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Recommended Items
Runes: Runes
+10% Attack Speed
+6 Armor
+6 Armor
Backstab (PASSIVE)
Shaco Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Early dueler he can kill you in his jungle. Take hail of blades and dont stay behind. It's not recommended to invade him
He can ult you while you are invisible and you can basically bring him to a really good position which is going to lead to a really nice engage
He can ult you while you are invisible and you can basically bring him to a really good position which is going to lead to a really nice engage
Champion Build Guide
I am a Shaco main with a lot of knowledge about the champion. I have several accounts sitting comfortably at various ranks but my main (Lil trash) as of now is Gold 2-3. I've managed to hit Platinum in the pat seasons but I've never managed to stay there till the end of any seasons my highest peak after dropping down to gold 1 is p3 where I was playing shaco there every time.
He deals a lot of damage
Has strong early ganks if the player know how to gank
Really fun to play
Can counter jungle so hard
Can melt towers and objectives with his R
Can tilt enemy team
CONS If set behind its really hard to comeback
Quite squishy
Hard to learn/master
So if the enemy jungler has no mana start with your red and go and steal the enemy blue
Red side ganks
That's it from the red side. Lane ganks are also a good option
Blue side ganks
->Note that you can gank from the enemy jungle since as shaco you spend a lot of time there but these ganks are a bit "riskier" since you might get spotted by the enemy jungler or you might be seen by minions(check mid lane gank on red side). Other than that depending on the situation you can choose from where you want to gank. In some ganks(early ganks) you will have to first walk some of the distance and then use your Q since you will be revealed way before you have reached the enemy players
Have fun playing and make sure you tilt the enemy :)
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