we do a trade worth 200 health, we lose 20 damage making us harder to kill due to additional health. At 10 minutes, we hit our spikes.

Secondary best option? Whatever you want, I like the zombie wards of course, but choose what you like, or be a situational hero! ALWAYS GO PRECISION IF YOU CHOOSE INSPIRATIONAL AS PRIMARY! (Use alacrity / triumph)
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League of Legends Build Guide Author llKalelll
llKalelll Yasuo Guide
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Face The Wind!

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