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AD Carry Full Kalista Guide

AD Carry Full Kalista Guide

Updated on October 31, 2015
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Romfed Build Guide By Romfed 8,151 Views 0 Comments
8,151 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Romfed Build Guide By Romfed Updated on October 31, 2015
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Choose Champion Build:

  • LoL Champion: Kalista
    Standard Kalista Build
  • LoL Champion: Kalista
    Offensive and Aggressive Lanin
  • LoL Champion: Kalista
    Safe Kalista Toplane Build
  • LoL Champion: Kalista
    Aggressive Kalista Toplane Bui
  • LoL Champion: Kalista
    Poke Kalista Botlane/Toplane B
  • LoL Champion: Lucian
  • LoL Champion: Ezreal
  • LoL Champion: Caitlyn
  • LoL Champion: Vayne
  • LoL Champion: Varus


LoL Summoner Spell: Heal


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None



2.General Informations (look above)

3.Tipps'n Tricks!

4.How to Position with Kalista!

5.How to get a great Carry in Late Game!


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Hello Guys and welcome again, this is my 2 Guide in League of Legends on Mobafire.

I would be thankful if you would comment my Guide on Kalista.
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General Informations (look above)

My General Informations in how to counter etc. are above! :) or look here!


Ashe: Kalista can move around and dodge with this Dashes Ashes abilities, also if Ashe trys to hit you and if she is trying to kill you, you will win the trade, because you can hop-hop-hop around with your Dashes and dodge her abilities and she won't be able to auto-attack you often. Furthermore you can dodge Ashes Ultimate. All in All Kalista is very good against Ashe and I definitely recommend you to pick her vs Ashe! Take Ignite and Flash or Ignite and Ghost for more Poke on her, so you can activate your e and kill her with your stacks on your e.

Caitlyn: Caitlyn won't be able to kill You, if you are hopping around her. Of course you need to be careful on her passive and on her supporter. But all in all you won't have much problems, if you keep hopping around. And hop behind your support, otherwise the enemy Supporter will kill you with it's ADC. Take Heal and Flash or Barrier and Flash to be able to escape her w or to be able to trade with her easier.

Corki: Corki has his Q and can escape with his W. Just be aggressive and hop around, then he will fail his q, because you dodged it and he will try to use his e, but you are even more strong, because you have some spears in him already. If he trys to escape with his w, REACT FAST and do e, because then you slow him and he won't get far away of you, so you can easy kill him. Take Ignite and Flash, then you can easy knock out Corki.

Draven: Draven is doing much damage, and he will definitely burst you down, he will try to burst you in early already with his Supporter, don't try to trade with him. Draven is too heavy for Kalista. I wouldn't recommend to pick her vs him. Take Heal/Barrier and Flash to have a safe Lane.

Ezreal: Ezreal, puhhh, I don't say much about him, he is strong, can escape your Trades and he can easy play safe that you can't hit him. But if he is alone try to go in aggressive, unless he is very fed. If not go in and try to hop and hop around him to dodge his spells, if he trys to escape from you with his e, do e too and you slow him. Then you can kill him easy with your spears. Take Heal/Barrier and Flash for a safe Lane or take Ignite and Flash to get him easier out of his good poitioning and kill him there.

Graves: Graves will try to keep you far away from him. He will try to poke you a bit with his q-w Combo. But if you really go aggressive on him with your Support, maybe a Leona, he won't be able to do anything. You can easy kill him also, when he is alone, same like Ezreal actually. But be careful, Graves abilities are not so easy to dodge like Ezreals. Take Ignite and Flash for faster killing or take Barrier/Heal and Flash. I would recommend to take Barrier for his Ultimate. Then you don't take that much damage and can kill him after he wasted it.

Jayce: Jayce won't be a problem for Kalista. Just hop to your tower, when Jayce goes in with his Fighter kit. If he is Ranged attack him as much as you can, because he isn't able to win the trade with his abilities if you stay behind your minions and attack him from a safe position, where is q-e Combo can't hit you. If you dodged his Q-E Combo, just go kill him, then it will be easy. Go take Heal and Flash to escape a fail positioning of yourself or if you are sure that you don't fail position take Ignite and Flash or Ignite and Ghost for faster killing.

Jinx: Jinx is not that easy to kill like Ezreal and Graves. But if you dodge or Flash her e and if you dodge her w, then you should be able to kill her. So look at the cooldowns of her w and her e, if she doesn't have these 2 abilities, she is useless. She won't be able to defend herself and you can easiely kill her. Take Ignite and Flash to kill her more fast or take Ignite and Ghost to follow her if she has got her passive from taking an objective like a tower or a kill.

Kalista: Kalista vs Kalista xD. First of all I give you the hint, if another Kalista is more fed than you, don't try to trade with her, unless you have a really good positioning and a support that can protect you. Take Barrier and Flash as Summoner Spells, for a safe Laning Phase+Late Game.

Lucian: Lucian can poke you in Early Game very heavy. That's the dangerous thing on him. But if you go aggressive for example with a Leona and focus Lucian hard, then he shouldn't be a problem. I would recommend picking Ignite and Flash or Heal and Flash as summoner spells. For faster killing or for a safe Lane. Optional to Heal you can also take Barrier.

Miss Fortune: Miss Fortune will try to keep you too far away from her, so that you won't be able to hit her with your spears. But if she hasn't her e, she hasn't a chance to escape from you, unless she flashes or has too much movement-speed. But if you can get a Q on her you get a little advantage, because you hop also with Q and then you can slow her and do your e later and kill her. Unless you can easy kill Mf i wouldn't recommend picking Ignite and Flash, unless you really know how to play vs her. I would recommend Heal and Flash or Barrier instead of Heal if you play better with Barrier or to block her Ultimate with it.

Quinn: Quinn is very strong against you. She can slow you. She can do much dmg on you with her Passive and she can trade with you and win the trade. If Quinn has all spells out, without her w, you should go aggressive on her. Because then she doesn't have an escape without Flash. I would recommend picking Barrier and Heal or Flash instead of Heal or Barrier with Kalista, to outplay Quinn with some baits and to have a safe Lane. If you can bait Quinn you won't need Ignite most likely and it's better to pick Heal then, because Quinn can easiely win a trade against you. So if you want to have a safe Lane, pick Heal and Barrier. Or Flash and Barrier/Heal.

Sivir: Sivir is very strong against you, because she can play very safe and you won't be able to catch her, unless she is very bad. Pick Ignite and Flash to kill her if she trys to go solo on you, or pick Heal and Flash or Barrier and Flash to have a safe Lane and farm in Laning Phase. Most likely you won't be able to catch Sivir, because of her E. So if a Thresh would engage on her, she just makes e and blocks his engage.

Teemo: Teemoooooooo!!!!!! Yeah! wuhu! If somebody picks Teemo-.-, it will most likely get very hard for you. You need to pick Barrier and Heal or Flash instead of Barrier/Heal for a more safe Lane. Don't trade with Teemo unless your Support engages. Just try to farm and if your Support engages go in and try to hop behind your Support to outplay Teemo, by using your hop to make him confused and then he won't know how to hit you and he trys to escape from you and your Support. If Teemo is a bit stupid and is invisible but if he sees you he makes himself visible again, then you reached something that Teemo won't like. You baited him, if your Support is nearly you. But only if your Support is nearly you, and then you can kill him easy. If you don't see Teemo and you think he is invisible and trys to bait you, put pink wards or play safe and play under tower, so that he looses Experience. Try to freeze your Lane and wait for your Support or play safe, if your Support isn't near you don't go to the minion-wave which is in the middle of your bottom-Lane, because then it could be that Teemo trys to bait you. So if you don't see Teemo and you are alone go to your Team or your Tower. Pick Heal and Barrier or Flash or Ghost, so that you have safe-Lane and an escape.

Tristana: Tristana will try to trade with you and she will try to keep you far away of her. Don't let her do this. Just engage hard on her and she won't be able to escape if you use your e, when she trys to jump away from you. I would recommend picking Ignite and Flash or Ghost as summoner spells, to be as most aggressive as you can.

Twisted Fate: Twisted Fate is a hard nut for you. Try to snap this nut. Try to play safe and pick Heal and Barrier or Flash/Ghost instead of Heal or Barrier, to have a safe-Lane. Try to don't trade with him without your Supporter.

Twitch: Twitch is also very hard. Don't trade with him, unless your Supporter engages hard on him. Pick Heal and Barrier/Flash to get an escape and have a safe-Lane and dodge his W.

Varus: Varus is heavy for you. He will be able to easy trade with you. His auto attack range is annoying for you. But you can dodge his Q and his E and his Ultimate. Pick Heal and Barrier/Flash for safe-Lane.

Vayne: Vayne can hard counter you. She is very strong at lvl 6 against you. You should buy Guardians asap. Pick Heal and Flash/Ghost to get an escape and to get a safe-Lane. Try to farm as fast as you can and as much as you can vs her. If she activates Ultimate, tell your Support to go in or go back directly.

Kindred: Kindred is the hardest Counter of you. She will be able to trade with you easy and she will win the trade with her Passive and her Q-E Combo. She has Cdr on her Q if she uses her E and then her Q. That will make her easy win the trade. Also her Wolf (her W) does so much damage that you won't even have a chance to trade with her anyways. Just farm in lane unless your Support engages. If your Support engages react and try to win the trade. The Problem is that Kindred has a good Ultimate, which can safe her also vs 2 or let her win the trade also vs 2.
She gets a Heal and Zhonyas for some time from her Ultimate. I wouldn't recommend you to pick Kalista vs Kindred.
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Tipps'n Tricks!

Tipps'n Tricks with Kalista:

-Try to stay behind your Supporter
-Hop behind your Support
-Hop as much as you can, to confuse the enemy
-You can do a dash over a wall with your q or your e if you hit a neutral-monster or a champion or a minion
-Hit drake and baron as much as you can if your team do it, it's like a second, but overpowered Smite and will help your Team to save the Baron
-Kite enemies by hopping always into your Teams Direction(special tipps)
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How to get a great Carry in Late Game!

If you play with these Tipps and Tricks and with these Counter Tipps, you will get a great Late Game Carry!
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Thanks for Reading my Guide!
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